“What is your reason for counterclaiming?”

The judge looked at Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer with majestic eyes.

The defense lawyer said confidently: “Your Honor, first, the flash delivery group and the hungry no He Mei small group, the two major delivery groups, are fair competition, and we are rising stars, we do not steal or rob or break the law, all rely on us Mr. Lin Zihang, one person supports the flash delivery delivery group!” The money and hardships invested in it can be imagined! ”

“However, Zhao An and Wu Hua hired two thousand people to maliciously brush bad reviews under our flash delivery group! To this end, we, Mr. Lin Zihang, began to fight back, hired 100,000 Internet trolls, under their takeaway APP, brushed bad reviews, they couldn’t brush us, and began to fight a lawsuit with us? Isn’t this the wicked suing first? ”

“In addition, in the era when takeaway was rising, the two major takeaway groups of Meixiaotuan and Hungry were crazy financing, killing how many takeaway groups that wanted to start a business? In this regard, in the takeaway market, there is only competition, and there is no such thing as plagiarism! So they accuse us of plagiarism, which is not valid at all! ”

“In this regard, they also sued the evil people first, which brought great distress to us Mr. Lin Zihang mentally and physically, so! Moreover, they also want to lure me into joining them through money and coercion and frame Mr. Lin Zihang? So this already constitutes a violation of the law! I ask for a counterclaim! ”

Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer finished his views with his head held high.

Immediately afterwards, the judge looked at Sun Xiaosheng and said, “Plaintiff, what else do you have to say?” ”

Sun Xiaosheng glanced at Zhao An and Wu Hua behind him, shook his head with a sigh, and said, “I have nothing to say!” ”

Originally, Sun Xiaosheng had thought of a set of rhetoric in advance and confronted Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer.

But what, Zhao An and Wu Hua, who concealed themselves last night, came out like this?

Can’t buy Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer, and actually wants to threaten people?

Now how I explain it, I look so pale and weak.

The judge nodded and said, “Okay, the defendant’s counterclaim is successful!” Please also start your counterclaim! ”

Soon, the lawyer Dead Man adjusted his thoughts and began to counterclaim.

Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer said: “I demand that the Mei Xiaotuan and the person in charge of Hungry Nothing, Zhao An and Wu Hua, compensate our Mr. Lin Zihang for the loss of 200 million yuan!” ”

“First, business competition fees! They first maliciously brushed bad reviews, resulting in a decrease in our flash delivery score and a decline in income, affecting the development and income of flash delivery in the country, this article, I ask the plaintiff to compensate 100 million people! ”

“Second, moral damage and reputational expenses! During this period, their appeal affected the reputation of our Mr. Lin Zihang and brought great mental distress to Mr. Lin Zihang, so I asked the plaintiff to compensate 50 million yuan for mental damage and reputation expenses! ”

“Third, triple compensation for working days, and buying threats to the lives and safety of our staff, they have already constituted a criminal offense, so I demand a total of 50 million yuan in compensation from the other party for this!”

“Counterclaim complete!”

After Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer finished speaking, Lin Zihang himself wanted to applaud.

Sure enough, the system must be a boutique.

This kind of lawyer is a dead man, logical and meticulous, proficient in major legal knowledge, professional terms, one after another, even Sun Xiaosheng, is not their opponent.

Too strong.

Immediately afterwards, the judge looked at the plaintiff’s side and said, “The defendant’s counterclaim is successful, what else do you have to say?” ”

Sun Xiaosheng frowned and said, “Your Honor, I don’t agree!” ”

“Please say!”

Sun Xiaosheng said, “Your Honor, although we maliciously brushed bad reviews for flash delivery, they also hired a hundred thousand water army, and gave me Fang Mei Xiaotuan and hungry 100,000 bad reviews!” The loss of profits in the middle is as high as one billion yuan! ”

“The refutation is invalid! First of all, you first hired a water army to give bad reviews to flash delivery, and others are just returning their human ways! ”

“The rebuttal is invalid, what else do you have to say? Moreover, Zhao An and Mr. Wu Hua, because they are suspected of buying and threatening Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer and threatening his life, so this has constituted a criminal condition, and they will be detained for three days, providing confessions and factors to explain the matter. If it is serious, you will be sentenced! ”

“Huh? This, this is not my business, pay attention to Zhao An, it is not about me Wu Hua! Good, good, I will pay for the money, but the criminal offense has nothing to do with me, it is all done by Zhao An! ”

Suddenly, Wu Hua couldn’t bear it anymore, and began to pop up to explain, wanting to disassociate himself from Zhao An.

Zhao An couldn’t help it, stood up and pointed at Wu Hua’s nose and scolded: “Good you Wu Hua, how did you tell me last night?” Are you going to throw the pot all on me now? Did you agree with my idea? Also said, willing to bear half of the purchase cost? ”

“But you came up with the idea, and the person you called over to buy Lin Zihang’s defense lawyer, it has nothing to do with me?” Do you have a recording? Can you prove that I agreed with you last night? Wu Hua said.

“What? You, Wu Hua, you betrayed me? You betrayed me? ”

Zhao An finally couldn’t help it and began to roar.

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