Soon, Liu Xiaoxing took a taxi from the central area of the imperial capital back to Linchuan District.

After returning to Linchuan Law Firm, Lin Zihang immediately patted Liu Xiaoxing’s shoulder and said, “Xiaoxing, now I give you an important task!” This time, you and Wang Xiaolei will go together to help Boss Wang Fugui and win this lawsuit, understand? ”

“Yes, boss, I know what to do! It is my honor to serve the boss! ”

Liu Xiaoxing immediately spoke excitedly.

Then, Lin Zihang turned around, shook hands with Wang Fugui in a friendly way, and said, “Boss Wang, happy cooperation!” ”

“Happy cooperation, Boss Lin!”

Wang Fugui also smiled happily.

This time, there are two lawyers in the ‘Eastern Undefeated’ group to help him defend himself, and he will definitely be able to win this case.

At that time, it is better to give Lin Zihang 20% of the shares than to declare bankruptcy himself.

“Boss Lin, if this lawsuit is won, from now on, you will be the second largest shareholder of the Hexi Group, and I Wang Fugui will never break my word!”

“Well, I believe Boss Wang! I wish you success in the lawsuit and success in the horse! ”

“Well, I also wish Boss Lin a prosperous business and rising step by step!”

Wang Fugui hugged his fist heavily at Lin Zihang, and then took Wang Xiaolei and Liu Xiaoxing and left together.

Lin Zihang believes that there are two major lawyers who have died, even if it is Louis Barrister of the United States, it is not necessarily their opponent.

Lin Zihang has such confidence.

Because those lawyers who died not only spoke fluently, but also Chinese spoke English logically, but also spoke incomparably.

When defending three days later, one of them spoke Chinese, the other spoke English, and took turns to fight, even if it was Louis Barrister, they couldn’t bear it!


The next morning, Lin Zihang woke up early.

Now, the Flash Delivery Group has been on the right track, and the operation of this part of the imperial capital, Lin Zihang has been handed over to Tang Xiaorui District to handle.

On the other side, the Linchuan Lawyer’s Defense Office is open next to the Flash Delivery Group, and Lin Zihang will go over to take a look if he is fine, maybe he can meet some old acquaintances and go over to say hello.

In the office, Lin Zihang was drinking tea, and next to him, a beautiful woman of the imperial sister was drawing some manuscript drawings on paper with a pen.

This beauty is naturally Lin Zihang’s S-class permanent super engineer elite dead man, Lan Xiaohui.

Lin Zihang turned his head sideways, looked at the manuscript drawing drawn by Lan Xiaohui, and couldn’t help asking: “Xiaohui, what are you painting?” ”

“Master, I’m painting the tallest building in the world! Unfortunately, I have this idea and idea, but no worker can help me build! ”

Lan Xiaohui supported her cheeks, pouted her small mouth, and her delicate face had a hint of sadness.

Lin Zihang almost forgot that Lan Xiaohui was not a vase, but a super elite engineer!

So Lin Zihang tentatively asked: “Xiaohui, this design drawing you constructed, how many meters is the building?” ”

Lan Xiaohui twirled the pencil in her hand and said, “Probably, around 1,200 meters!” The bottom is constructed by a pentagonal diamond, and the top is constructed in the shape of a tower needle! In this way, the foundation of the building can be stabilized, and it is not easy to collapse! ”

“Oh? 1,200 meters? As far as I know, the world’s tallest building is only 838 meters, right? There are 220 in total, which can accommodate more than 30,000 people at the same time! Lin Zihang said with a smile.

Lan Xiaohui nodded and said, “Yes, this high-rise building I designed is about 1200 meters, with a total of 28 floors, and can accommodate about 40,000 people at the same time, how about it, boss, are you interested in trying it?” ”

Lin Zihang nodded and said, “How much does it cost?” ”

“Not much, just $1 billion!”

“Poof, $1 billion? You can’t say much about that? My total value now adds up to only about 2 billion yuan, and you tell me to ask for a billion dollars? ”

“This is the budget, if the material is to be selected, it may be more than a billion dollars, if the material is poor, then there is no point in building this building, the wind blows down, it’s not interesting!”

“Well, you’re absolutely right about that! But at present, there is no need to build the world’s tallest building, waste money, and moreover, we don’t need it! ”

After Lin Zihang finished speaking, Lan Xiaohui nodded and said, “Okay boss, I know, I’m just idle, drawing sketches, and when you have this idea in the future, boss, feel free to tell me, I promise to help you build it!” ”

“Okay, then let’s talk about it later!”

After speaking, Lin Zihang continued to take a sip of tea.

He can see from Lan Xiaohui’s character, Lan Xiaohui is definitely an infrastructure maniac.

As long as she allows it, maybe she will really build herself the world’s tallest building!

Of course, Lin Zihang’s current figure is not enough, but after three days, if the lawsuit is won, he will be able to obtain 20% of the shares of the Xixi Group.

Where to say less, there is also a value of tens of billions of yuan.

At that time, Lin Zihang can choose to sell, or keep those shares.

But Lin Zihang is not short of money now, so he thinks he should keep his shares.

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