“Yes, brother, Dad seems to have forgiven you, he said that you can go home, just when you don’t exist!”

In the security company, Wang Bingbing laughed happily.

And Wang Chen was finally greatly relieved, his father would finally not break his leg.

Then, Wang Bingbing came to Lin Zihang, stretched out a hand, and invited: “Mr. Lin Zihang, my father agreed to the cooperative relationship between us, but we still need to have an interview!” What do you think? ”

“Well, you can interview!”

After thinking for a while, Lin Zihang said calmly.

Wang Bingbing smiled lightly and said, “Okay, then let’s go now, my father is waiting for us at home!” ”

“Okay, Xiaohui, you go to the garage to pick up the car, and later you will go to their house with Miss Wang!”

“A lot of bosses!”

Wang Xiaohui was very obedient, and soon went to the underground garage and drove out a blue Lamborghini.

Lin Zihang built an underground garage with more than a dozen luxury cars, the most expensive, the limited edition Bugatti Veyron, which costs more than 30 million yuan, and the cheapest S-series BMW, which also needs about 2 million.

Lin Zihang usually goes to meet customers, and will let Lan Xiaohui pick a car.

In this way, you can show your own arrogance, but also your own identity.


Soon, Lin Zihang drove to her home with Wang Bingbing.

This is a single-family villa located in the Yokogawa community, it can be said that the entire Yokogawa community is the property of the Wang Bingbing family, and they just live in it.

You know, two or three of the top ten richest people in the country are all in real estate.

You can imagine how rich the profits of real estate are.

After entering a single-family villa, Wang Bingbing led Lin Zihang to a backyard.

In the glamorous backyard, a man in casual clothes was sitting on a table and chair on the balcony drinking tea.

This person is the chairman of Shengshi Group, Wang Jiantu.

As soon as Wang Bingbing saw Wang Jiantu, he ran over excitedly and said, “Dad, let’s see who is coming?” ”

“Oh? Mr. Lin Zihang is here? Quick, please sit! ”

Wang Jiantu directly ignored Wang Chen next to Lin Zihang, but got up and shook hands with Lin Zihang, and then warmly invited Lin Zihang to sit.

Wang Chen smiled ruefully, it was good that his father ignored him, Wang Chen was afraid that Wang Jiantu had been staring at him, and he was even more afraid.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Bingbing served a cup of tea to Lin Zidao.

Wang Jiantu said with an excited look on his face, “Mr. Lin Zihang, I heard that you have a super engineering designer under you, can you show me the drawings she designed?” ”

“Okay, Mr. Wang, there is no problem at all!”

Lin Zihang gestured to Lan Xiaohui and handed the architectural drawings she brought to Wang Jiantu to see.

After Wang Jiantu took a look, he was suddenly shocked, his eyes widened, and said, “Mr. Lin Zihang, you, are you sure that this picture was not designed by a computer?” ”

Lin Zihang said with a smile: “How could it be, this is our family Xiaohui, personally painted one by one!” What do you think? ”

“The foundation of the pentagram site is very stable, and the triangular thimble is used on the top of the building, which greatly reduces the friction of the building against the wind, which is good, very good!” If our newly opened real estate can also be built in this way, it will be really good! ”

Lin Zihang said: “Yes, that’s why I think so too!” We don’t need to build 1220 meters high, as long as we build a building of about 200 meters and 58 floors, you can do it! In this way, we can increase the number of real estate, reduce the consumption of land, and increase the house price, how to calculate, we are not at a loss! ”

After Lin Zihang finished speaking, Wang Jiantu nodded in satisfaction and said, “Good, very good!” So Mr. Lin Zihang, what is the method of cooperation between us? ”

Lin Zihang smiled and said, “It’s very simple!” The land was purchased by you, Mr. Wang! I, on the other hand, am responsible for manpower, material resources, and resources! After I finish building the building, I will hand it over to you, and your sales department will sell it! And then the money from the sale, we divide it into fifty-five, how? ”

“What? Is it divided into fifty-five? ”

Hearing this, Wang Jiantu couldn’t help frowning.

He tentatively asked, “Well, how about we come out of the workers?” ”

Lin Zihang said: “No, because your workers have never built such a house, and if they build it, there will be a great hidden danger to safety, so I don’t worry!” ”

“Well, that’s what I said! But I have to say, Mr. Lin Zihang, you really know how to do business! Equivalently, I spent 10 billion, bought a piece of land, and then gave you to develop it? Hahaha…”

Wang Jiantu laughed loudly.

Lin Zihang also smiled and said: “Yes, everyone is a businessman, it’s just mutual benefit!” If the future property sales are good, I can make money at the same time, you can also make money, right? ”

“Well, what you said makes sense!”

Wang Jiantu praised Lin Zihang, then nodded and said, “Okay, then it’s so decided!” The issue of land and sales is handled by my Shengshi Group Company, so other construction issues will be left to Mr. Lin Zihang to deal with, how? ”

“No problem at all! Happy cooperation! ”

“Happy cooperation!”

Soon, the two shook hands and reached a consensus.

Because of the chief designer of Shengshi Group, Zhao Fei’s leg has been broken by Wang Chen.

That piece of land cannot be developed, and it is a waste to keep it.

Now, it is best that Lin Zihang can take over that land.

And Lin Zihang is actually using Wang Jiantu.

He used Wang Jiantu Shengshi Group to become famous all over the country, and then created his own exclusive real estate.

Finally, after his fame hit the whole country, Lin Zihang went out to go it alone.

Although this may offend many bigwigs in the real estate industry, people must be ruthless if they want to get rich.

If you want to make more money, you have the ability to develop a better house than I build?

Natural selection is the right to survive in this world, good things will get better and better, and bad things will be eliminated by this world sooner or later.


Three days later, Wang Jiantu mailed Lin Zihang a contract agreement.

After Lin Zihang showed his lawyer Wang Xiaolei, he found that there were no loopholes in the contract, so he happily signed his name.

So far, Lin Zihang’s cooperative relationship with Wang Jiantu can be regarded as a success.

Then the next step is to open your own real estate, and then, in the crazy acquisition of land, start your own real estate tycoon journey.

Soon, Lin Zihang built another purchased commercial building into his own exclusive real estate company, the name is: Dahang Real Estate Group!

The name Dahang is the diminutive name of Lin Zihang.

Since he was a child, his parents have always called him this, and Dahang Dahang is also very kind.

After the construction of Dahang Real Estate Company, then next, it is necessary to recruit construction workers from within the system and start building the building.

At least for now, the development of the flash delivery delivery group is not bad, Linchuan Law Firm is still the same as usual, there are hundreds of lawyer business lists every day, waiting for the lawyers to deal with it, and now they want to fight a lawsuit, at least a month in advance, in order to make an appointment with the lawyers in Linchuan Law Firm.

There is also the security company, which is usually fine, and taking an order is also a good income.

In this way, Lin Zihang came to Dahang Real Estate Group and began his own real estate plan.

“Xiaohui, how big is the land in Yokogawa, is it suitable for commercial buildings or residential buildings?”

After returning to Dahang Group Company, Lin Zihang asked Lan Xiaohui.

Lan Xiaohui said: “Back to the master, the Henghe land, about 100,000 square meters!” The area is not large, it is most suitable for community buildings, and Yokogawa is located in the center of the imperial capital, if you build community houses anywhere, there will definitely be many people who will buy them! ”

“Well, the land of the imperial capital can be described as an inch of land and gold, only 100,000 square meters, and it cost Wang Jiantu 1 billion yuan in assets!” So how much will our future construction budget cost? Lin Zihang asked again.

Lan Xiaohui said: “Back to the master, in addition to the labor cost, the material cost is estimated to be about 859 million!” I am over there, building about 20 sets of five-star buildings, with an average area of about 2,000 square meters! With two sets of adjacent as a corner, five-pointed star shape, all the way to the top! The top tower is set up on the roof, and no one lives there! Moreover, there is a large park of about 4,000 square meters in the middle, giving people free movement! ”

“On average, ten houses can be built on one floor, one floor, about 200 meters high, 58 floors!”

“In other words, a real estate can have 580 houses! 20 properties can own 11,600 houses! ”

“If the average selling price of each house is about 10 million units, then if all of them are sold, they are worth 116 billion yuan!”

“Poof, how much? More than 100 billion? ”

After Lin Zihang listened to Lan Xiaohui’s budget, his whole person was stunned.

The land purchased by 1 billion, coupled with the construction of Lin Zihang, the total sales value of the final is actually more than 100 billion?

You can imagine how high the profit of real estate is!

Lan Xiaohui smiled and said, “Master, you have to sell it all to make so much money!” But I estimate that this set of real estate, within a year, can sell half of the buildings, even if it is good! Plus, there are security fees, utility fees, tax fees! Therefore, the total profit within a year is about 40 billion, and if it is divided equally with Shengshi Group, we can get about 20 billion yuan! Of course, after that, we can still get a steady stream of real estate shares! What do you think, master? ”

After the analysis, Lin Zihang nodded silently and said, “It’s not bad!” Their Shengshi Group is just a piece of land! But what we need is to use the fame of Shengshi Group to help our Dahang Group and build a reputation in real estate, and after that, we are working alone, so that we will definitely have a good harvest! ”

“Yes master!” Lan Xiaohui agreed.

“Okay, then it’s so decided, later, I’ll allocate you 1 billion budget expenses, and provide you with 1,000 construction laborers, and you can lead them to Yokogawa Real Estate and do building construction!”

“Good host!”

“So how long do you estimate it will be completed?” Lin Zihang asked again.

Lan Xiaohui pondered for a while and said, “With the work efficiency of the construction dead provided by the system, if the construction is carried out at the same time, it is estimated that it can be completed within eight months!” ”

“Good, very nice! Then I will provide workers to you now, and you will take them to construction! ”

“Good master, wrap it on me!”

A confident smile flashed in Lan Xiaohui’s eyes.

The setting given to her by the system is a super elite engineer.

Her biggest hobby is architecture, and it is not an exaggeration to call it an infrastructure maniac.

The task that Lin Zihang provided her was the happiest thing for her.

Soon, Lin Zihang purchased 1,000 infrastructure dead soldiers from the system for eight months of use rights.

An infrastructure dead man costs 180 yuan a day.

Relatively speaking, these salaries are already comparable to the brick mover outside.

However, Lin Zihang’s infrastructure construction dead, but infrastructure madness, their work efficiency, one dead soldier top three workers, there is no problem.

Moreover, they are proficient in the construction of various real estate, and the five-star building designed by Lan Xiaohui is estimated to be only built by these infrastructure deaths.

So relatively speaking, Lin Zihang is not at a loss!

Therefore, Lin Zihang directly spent 43.2 million yuan to buy 1,000 infrastructure dead soldiers and 240 days of use of power.

More than 40 million yuan, which is already very cheap, if you ask ordinary workers to build, they may not be able to complete the construction of the building within three years, and the estimated cost of 200 million yuan may not be enough.

So no matter how you calculate, Lin Zihang will not suffer.

Now, it’s time to sell after the construction of the property.

If the sales situation is very good, then in the future, Lin Zihang can definitely rely on the real estate industry to support a piece of the sky in China.

Soon, Lin Zihang summoned 1,000 infrastructure dead soldiers, let Lan Xiaohui take them to the land on the edge of the Henghe River, turned on the infrastructure madness mode, and began to dig the foundation in the fierce wind, and built.

All the construction tools are provided by Shengshi Real Estate, which also saves Lin Zihang a lot of money.

The rest of the building materials were purchased by Lin Zihang himself.

Lan Xiaohui estimated more than 800 million yuan, and Lin Zihang directly gave her 1 billion yuan, which is also a big expense.

Now, Lin Zihang’s body only has about 400 million yuan.

The rest of the money is stored in the account of the flash delivery group.

Suddenly, Lin Zihang’s brain stirred, and his whole body trembled, and his whole person couldn’t help but feel energetic.

Because Lin Zihang suddenly sounded a very important thing.

That’s how it works: at the same time!

For example, when you are in instant noodles, you can also go to boil water, when you are listening to songs, you can still watch TV, and when you are, you can also play with your mobile phone!

Then, when Lan Xiaohui was building the five-star building, why couldn’t she buy land and build another building?

In this way, eight months later, all the real estate on the side of the Yokogawa community has been built, and the real estate in other places in Lin Zihang has also been built!

If the price of real estate in the Yokogawa area is very good, then the price of real estate in other places will definitely not be bad.

That is, only eight months.

With the help of Shengshi Group Real Estate, after making his reputation as a Dahang Group real estate, Lin Zihang was able to sell new buildings like crazy.

“Yes, I have to hurry to buy land, I have to hurry to buy land to build a house, I can’t miss this opportunity!” Otherwise, in the future, if other real estate bosses know that my five-star real estate is selling well, they will definitely try to stop me and make me unable to engage in the real estate industry! I moved their profits, moved their cakes, they won’t give me a way to live! ”

“So, I have to build the property in advance, start first, so that those people don’t know, what exactly do I want to do when I buy the land?”

“Whether success or failure, all this depends on the result in eight months!”

Lin Zihang took a deep breath and had a firm idea in his heart.

At least for now, there are flash delivery delivery groups, supporting themselves, running out of money, and there is far more income within the food delivery group.

If others want to fight a lawsuit with themselves, sorry, my ‘Oriental Undefeated’ law firm, it’s not a joke with you, when the time comes to countersue you, it will be you who loses money.

Today, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, and only a good lot of land is owed.

“I have to sell the land, I have to buy a good land!”

Lin Zihang took a deep breath, then walked out of the gate of the Dahang Group and drove towards the Flash Delivery Group.


“Xiaorui, tell me, how much liquid cash do we have in the flash delivery group?”

As soon as he returned to the flash delivery group, Lin Zihang called Tang Xiaorui and came to his office to investigate how much cash was in the group.

Although Tang Xiaorui’s face was a little puzzled, he finally explained honestly and said, “Back to the boss, at present, there are about 2.3 billion yuan of liquid cash!” Of this money, 1 billion is the franchise fee of other cities, and 1.3 billion is the total income of our flash delivery group last month! ”

“For now, we can receive about 2 billion yuan of franchise fees every year, and a total profit of about 13 billion yuan, and a year’s income is about 15 billion yuan!” What’s wrong boss, do you have anything you need? ”

Tang Xiaorui looked at Lin Zihang very curiously.

Lin Zihang shook his head and said, “No!” ”

In fact, the annual revenue, net profit of 15 billion, is already a very powerful, very bullish company.

Moreover, the flash delivery group is not yet listed.

Once listed, the market value will definitely double.

Tang Xiaorui pursed her mouth and said, “Boss, what’s wrong with you?” Do you feel that the benefits are less? Because, our merchant commission fee is only 15%, while Meixiaotuan and Hungry are as high as about 27%! So shall we raise it a little higher and increase the commission fee? ”

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