
The new earth of the year, the new human regime of the oceanic calendar for 2 years! In 203 AD, the earth has gone through countless natural changes in January of the oceanic calendar, and things have changed.

The meteor shower half a year ago was called a "collapse event" by people like now

There is only the "Dragon Kingdom" left in the human civilization that still exists today

With the "New Human Alliance"

There is no long-term contact between the two countries.

There is also no way to contact! Because of the sky collapse event, human satellites, basically all have been destroyed.

The communication between the two countries can only be through the most primitive method, wireless telegraphy! Long Guo intends to launch a new round of satellites, base station construction, and restoration of human satellites, systems, but because of the planetary ring, it is not suitable yet. The initial idea of ​​the technical system is to place satellites on the larger stars in the planetary ring.

Use the planetary ring as a space station! Only before that, it is very difficult to accomplish this! This so-called "New Human Alliance"

It was the evolution of the previous three forces alliance.

The ark that survived was renamed by them as "Athena"

Because that is their only hope for survival! The alliance implemented a three-power separation system and Toli was in power. The former Northern Bear Emperor was in charge of judicial power, and Midong was in charge of military power.

Said to be military power, it is just a National Self-Defense Force with tens of thousands of people.It is mainly responsible for maintaining law and order in the Ark.After all, the people in their lives are not so united, or even very chaotic.

And now they have no enemies.

Because the only human government besides them is the Dragon Kingdom! Its strength is beyond their reach, and they will not be so overpowered.

Most of the people of the Dragon Kingdom now live in being named "Dragon Palace"

In the hollow city under the sea, fortunately, the collapse of the sky did not have any impact on the Dragon Palace.

The four arks also successfully joined forces in the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Head Ship also went to Jupiter many times to prepare for the construction of the Jupiter base in the future.

After the collapse of the sky, after discussions with the senior leaders of the Long Kingdom, the previous AD calendar was cancelled and a new era of oceans was opened. The current climate and environment of Blue Star in the first year of the marine calendar in 203 AD have stabilized, and the surface is calm sea water. Frequent block movements and tides no longer exist.

At 2 o'clock, the sun is shining, and the way to distinguish the so-called day and night is to look up to see if there is a sun in the sky.

Marine life has completely become the overlord of the ocean.

And unexpectedly, there has been a trend, an unprecedented super evolution! Many unknown marine creatures have appeared one after another.

But the sea is too huge after all, and the thing is only the tip of the iceberg! Su Jiu is now in the Dragon Palace Supreme Command Center listening to scientists' research reports on the laws of the earth today.

"Now the natural laws of Blue Star have been completely disrupted. The original ocean of Blue Star assumes the function of regulating the distribution of heat, and the temperature, density, salinity and depth of the sea in each sea area are different, thus driving the ocean circulation. Now these............natural systems are all broken."

"Yes, because the sun shines on the sea level 24 hours a day, causing the sea water to evaporate all the time. Not only does the water temperature rise, but it also causes the global rainstorm to increase dramatically."

"Marine ecology has also undergone major changes. Most marine life and plants have been affected by this ecological change, but it will take time to observe what changes will happen."

"But according to the report of the exploration ship that went out of the Dragon Palace, there are now many species in the sea that have not been seen before, and they are huge!"

A series of analyzed data kept bursting out.

Although it sounds nothing, but if a former oceanographer is here, he will be surprised! Such a change is not unimportant! The chain reaction is definitely not just as simple as the words! Su Jiu Listening to these... report, rubbing his head slightly, after all, these problems are not what he has experienced in his previous life.

It cannot be solved with one's own experience, but can only be overcome with experts.

But the laws of ecology are not...you can figure it out in a short while.

These creatures have always existed! Or are they mutant creatures created by the collapse of the sky! The habits of these creatures need to be studied in many ways! Su Jiu nodded a little, and said to the experts in front of him: "Comrades, we The darkest moment has passed! Although there are still many ups and downs in the road ahead, as long as we work together, we can definitely overcome these problems!"

The experts around the conference table are also full of confidence.

After all, they have unconditional trust in this...the god-like young man in front of them.

As long as he is there, the future of the Dragon Kingdom and even all mankind must be bright.

But the biggest problem facing Su Jiu now is food! Although the food reserves are still sufficient, after all, you can’t sit and eat in the sky.

But whether those marine creatures can be supplemented, and if they can, will they have any adverse effects on the people's health?

These... are still unknown, so in any case, the cultivation of food and vegetables cannot be left behind. The current agriculturists in the Dragon Palace are mainly investigating the sea rice under the watering of new sea water. How is it growing?

And the important source of vegetables in the future, soilless cultivation! Su Jiu, who had finished that regular meeting, hurried to the ecological room.

As soon as the foot stepped forward, he asked, "Dr. Cui, how is the sea rice experiment!"

The Dr. Cui in Su Jiu's mouth is not small, he is a student who was once brought out by Academician Yuan.

At this time, Dr. Cui was in the experimental field covered in mud, observing the new green seedlings of sea rice with all his attention.

Hearing a sudden question, he was shocked.

Only when he turned his head to find that it was Su Jiu, he got up quickly.

Rubbing his hands on the clothes, he hurriedly said in surprise: "Okay! It's so good! I don't know what's wrong with the current sea water, so that the growth of this sea rice is better than before!"

Su Jiu looked at the...the vitality-rich rice seedlings around Dr. Cui, and asked doubtfully: "It's better than before. After these changes, the seawater will have more nutrients in the middle of the period. "

A group of doubts rushed to Su Jiu's heart, the more nutritious seawater, those...Couldn't the giant marine creatures have anything to do with this, and how did the seawater change these changes? Is it because of moon debris?

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