At this time, Shan Mu only felt that there were a hundred knives in his soul.

In fact, Yas is not helpless with her.

It’s because the mountain mother’s ability to act is too strong.

Coupled with Lingling’s physical talent, Yas can only briefly impact her spirit.

After all, no one would stay there and be attacked by you, wouldn’t they?

Every time Yas launches a spiritual attack, he is dodged by the mountain and attacks.

And now it’s different, the mountain is firmly fixed in the giant ball, unable to move at all.

I can only accept the baptism of Yas’s soul.

Of course, Shan Mu was a soul fruit powerhouse after all.

The soul strength is equally terrifying.

But Yas was not in a hurry, and he consumed the soul of the mountain mother while replenishing his physical strength with food.

This lasted three or four days.

As Lingling began to decline because she did not eat.

Shanmu’s resistance is getting weaker and weaker.

Not to mention that Lingling’s soul is also constantly resisting.

It can be said that the body and spirit blossom on both sides, and the inside and outside are double-hit!

In this case, Yas finally found the right opportunity.

He completely unleashed the power of the [Soul King].

Countless spiritual forces burst out, and even affected the real world!

The surrounding sea trembled violently as if it was boiling, and even the clouds above Yas’s head broke a big hole!

“You must not die well!”

With a miserable wail from Shan Mu, her soul was finally completely erased!

After repeatedly making sure that there was nothing left, Yas quickly unsealed the seal.

Bigger than an island, the rock ball shattered!

They landed heavily on the original location of the snow island and rebuilt into a new island.

Of course, all the creatures that originally lived on it must have been killed and injured.

Yas held Lingling’s body and slowly landed on the island.

As the mountain mamu’s soul dissipated.

Lingling’s soul naturally dominates the body.

She opened her eyes tiredly.

This kind of soul-level struggle really exhausted her.

Fortunately, the first thing she saw when she opened was the person she wanted to see.


Seeing the woman in his arms calling his name in a weak voice, Yas smiled and said

“I’m in!”

Lingling’s appearance is really rare.

You know, in addition to having monster-level physical talent, Charlotte Lingling is also extremely strong.

But now she was lying in Yas’s arms like an ordinary little woman, and she even felt a little coquettish.

If you let those pirates buried under Lingling’s hands see it, it is estimated that they will think that the world is crazy.

Seeing Yas right in front of her, Lingling also smiled.

“What happened?”

Because Lingling’s soul had been falling into a deep sleep just now.

The counterattack against Yamama is more like a conditional launch.

If you don’t trust Yas enough, listen to him and quiet down.

The end result is likely to be that both sides of the mountain are defeated, and the souls merge together, becoming the tyrannical and impermanent character in the original book.

Yasi was silent for a moment, but decided to tell Lingling about it.

“It’s Carmelite.”


Lingling’s eyes widened, as if she couldn’t believe her ears.

After all, that was the woman she respected and admired the most.

Yas sighed, he didn’t want to deceive Lingling, but still told the truth.

“Carmelite was a human trafficker, and she rescued the children just to sell them.”

“And the reason why you destroyed the giant village is also her ghost, stimulating your soul with soul fruits and making you run away.”

“Eventually dwell in your soul and find an opportunity to take your body.”

After saying this, Lingling was silent.

Because all things considered, what Yas said is likely to be true.

Moreover, she is also willing to believe Yas!

Looking at the dull Lingling, Yasi took it into his arms with some distress.

After all, the elder he has always respected and missed has suddenly become a bad person who is unforgiving and wants to take advantage of himself.

This gap is really difficult for ordinary people to accept.

Feel the temperature on Yas.

Lingling finally couldn’t help but feel painful.

No one on the island ships dared to disturb them.

After a long time, Yas looked at the woman in his arms and asked gently

“Is it better?”

“Much better.”

Lingling showed a poignant smile, and Yasi was even more heartbroken when she saw it.

Blame that damn mountain grandmother!

“It’s just that my head still hurts a little.”

Lingling said a little aggrieved.

This look is completely indistinguishable from a legendary monster.

Instead, it’s like an ordinary, little girl in love!


Yas hurriedly activated his [Soul King] ability.

Take a closer look at Lingling’s soul state.

Since Shan Mu’s soul was destroyed by Yas, those soul fragments were reabsorbed by Lingling, causing her soul strength to be a little too strong now.

Only then did her head feel a swelling pain.

Yas suddenly remembered one thing, please.

“Lingling, you should have seen the Homiz made by Carmelite before, right?”

In fact, Carmelite gave his soul a flame a long time ago.

Much like the later Prometheus, named Pandora.

Now all Yas wants to do is to let Lingling imitate Carmelite and make his own Homiz.

“Release some souls now, maybe it can relieve your symptoms.”

Yas said with a smile.

Lingling nodded without hesitation.

For her, Yas is her most important relative now.

The second is Ichihime.

“But what is this first Homiz going to be made of?”

Lingling looked at Yas, obviously hoping that Yas would give advice.

“Well, the first one is to use my flame.”

Yas opened his palm, and a hot and raging flame emerged from his hand.

Lingling nodded, manipulating the ability of the soul fruit, cutting out her excess soul and merging it into the flames in Yasi’s hands.

As the soul merged, the flame changed rapidly.

On the surface of the flames, a humane expression was revealed.

Finally, Lingling’s first Homiz was born.

It excitedly shouted at Yas and Lingling

“Dad, Mom!”

PS: The update has started today! Ask for support!

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