Chapter 73: Arrival in the Chambord Islands, Lunaria! 【Subscription requested! 】。

The Chambord Islands are a magical island.

Or strictly speaking, it’s not an island. Instead, it is composed of 79 Yarchiman mangrove roots.

Yes, these places that look like the ground are actually the roots of the Yarchiman mangrove tree.

Hundreds of thousands of residents live on these tree roots and build various buildings that make it look like an island.

It’s not the same as the great shipping lanes decades later.

At this time, the naval forces were not strong enough to cover the entire first half of the Great Passage. The Chambord Islands are very close to the Red Continent.

It is also the only way to go to Fishman Island.

It can be said that for every pirate who wants to cross the Red Earth Continent, the Chambord Islands are a must path. This also led to prosperity and chaos in the Chambord Islands.

Even the navy at this time could not govern here.

As the auction approached, the Chambord Islands apparently began to become lively. In the past, various big people who were difficult to see appeared frequently!

Bounties range from tens of millions to nearly a billion pirates.

Of course, Yas and Lingling finally arrived here.

“It’s really prosperous here.”

Yas sighed.

No way, who called all nations now a hundred industries to prosper.

It is not at all as business-rich as the Shambotti Islands.

Sunlight shines through the gaps in the trees on the bubbles in the air, refracting colorful rays.

As Yas and Lingling landed from the port, the eyes around them quickly focused on them!

“It’s a monster couple in New World!”

“Charlotte Lingling, the [Born Destroyer] with a bounty of 500 million Bailey!”

“And his husband, the [Evil God] Trosjas, who offered a bounty of 600 million Bailey!”

The people around them gasped frantically.

That’s right, because of the conquest of the Kushan Empire, both Yas and Lingling’s bounty went up. It reached a staggering 600 million Bailey.

In other words, the bounty for the two of them alone has already exceeded one billion!

Feeling the gaze of the people around her, Lingling brushed her pink hair and said, “We seem to have attracted the attention of others.” ”

Yas scratched his head.

“This is also inevitable, after all, the two of us are indeed a little beyond ordinary people.”

Because of Lingling, Yas had no way to hide his identity by shrinking his figure. All have long been ready for exposure.

But even if it’s exposed, it doesn’t matter.

With the current value of the two of them, even the most daring bounty hunters would not dare to make a move.

“Since the auction hasn’t started yet, let’s go find something to eat first.”

Although Lingling’s soul returned to normal, she still failed to change the attributes of the foodie.

Yas didn’t care.

Eat and eat, as the head of a country, a little money still comes out. So, they swept all the delicacies of the entire Chambord Islands. After Yass arrived here, more big men arrived.

“This is this year’s Pirate Supernova [Cannibal] Jold! A bounty of 200 million Baileys! ”

“And [Death Scissorhands] Kkri! A bounty of 300 million Baileys! ”

“[Navy Executioner] Dalton, a bounty of 240 million Baileys!”


For this feast, almost all of this year’s Pirate Supernova gathered. It also includes some special pirates…

“Renly, hurry up!”

A very jumpy voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a tattered ship arrived at the port.

“Here it comes, I said captain, can’t you slow down?”

The blond Renly helplessly held up his eyes.

The members of the pirate group who followed behind him also showed a bitter face. No way, their captain is too capable of causing trouble.

From the moment they entered the Great Passage, they were constantly being pursued by the navy. Several times I almost died at the bottom of the sea.

Roger, who has a long beard, doesn’t care about this.

“Hahaha, I heard that there is a lot of food in the Chambord Islands, you guys go to repair the ship first, I’ll eat!”

Before his partner could agree, Roger had disappeared from their field of vision.

Reilly on the side could only helplessly follow.

When he left, he didn’t forget to say to Jabba next to him: “You are optimistic about them, I will go and watch Roger.” ”

“Che, got it.”

Although Jabba and Renly are a little discordant, they are still very satisfied with his initiative to monitor the captain’s behavior. After all, except for Renly, there is really no one who can watch Roger!

Immediately, the port of the Chambord Islands came alive again. Jabba frowned and looked at the huge warship sailing into port.

“This is…”

The ship is several times larger than the Navy’s warships. Although not as big as the island ship of all nations. But it should be much better in terms of quality!

After seeing the emblem hanging from the ship. The many pirate ships that were originally docked in the port hurriedly dodged. There is no other reason.

It’s just that the pattern on this pirate flag is a giant cross! This means that this ship is a ship of the world government!

“How could the World Government be here?”

Jabba’s face stiffened a little.

You know, the world government is not just a naval department. It is the direct superior of the CP Department, Justice Island, Advance City and Navy. It is an organization composed of the world’s top nobles, the Draco. It is also the most powerful and powerful institution in the world.

That’s not a navy comparable.

With the personality of his own captain, if he runs into someone from the world government, it may be a good thing!

“Or contact Renly now and let him leave with the captain.”

The ship’s doctor Kulokaz said with some concern. Jabba shook his head and sighed.

“It’s too late, now we can’t find the captain at all.”

Under everyone’s gaze, this giant ship from the world government finally opened its doors. A large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed down from above.

“Go away, stay away!”

These soldiers very violently pushed away the surrounding people, creating a large open space.

Then dozens of brightly dressed teenage girls came out, laying out the red carpet on the ground and sprinkling flowers. Finally, a man who looked extremely graceful and luxurious slowly walked down from the boat.

He wears a spherical round hood over his head. It’s like an astronaut’s helmet.

Well, it looks extremely ugly, and there is even a huge drop of snot hanging from the tip of the nose!

“It’s so ugly…”

Jabba muttered, and was immediately covered by Kulokaz behind him.

“Jabba, this is Draco! Draco! Don’t talk nonsense! ”

Then Kulokaz pulled Jabba and the rest of his partners away.

That’s right, the one who is now coming down from the World Government ship is the legendary Draco! Several figures wearing masks and white robes appeared beside the Draco. The masked man in the lead looked around and said coldly: “When you see the honorable Draco, don’t you hurry up and kneel!” ”

A powerful momentum emanated from the masked man’s body.

The surrounding crowd, you look at me, I look at you, and finally kneel on the ground to welcome the arrival of Draco. Of course, there are some hard bones who are unwilling to kneel.

Take one of today’s supernovae.

[Sheller] Lake Bet with a bounty of 150 million Bailey. He sneered at Draco.

It seems to be mocking the posturing of these people.

Or maybe they are laughing at the timidity and cowardice of the surrounding masses. He said disdainfully: “On your knees? In this life, I have never knelt! ”

Able to become a Pirate Supernova within a year.

Lake Bet naturally has its own pride and strength, and it is impossible to kneel to these magnates! Not only do not kneel.

He also wants to use these so-called Draco to raise his authority to a higher level!

His arm, hidden under his black trench coat, had turned into a cannon at some point.


A terrifying flame erupted from the barrel of the cannon, and he launched an attack on the Draco! But the next second.

The shells excited from the barrel were split in two.

The masked man at the head had already appeared in front of him.

This terrifying speed made Hubet unable to react at all.

By the time he saw the opponent’s figure, the enemy had already stepped heavily on his face!


His body smashed a large hole in the ground.

The companions around him tried to help, but were subdued by several other masked men.


Rich blood gushed from the corners of Hubet’s mouth. He had an expression of disbelief.

It is clear that he is so strong, crisscrossing the first half of the great passage, why would he… He was carried to the ugly Draco like a chicken cub.

“Sir, how do you deal with this?”

The Mask Man asked respectfully.

The Draco gave a cruel smile.

Immediately afterwards, a revolver was pulled out from his waist.

“Anyone who dares to offend my pariah will die!”

He pulled the trigger.

Bullets flew out, causing a huge explosion that smashed Lake Bet to pieces. At this time, another person ran down from the ship.

It’s a girl.

Also dressed in luxurious clothes, with an air hood on his head.

The only difference is that her appearance is much better than this male Draco. It even makes one suspect that this is not a race at all!

Blonde hair, skin as clean as snow, skin as tender as eggs. But the surrounding masses after seeing the tragic situation of Lake Beit.

Everyone buried their heads deep in the ground.

He didn’t dare to raise his head at all, for fear of being noticed by these Draco. Not to mention noticing the beauty of this Draco.

Seeing the blood all over the ground, this female Tianlong frowned.

“Valmark Saint, how do you…”

Draco, who was known as Valmark Saint, showed an extremely ugly smile.

“Tunanhi Palace, these pariahs actually dare to offend us, don’t worry, I have already helped you deal with it.”

Tunanhi Palace said helplessly: “Let’s return to the Valley of the Gods, Lord Father said that a huge auction is being held in the Chambord Islands, and there may be many dangers..”

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Valmark Saint.

“Don’t worry, Tunancy Palace, I will definitely protect you.”

“As for the danger, I don’t think these pariables dare to make a move against the noble Draco!”

“Just in time for me to take you to see the auction.”

“I tell you, although these untouchables are inferior, some of their activities are quite interesting: Shouted by a pariah. ”

The surrounding masses did not dare to react.

Because they knew that as long as they showed a little unhappiness, they would be killed by the guards next to Draco immediately! This is not the first time Draco has visited the Chambord Islands.

Due to the extreme development of commerce and trade, almost all the types of amusement facilities in the whole world are gathered here. There is a huge attraction for those Draco who claim to be high.

And every arrival of the Draco will cause a large number of civilian casualties. Because according to the laws of the world government.

No citizen of any country can be killed on the spot if they offend Draco. And this offending standard.

It is completely determined by the subjective will of the Draco. He said you offended! That’s offense!

In other words, your life and death are just a matter of these Draco’s words. The riots at the port were completely unaware of Yas.

He had already taken Lingling to sweep all the delicacies and came to the auction site. Although Yas and the Kiberson family are in a hostile relationship.

But this time, the behind-the-scenes boss of the auction is complicated, and he will not refuse to let a pirate of Yas’s level enter because of the words of the Kiberson family.

After all, auctions are also about word of mouth.

If you casually refuse guests to enter, it will be difficult to gain the trust of most pirates. After entering the venue, Yas and Lingling casually found a seat and sat down.

At this time, the auction has already begun. One treasure after another was placed on the auction table.

Weapons of all kinds, slaves of all races, antiques of all ages, everything. And it was not only pirates like Yasi who participated in this auction.

And some nobles and so on.

In just the first ten minutes, Yas saw several antiques worth hundreds of millions of dollars being photographed by the nobles.

“I don’t know what the use of these guys buying these antiques is going back.”

Yas said incomprehensibly. Lingling nodded in agreement.

“In this world, only strength is the most important thing.”

The two people looked at each other and quickly understood the meaning in each other’s hearts. As long as you have strength, other things, grab it!

However, what surprised Yas a little was that this time there was an auction item that surprised Yas.

“The next auction item is a woman of the Lunarian clan!”

“Starting price, 100 million berry!”

Lingling’s eyes suddenly lit up. Boy!

This is a rare race among rare races! Lunaria!

A race that is said to live on the Red Earth Continent.

Later, it was wiped out because of the Draco, and now there is no news about the Lunaria. God knows where these traffickers found this Lunariya…….

Lingling grabbed Yas’s arm hard.

“Yas, this must be taken!”

For Lingling, who dreams of creating a country where all races live in harmony, the Lunaria are definitely an indispensable part! Yas smiled dumbly, “I see.” ”

Other people’s wives will only ask their husbands not to take concubines. And Yas’s wife demanded that he must take a concubine!

How can this be said…

As the auctioneer’s voice fell, the curtain that shrouded the cage was also pulled away. A pale, haggard-looking girl was curled up in a cage.

Endure all kinds of malicious gazes from the outside world.

And the only characteristic that can prove that she is a Lunaria tribe is. There was a burning flame on her back!

“Start bidding now!”

In addition to Yas, of course, the others also knew the preciousness of the Lunaria. They started bidding quickly.

“Two hundred million Baileys!”

Good guy, directly raised to 200 million Baileys. Next up is….. Storehouse.

“Three hundred million Baileys!”

“Four hundred million Baileys!”

“Four hundred and fifty million Baileys!”

“Five hundred million Baileys!”

At the level of 500 million Baileys, the speed of ascension finally slowed down. Until Yas’s voice sounded.

“A billion Baileys.”

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