Chapter 76: The Arrival of the Navy, Alliance! 【Subscription requested! 】。

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

“This guy is crazy, he even turned down the opportunity to join the Rocks Pirates….. The people around are a little incomprehensible. ”

After all, the Rocks Pirates are the most powerful pirate group on this sea now.

If you can join it, you can almost walk sideways on this sea in the future. Just now, even the person in charge of the auction was taken aback.

If Yas really joined the Rocks Pirates, they might not be able to get back a dozen of their Devil Fruits. After all, who is that Lokes?

Even if the four gangster families add up, it is not enough to break the wrist with others! Fortunately, Yas made a decision that no one expected.

That is to refuse the invitation of the Rocks Pirates.

This is not something incomprehensible to Yas. After all, he doesn’t like sending people under the fence.

After the invitation failed, the silver axe no longer had to show mercy. The terrifying overlord-colored domineering instantly burst out.

That’s right, as Lokes’ left hand, the silver axe also has a powerful overlord-colored domineering. Yas and Lingling are also not to be outdone.

Two powerful overlord-colored domineering auras bloomed at the same time, colliding with the domineering aura released by the silver axe! Under this strong collision, the surrounding sea water began to boil.

Even those pirates with good strength fainted one after another. And that’s not the end of it.

Roger, who was standing beside Yas, seemed to be stimulated by the overlord-colored domineering, and also awakened the overlord-colored domineering!


Four overlord colors collide over the harbor!

The sea water was completely boiling and constantly stirring, forming a terrible tsunami. This momentum rushed into the sky with a bang.

Directly tear apart the clouds over the port.

The ground under his feet appeared cracks one after another, and then completely shattered!

The four overlord colors are confrontational at the same time, and most people are afraid that it will be difficult to see such a scene in their lifetime! In this terrible confrontation, Silver Axe’s expression became more and more excited.

“Hahahahaha, you boys, it’s really amazing!”

He stared at Yas, Lingling and Roger, full of fighting intent! That’s a recognition of the strong!

The domineering standoff that shrouded the port disappeared.

In the moment of disappearance, four people moved at the same time!

Yas entered the Flame Titan form, waved the long knife in his hand, and 31 slashed out a crimson terrible slash! But this kind of move that is like a catastrophe for ordinary people is nothing in front of the silver axe. The armed color domineering aura shrouded his silver axe, easily blocking Yas’s move.

Not to be outdone, Roger quickly approached the Silver Axe.

His stature can be said to be short compared to Yas and the others. But the momentum is like a giant!

The surging armed color domineering energy wrapped around the blade, and slashed down at the silver axe! The silver axe is not afraid!

He is also a long-known sea thief. He is also the number three figure of the Rocks Pirates.

If you don’t dare to take it head-on in the face of the attacks of these juniors, it will be too shameful. The silver tomahawk collided violently with Ace in Roger’s hand!

[Ace] is the same as Black Knife Night, it is one of the twelve supreme fast knife skills!

This is also the first time Yas has seen another supreme fast knife besides Black Knife Night. The surging armed color domineering turned into lightning and burst out from between the two!

Lingling seizes the opportunity to have Prometheus wrapped around the big knife.

“Break the blade!”

A terrifying pillar of fire instantly rushed towards the battlefield. The silver axe could only slash Roger with one sword.

The other palm was covered with armed color domineering, and it grabbed the attacking Yan Pillar fiercely!


The flames instantly exploded from his hands, but they did not cause any damage to his body! This is the terrifying power brought by the ultimate domineering.

In the next second, a huge lava dragon appeared in front of the silver axe. He unhurriedly cut out a knife and directly cut the dragon in two.

Large swathes of magma fell on the harbor, melting the ground and looking like hell. Yas, Roger, and Lingling are constantly cooperating.

But it’s still hard to tell the difference with the silver axe!

Yas wiped his blood-spilled mouth and let out the same emotion as those pirate novas.

“Is this the real strong?”

No way, Yas and the others are too young.

All three were in their twenties.

Cultivating to this kind of strength can already be said to be a genius among geniuses. And the silver axe is in his early forties.

It is the absolute peak of the pirate career! Silver Axe looked at the three people in front of him.

There was some emotion in my heart.

Don’t look at him as a dozen or three, in fact, his pressure is also not small. Although the strength of these three people is still far from him. But the three of them joined forces and coped with it very their own.

A large part of the reason is that the physiques of the three people are very perverted. Lingling is a steel balloon.

Yas is a Titan physique. Roger is the son of planes!

After fighting for so long, it only caused a small injury.

If you continue to fight according to this situation, you may not be able to get back the devil fruit in Yas’s hands! Just when they broke out in a fierce battle.

A dozen naval warships suddenly appeared from the sea.

“Why are Draco here!”

The steel bone of the then marshal of the navy directly smashed the desk in front of him!

Three hours ago, they received a notice that the World Government ship had suddenly turned around and headed for the Chambordi Islands. If it’s an ordinary world government ship, forget it.


This ship carries two Draco on it!

If you go to the Chambord Islands at normal times, forget it.

After all, these Draco, who only know how to eat, drink and have fun all day, did not do so on the first day. But!

Why do you have to pick this time to go!

Now a grand auction is being held on the island. Pirates gather!

The result?

Two Draco broke in.

Not only broke in, but one was beaten and the other was taken away!

Immediately, the supreme commander of the world government, Wu Laoxing, personally gave orders to him, the marshal of the navy. No matter what the cost, you must rescue these two Draco!

This led to the navy having to rush into a strife. The other two generals were on other missions and could not be on duty.

The steel bone is required to guard the naval headquarters.

Therefore, only one remaining general can be dispatched, plus some stronger lieutenant generals.

“Don’t worry, Marshal, with Karp and a few of them here, there will be no problem.”

Admiral Crow, codenamed Mo Crow, said while holding coffee in one hand.

He was even in the mood to take a breath and slowly taste the coffee. Steel Bone Kong looked coldly at the three lieutenant generals in front of him through the phone. They are Karp, Sengoku, and Tsuru.

“The enemy we are facing this time is not small, you must be more careful.”

“Especially you Karp! Don’t make me any moths! ”

Karp smiled.

“Don’t worry, it’s wrapped around me!”

At this time, Karp was also very young. He’s just a year older than Roger!

The reason why Roger’s son is only two or three years older than Karp’s grandson is entirely because Roger, the guy, got married too late.

Karp’s sons are almost twenty years old, and Roger, the kid, got married. Steel Bone Kong didn’t believe Karp’s assurances at all.

He looked at Mo Crow and asked, “How is the situation now?” ”

The crow stretched out his index and middle fingers in front of his eyes. The situation of the Chambord Islands instantly appeared in his mind.

“The situation on the island is somewhat complicated.”

“The Roger Pirates, the Pirates of All Nations, and the Silver Axe of the Rocks Pirates all appeared in the Chambord Islands.”

“There are also mercenaries from the auction side, this year’s Pirate Nova, other pirate groups in the New World, and so on.”

“Mixed fish.”

“As for Draco.”

“Valmark Saint has been knocked unconscious and is under the protection of CP0.”

“As for the Tunanhi Palace, it was captured by Trosjas.”

“Now Silver Axe and Trosias, Charlotte Lingling, Gore M. D. Roger is at war. ”

Steel Bone Empty sighed.

“Anyway, you must save Draco, and this matter is up to you, Mo Crow.”

“Got it.”

Mo Crow hung up the phone. Karp said excitedly: “General Mo Crow, when will we attack?” Will you be able to capture the sea thief called Silver Axe alive this time? ”

Sengoku directly hit Karp’s head hard.

“We must wait for these pirates to finish fighting before we sit back and reap the benefits of the fishermen!”

“It seems to make sense.”

Karp muttered.

Reaping the benefits of the fisherman is certainly the best option.

But those pirates obviously won’t let them get away with it so easily. Mo Crow drank the coffee in his hand and sighed: “Sure enough, it was discovered.” ”

In the next second, a silver slash that was enough to cover the entire warship cut through the sea and went straight towards them. The whole person of the ink crow split into countless black crows, which re-condensed on the deck outside.

His brows furrowed, and in the face of such a terrifying slash, he stretched out his hands, and his powerful domineering aura was instantly released.


The entire warship trembled wildly, letting out an overwhelmed wail.

This terrifying slash split in two in front of Mo Crow, splitting the sea surface on both sides of the warship! The spectacle is spectacular!

Karp and Sengoku had just rushed to the deck and watched this scene in shock. Mo Crow took the opportunity to open his mouth to educate a wave.

“Boys, don’t forget, we are facing one of the most fierce pirates in the New World, don’t take it lightly.”


Sengoku and Tsuru focused their heads. Karp is eager to try.

If you had shot by yourself just now, could you have taken this blow? The sea surface heals slowly.

Port aspect.

The Yas trio had stopped attacking the Silver Axe. Yas burned the crow in his hand with flames.

“It seems that this fight can’t be fought today…”

Hearing Yas’s words, I don’t know how many residents of the Chambord Islands breathed a sigh of relief. If Yas and they continue to fight like this, the entire Chambord Islands will sink!

Renly also slowly put away his long knife. He held up his glasses.

“What should be worried now is how to escape the Navy’s pursuit.”

Yas looked at the silver axe.

“Why don’t we work together?”

Silver Axe raised his eyebrows.

“Boy, for the first time, a junior dares to talk to me about cooperation.”

Yas smiled.

“How about we go back together, tie up another Draco, and then exchange the ransom with the world government?”

If Yas was alone, of course, he couldn’t have taken such a risk.

But plus Roger’s Pirates, plus Silver Axe. Then he has the guts.

And it’s big! Silver Axe thought for a moment.

“Boy, you have a lot of guts!”

When ordinary people encounter the navy, I am afraid that they will think about how to escape. Yas, on the other hand, wanted to threaten the navy with Draco.

It is necessary not only to get rid of the Navy, but even to sprinkle wool from the world government! Such a risky and exciting plan, Roger was of course the first to agree. And although the silver axe is strong enough, he is alone after all.

If he were besieged by the navy, his life would also be in danger.

“Okay, I agreed to your cooperation.”

Immediately afterwards, the inhabitants of the entire Chambord Islands were numb. Because those who killed in those days actually killed back!

And this time, no one dared to stop it!

Silver Axe, Yas, Lingling, Roger, Rayleigh! When they unite, who dares to stop it?

Even the auction that was bent on recovering the Devil Fruit could only watch them leave in a daze. Dare to stop?

That’s death!

It’s not just the inhabitants of the Chambord Islands. And cp0. They thought it would be nice if the Navy came. Outcome..

The three masked men were surrounded by the Yas four.

They were faithful and wanted to take Valmark St. out. But there’s really nothing I can do!

In the face of the strength of Yas and others, these three CP0 spies are simply vulnerable. It only lasted a moment before it was taken.

And Valmark Saint is like a chicken carried by a silver axe in his hand.

At this time, Val 140 Mark Saint, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, had not yet put down his reservedness as a Draco.

“I’m a Draco, let me go, or else…”

So he was beaten with a silver axe again.

After capturing Valmak Saint, Yas and the others quickly went to another port, ready to leave here. On the way, I met the rest of Roger’s Pirates.

“Captain! Captain! Here we are! ”

Jabba and the others shouted and hurriedly ran over to converge. Roger smiled and said, “Hahaha, Jabba, you come slowly, we will leave you and run first!” ”

Jaba was speechless for a moment.

Suddenly, the sky was shrouded in a black cloud. Yas raised his head.

Where is this black cloud, a large crow! These crows quickly converged into human form.

He was dressed in a justice coat, his hair was messy, he wore glasses, and he even had a feather in his mouth. But the speed was very fast, and he stepped directly towards the head of the silver axe.

Not to be outdone, the silver axe was cut out! Two terrifying forces exploded in an instant!

The silver axe took several steps back, while the ink crow glided more than ten meters in the sky, and then landed firmly on the ground.

“Admiral, Mo Crow Crow!”

Silver Axe is clearly not the first time he has fought this admiral. It still looks a little familiar.

Yas looked at the guy curiously.

After all, it was the first time I had met a naval admiral of this era. Mo Crow held up his glasses.

“I wonder if you can give me a face and hand over the Draco to the navy?”

Silver Axe smiled.

“You don’t think you alone can stop us?”

Suddenly, a shell fell from the sky!

Smash the ground into a big hole.

And Karp was standing on top of the shell, still carrying Sengoku and Tsuru in his hands.

“General, we are here too!”

Karp immediately said the moment he saw Roger: “It’s you! Roger grinned equally. ”

“See you again, Karp!”

Silver Axe’s expression became serious.

Of course, just one ink crow couldn’t stop him.

But if you add these powerful vice admirals, you can completely drag him down. And the headquarters of the Navy is not very far from here.

Therefore, they can fully delay the arrival of support. Mo Crow narrowed his eyes.

Since there is no way to do it in terms of the silver axe, then it is necessary to divert the target.

“Yas, Roger, I can let you go on behalf of the navy, as long as you hand over the Draco in your hands, how?”

Mo Crow apparently changed the Navy’s plans.

He wants to keep the silver axe here!

In this way, the Rocks Pirates, which the Navy cares about the most, will suffer a huge blow! Although the Rocks Pirates are full of talent.

But a strong person like the silver axe is completely unattainable.

In comparison, Yas and Roger seem insignificant. Yas and Roger looked at each other.

Almost at the same time grinned.

“We just reached a cooperation, and I don’t have the idea of betraying the partner.”

“Me too!”

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