Austria 1840

Chapter 98: 4th Nish Hero

PS: Thank you to the book friends who voted for the recommendation, Bing Lan Wudu, Feng Dao Frost Sword. thank you all.

There were three chapters yesterday, and I plan to have three chapters today. This is the first chapter. Book friends, please vote for the recommendation. thank you~

This chapter was originally cruel and bloody, but it has been dealt with.


In the last book, Jovanovitch told the three brothers about the balance between rushing and law enforcement, and even which of the two should be emphasized.

The Schmidt family has a big business, and they are all in Novi Sad, and not far south of Novi Sad is Belgrade, where there are thousands of Turkish troops.

Schmidt was overwhelmed and determined to transfer all the Turkish troops here.

However, he is not a Turkish Pasha, and he cannot directly mobilize the troops stationed in Belgrade.

Fortunately, Nis is powerful, there is a peasant uprising going to happen, and the Turkish Pasha will help Schmidt and mobilize the nearby Turkish army to pass.

It's easy to transfer from Belgrade, but difficult to transfer in again. You say you want to defend, why do I feel that you want to invade?

Schmidt didn't mind signing an agreement with Belgrade, assuring the other side that it would not attack it. As long as Belgrade's troops were all withdrawn, the local police could be formed with a limited number and force.

After the meeting, Kadivic stayed and wanted to have a word with the old chief.

"Colonel, I want to persuade them both."

Schmidt knew that Cardivic was referring to Bearded and the other two majors.

"It's up to you, and you can also take care of the degree. I don't need them now. If they work hard, I can support them as much as I support you, but you must be the priority."


Nish, April 6, 1841, was the tenth anniversary of the death of Jovanovitch's father.

The four Jovanovich brothers called the nearby villagers, who were distinguished and prestige, over for dinner.

As one of the largest landowners here in Nis, they can also invite local officials to come and cheer. This time they spent a lot of money and hired 17 people, including taxation, customs, sheriff, city defense officials, etc., and even the Pasha family. The servant also invited one.

"Okay, thank you for coming to join us. My late father, Izumi, must be very grateful to you."

After everyone had eaten and drank well, these petty officials and gentlemen also knew that the Jovanovitch family had always been generous, and this time there must be gifts to give, so they finally waited for the highlight moment.

"We invite the squire and the parents and officials to come here in pairs, and give my father a stick of incense."

Eating and drinking, the sun was just a little bit west, and Jovanovitch said to everyone:

"This is an unkind request, mainly to let my late father see that we are getting along very well with the local squires and parents and officials, and I hope that the old man can be blessed in the Lord **** and in Mohamed. Loving and caring."

Everyone burst into laughter. You can really imagine how bad the Lord **** and Mohammed are. However, few of them are true believers, so I just laughed and didn't care.

But everyone also knows that the name Shangxiang is actually a fool like Jovanovitch, who is going to give us gifts.

He also said "unkind invitation", then the gift must be big, otherwise this "unkind request" will not be able to deal with it.

They have already calculated in their hearts how much this gift is worth. Would it be appropriate for Jovanovitch to discount it? Well, there's nothing wrong with him, he's just a fool, he has a lot of money, and he's stupid.

This is because they don't know that the gift this time is too heavy, and they can't carry it. It's not that they can't carry it alone, it's the whole family, and even the whole family can't carry it.

The first couple was the sheriff and the biggest squire in the town. When they got to the back room, they saw a picture hanging on the wall. They looked like they were Jovanovitch's father, but they didn't. They just felt a little like them.

There, three of Jovanovitch's brothers folded their hands and knelt before the portrait.

"You two, you don't usually have any conflicts, right?" Jovanovitch asked with a smile.

"What conflict can we have? He is the sheriff, and we serve the sheriff."

This squire was rather naughty. He patted the sheriff and made fun of their relationship.

"Then I will create conflicts for you!"

These words were said coldly, and the two of them felt chills when they heard it.

Suddenly two people rushed in, one held the sheriff, tied their hands upside down, stuffed a rag into his mouth, then took out a knife and handed it to the squire.

"Come on, stab him to death. If you stab him to death, you will have a conflict."

"Jovanovitch, what are you doing?"

The squire gave a loud shout, and the calmness just now disappeared.

The sheriff put his hands behind his back and stuffed a rag in his mouth. He could only make a thud, with a look of horror on his face.

"You call, no one will come to save you if you cry, hahahaha."

The fourth elder laughed wildly.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that this portrait belongs to our uncle, Zingelich."

The fifth went to the squire, patted his face, and said softly.

"Xingelic, Zingelic, Zingelic."

The squire was talking and thinking in his heart, but looking at the high-walled and thick house, there were 6 people on the other side, and he was no match for him at all.

"Singelich, 30 years ago, he saved your life and saved all Nish people's lives. Outside Nis, on the Nishwar River."

The fifth man explained it in detail in his ear again. The voice was not loud, but it was comparable to Chunlei.

"You are the descendants of the rebel Hingjelic?"

The squire blurted out, and immediately covered his mouth again. He forgot to hold the knife in his hand and cut his mouth and the bridge of his nose.

He also rescued our Nishi people, because they made trouble, Nishi was slaughtered by Turkey again, did he kill Nishi? The squire thought to himself.

"Go ahead, don't force us to be rough."

Grass, you've been rough, haven't you? The squire looked at them helplessly and asked:

"Is there any way to not kill it? I'm willing to pay. Any amount is fine, 1,000 pounds, 1,000 pounds?"

"What do you say?"

The fourth elder came over with a grinning smile, pinching the squire's chin.

"The fourth gang help him, don't let him mess up."

The fourth child grabbed the squire's hand and stabbed the sheriff three times.

"Come on, write a blood letter saying that you are at odds with him, and stab him to death in anger. If it is false, I am willing to compensate with the whole family's life."

Jovanovitch handed him a piece of paper.

"Don't use his blood, just use your blood. Speed!"

The squire shook, and the paper floated to the ground.

It won't take long for him to write the blood book.

The second pair is a customs clerk and a great squire.

It was the fourth child who held his hand and killed the customs officer.

The squire is reluctant to write a blood letter.

"Knock off a toe, and then ask him if he can write. Let the little toe stop him from walking."

Jovanovitch said, there is no fireworks, just like a fairy in the sky, and like a saint in the world.

"I write, don't break my toes. I write, I write. Give me the paper, and I write."

The country squire immediately confessed, he had to write it if he knocked it out, why bother with his little toe.

Another pair came in, the tax officer and the squire. The squire grabbed the land with his head after the fourth elder took his hand to death.

For this squire who would rather die than give in, the fifth was very reluctant. He took the hand of his corpse and wrote in blood:

"The tax officer has repeatedly blackmailed me, but I really can't handle it. The thief is here today. It's written by so-and-so."

Then comes the second paragraph:

"After killing the thief, I feel very sad. He is not guilty of death. I will write this down. May the whole family's life be compensated for him, and the world will be peaceful."

Then this country gentleman was pressed with the whole palm fingerprint, plus the thumb, index finger and two fingerprints. This fingerprint is more comprehensive than others.

After a while, everyone cleared the customs. Just over an hour passed.

"Okay, everyone, I know you all think I'm a fool, and our family is all fools, but now you should understand that I'm not a fool."

Jovanovitch, took out a small cloth, smeared some blood on the corpse, and painted the squires one by one.

Some are applied to the face, some are applied to the arms, and some are even applied to the neck.

"This time, we're going to turn Nisha upside down. How about you, there are two ways, one is death, at my hands; the other is also dead, um, the other is likely to die, possibly in the official army in hand."

He reached into the hollow in the ground, where there was a small pool of blood.

He soaked his hand there for a while, then took it out, put it in front of his eyes, and took a closer look, as if he was looking at a work of art.

He put his hands under his nose and smelled it again. It was like in later movies, drug dealers sniffed the drug and pinned three bites to judge whether it was genuine or not. It was also like the characters played by Wu Zhenyu or Zhang Yaoyang, who looked like the Banking Association, to sniff one. woman.

"You will be imprisoned here, at least for one day, at most for two days, without food or drink, accompanied by these corpses. These are the people you killed, the parents and officials you killed."

Everyone didn't dare to make a sound, but some people fell down in fright, and they didn't fall down just after the murder.

"Tomorrow morning at the earliest, and tomorrow night at the latest, I will come to rescue you."

After Jovanovitch finished speaking, he walked out. When he reached the door, he turned around and added:

"If I didn't come, I was killed by the officials. You should be buried with me."

These words are flat, but everyone thinks that it is the voice of Satan, um, some people think it is the voice of Iblis.


Two hours after lunch, about three o'clock in the afternoon, in the village of Kamenica.

The fourth child took 12 servants to find the village chief's son.

"Brother, your father is lying at my house, asking you to gather people."

With just these words, the fourth child gathered people together.

"Everyone, the village elders have already gone to contact other villages. I won't say anything extra. How about the Turks? Everyone knows that they take 70%, 70% of our harvest."

Listening to this, the old farmer wept, and the old woman was sad.

"Who else's has not been harassed by Turks? In the past ten years, who else has married an original woman?"

After hearing this, the boys, whether they are single or not married for a few years, clench their fists one by one. I don't know if they are angry with the Turks for taking the original packaging of his daughter-in-law, or if they are angry with the bad guy, the fourth child, and tell the truth. Poke it out.

Let's go, let's take back everything that belongs to us.

Let's go and take away the original packaging of the Turkish woman.

Go, let's take away the Turks' gold, shops, and grain.

Come on, let's drive out the Turks.

Go, let's kill the Turks.



They came to the barrier between entering and leaving the village, rushed into the pass set up by the Turks, killed the guards, the boys realized their ambition, molested the women and children of the Turks, and then killed them.

They grabbed the tax and silver in the pass, and distributed the swords, guns and clubs to these red-eyed young men one by one.

The boys, under the guidance of 12 professional experts, made use of the original pass to start building temporary roadblocks to block the incoming enemy.

According to the request of the third brother, the fourth child began to sit back and wait here, preparing to confront the Nish army who came to suppress them.

This pass is also a protection for them. It can fold the opponent's strength in half. Of course, it also increases their own strength, especially the courage of the villagers.

It's a pity that the fourth brother didn't know that the sixth one suffered a setback at the pass and injured an arm. This time, when he faced a powerful enemy, his deterrent power to the villagers was greatly reduced.

Where the fifth, the fifth, second only to the third, will be fine.

In order to prevent 4o4, this chapter is written with restraint.

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