Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 457: What is evil, want to crooked people face

   "Well, why did you get such a troublesome place to buy?"

  Even if the local logistics school in Chuo District is not at ease, but at least it is close to the school there, Levi can not be so hard. If he is not stingy with gas and can still use his own car to transport the school's goods, Levi must be not stingy, then it will be a lot easier.

   "What do you mean? Isn't it because some people themselves say that the price of the academy city is lower than that of the central area, and there are some gadgets that are very advanced and easy to use although they look very ordinary?"

   That month pursed his lips and smiled, the little eyes clearly mocked Levi's self-acceptance. That's right, it was indeed he inadvertently talked about the benefits of shopping in the academy city, and let Mei Li hear it, only then had the purchase trip of the two of them.

  In addition to producing better products, advanced technology can also effectively reduce manufacturing costs and make the prices of commodities cheaper. Many of the outside world still need intensive labor to manufacture commodities, and the academy city can be fully mechanized and fully automatic and rapid ‘generation’. And thanks to the material technology of the academy city, their losses in refining and processing raw materials are also much less than those of external factories, which can save a lot in this respect. Reflecting on the market, the prices of similar goods sold in the academy city are much cheaper than the outside world. The students here can spend a better life with less money than the students in the Central District. If the students in the Central District come to see the school city, they might think that the students here are all rich second generations who are rich in their homes. All kinds of electronic products.

   "Ah! A mistake!"

  Levy patted his head, and he sighed regretfully. He knew that in front of the new principal of his school, he should be careful in saying every sentence, otherwise it would be easy to have trouble. However, his personality is a person who cares less about the details. In many cases, he can't control it at all, and he speaks out without paying attention. Besides, before I say a word, I have to think about whether it will affect me. I also lived too tired and bitter that day, and Levi’s IQ balance was not enough to support him in such a day. It was really difficult for the strongman and helpless thing.

"You are the teacher responsible for the liaison and guidance of the Student Union. The Student Union has the right to supervise these matters related to student welfare in the school. In the past, it was probably because there was no need to go out for purchases, and the time was relatively early, so the student president and other student union members Both can supervise the purchase list and accounts. This time happens to be out during the exam, you don’t come, do you let your baby daughter who is the student president give up the exam and come out with me?"

  Nangong was the head teacher of Rin Tosaka's class that month, and she was clearly aware of the situation of Rin and Levi. In fact, Ryu Tosaka is an orphan, and Levi is her adopter and guardian, all the teachers in the school know about it. After all, the data written in black and white in the personal files of Rin Bansaka's student file is not restricted to others. And since Rin became the student president, the characters in school like her are naturally the one with the fastest gossip.

   But the teacher of No. 2 Middle School is still quite ethical. About Rin's life experience is basically only gossip and gossip inside the teacher, and very few are heard in the students' ears. Among the students who know this, it is often the small part of the relationship with Rin who has been in contact for a long time and has a good relationship.

  Whether it was Rin or Levi, neither of them actually deliberately concealed their relationship. The majestic lady really didn’t feel any embarrassment about her life to let others know, Levi didn’t even care about it-he didn’t worry too much about the evilness of such a beautiful girl adopted by a man like him. guess. After all, in the column of marital status in the archives, Levi has always filled in ‘married’.

   "...Is it really going to move things back in a while later? In this age, still using manpower?"

  Levy made that month's ridicule speechless, simply accepting reality and turning to study how to act. He is better at this point, and will not always complain endlessly like some annoying guys. For many things that can't be changed anyway, Levi has always been struggling to do useless work. The reason why I complained with that month just now is that the mall in front of the two people has not officially opened for business. Can't you enter the door without looking for something to say? Just how stupid are these two people standing? Fortunately, it is school time now, and no one passes by. Or shouldn't they both be treated as mentally ill? Obviously, it is not a day of shopping malls such as Easter, Christmas and New Year. It also ran to the door of the mall and waited for the door to open. Isn’t it silly?

"It’s good to use human resources to protect the Levi’s eyes rolled back at that month. Although the teacher must be teaching students such as'starting from small things' and'starting from me' This is the reason. However, it is specific to Levi himself... It is not wrong to say that he is a selfish guy with no social responsibility. Combining the words he said on the podium with his real thoughts is about the same as those everywhere. Advocating the protection of the environment and reducing air pollution, but on the road, he is a famous person with a full-size SUV with a large displacement V8 engine installed in the front of the car.

In terms of environmental protection, Levi is actually quite good. Although the displacement of his car is not low, it is only moderate. Considering that the car was prepared for the whole family to travel, then he is already very environmentally friendly and save compared to the people in the family who drive out one by one every day. But at the same time, it must be noted that such good behaviors as Levi are often not based on the principles he taught to the students. It can be said that Levi’s good side is simply because he feels that it is more convenient to do so, and it happens to meet the way of others’ judgment on the code of conduct. As for some other things that he feels convenient, it just happens to be in conflict with the public's cognitive behavior... Does anyone think he will pay more attention to other people's views and change himself? Not to mention being condemned by conscience even if no one sees it, this guy is not so complicated at all.

  In the final analysis, Levi is actually a standard self-centered egoist. But because he is not so strong and greedy in desire, he has not shown the blackening tendency of some egoists. There are not many requirements, and naturally there will not be too many conflicts with others. If Levi becomes more indifferent, maybe he can be enshrined in the temple and sit on the lotus stand as a bodhisattva incarnate as a monk.

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