Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 460: What is the difference in height?

   "What you said makes sense, the gap in weapon technology is too large, and it is really difficult to form an equal battle. To a certain extent, the weapon is powerful, and even... it will feel tricky."

   That month seemed to remember something, with an unclear emotion. Levi didn't hear what she said, or it might have been hidden in her heart that month. If you are a stunned young man who is curious and doesn't want too much, then I might ask what happened in that month? Levi wouldn't do that, although he also has a weak curiosity like ordinary people. But he can tell which things are unwilling to be mentioned by others. Blindly breaking the casserole and asking it in the end is not a good way to care about others, but often causes trouble for others.

"The guards you mentioned may be quite troublesome, but we just buy things here normally, and we don't get in touch with them? Although it is more special to use space mobility to transport goods, this is a school city, I heard that there are many people with space mobility here. The ability of the two of us should not attract the attention of police officers?"

   Without talking about those irrelevant topics, that month still did not understand why Levi made her wary of guards. In her view, the academy city is a place where superpowers are everywhere. Although she has not been to the magic world that month, she also knows what a world with supernatural abilities can be seen everywhere. In other words, in the eyes of civilizations established purely with supernatural power, advanced and developed technological products are not another kind of'magic'? The supernatural of the earth's surface world is common sense in places like the magic world. The science in the common sense of the earth, in the fantasy world, is actually a kind of knowledge.

"It's very simple, because the school city theoretically does not allow students to use their abilities in public. Except for the discipline committee, even the discipline committee is limited to the time of "handling the case". I have a familiarity here The Commissioner of Discipline, when she is usually outside her official duties, seldom uses her abilities."

  Levy said that, and it would be clear that month. In fact, this kind of law prohibiting the use of abilities in public places should be a common sense for her. But perhaps it has been too long since I have not been in contact with those things I used to, and many common senses of that month are gradually replaced by new common senses. As for the previous month, she didn’t care that others knew she was a person with special power. As she now hides her extraordinary life among ordinary people, she was quite uncomfortable at the beginning of that month. She is not like the magician born in the ordinary world like Rin, and she has not developed the habit of hiding her identity since she was a child. It was the encounters of this period of time that were not too long, forcing that month to quickly adapt to the new lifestyle in order to integrate into a world different from what I had known in the past.

   "Well, their rules are quite reasonable. I remember that the academy city has superpowers and seems to be all students. There are not many working adults yet?"

"Although the history of the academy city can be traced back decades, it seems that it has been used for decades from planning to construction. It really took a long time to fully engage in the research and courses of super-capacity development. It seems that it has not been so far. Students who haven’t developed abilities have grown to the age of college graduation? It’s not wrong to say that the abilities of the academy are all children."

  Frankly speaking about this topic, Levi is still quite interested. As he said, the academy city began planning and construction decades ago. For a long period of time after the completion of the construction, only a lot of researchers were assembled to focus on superpower development, but not only superpower research, but also other high-tech research that made the academy city famous in the world. Now, the number of students in this city is close to two million, but it was only recently that the various studies of the academy city had achieved certain results, and they were openly recruited to enter the city.

   is not only interested in the way out for those who will graduate in the future, Levi is quite curious about how the school city has recruited such a large number of students in a short period of time. If these students graduate in the future, it should not be possible for so many people to stay and work in the academy city for a lifetime? There are constantly new recruits, but no graduates leave. Even if the city is huge and technology is advanced, the population explosion will continue to be broken. What's more, as the original purpose is to develop students and families who can stand out after superpowers, even those who do not know the has always thought that the academy city is really only engaged in brain domain development research, which can make its own children change To be smarter and grow up to a more prosperous family in the future, how can they all agree that their children will stay in this city for life, and at most occasionally go home for a few days on vacation? However, if the academy city does not restrict the destination of graduates... so many people with special abilities will be scattered around the world by then, how many of them can strictly observe the rules for involuntary use of abilities like Shirai Kuroko? Without any means of restriction, how chaotic the world will become at that time? Now there are police officers and ethics commissioners in the academy city, as well as all kinds of high-tech technologies that cannot be imagined by the outside world. Even so, crime cases caused by capable people still emerge in endlessly? If those who have the wrong heart skills are returned to the ordinary ordinary people like this, God knows how much trouble they will make?

   "What is the number of superpowers in the academy city?"

   suddenly asked about it that month, Levi actually did not know the specific data.

   "This...I remember...The total population of the academy city is 2.3 million, and the number of students exceeds 80%, which is more than 1.8 million..."

   "Obviously, I checked online with my mobile phone. Please don't say "I remember"? Is it okay? Don't think I can't see your mobile phone screen, I don't know what you are doing!"

   Due to the difference in height between that month and Levi, although the number of shoes worn in that month always has a little heel, it may not be within half a meter. But if Levy raised the phone a little, he would stand on his feet that month and could not see what was displayed on the screen of his phone. But to say that this month, I can't guess what Levi is doing. It is undoubtedly an insult to our IQ of that month's sauce. Whether it is a teacher or a student at school, the evaluation of the business level of that month is consistently higher than that of Levi.

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