Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 476: Who can understand the sadness of Lolita

   If you are afraid of being photographed by the monitoring equipment set up in the mall, and you can only take out the purchases with your bare hands, it will be quite a headache. Even if she was willing to help that month instead of being a woman who shook her hand and looked at nothing, it was still too unrealistic to do.

   "After all, consider the convenience of people who buy a lot of things. And the place where the downstairs picks up is loosely monitored, so it is more convenient for us to go from there."

   In fact, other large shopping malls should learn from here. Even Levi, whose physical ability is much stronger than the average person, feels that shopping with a bunch of shopping bags is very tiring. I have bought a bunch of two hands and I can’t take it anymore. I have to work hard to continue shopping with so much ‘cumbersomeness’. Or why do many men feel that shopping with their girlfriends or wives is a torment? If the mall can provide a service that allows customers who have bought a lot of things to continue shopping deliberately and easily, it is also a good promotion for their own business. Compared with people who are tired enough to choke on big bags and small bags, of course, people who are relaxed and relaxed are more likely to make up their minds to buy something.

"Not to mention you guys, many women also find it troublesome to carry a bunch of things while shopping. It is difficult to walk with a heavy object in hand, but even if there is a place to store things in the mall, it is often only on a certain floor. And the boxes are small and small, and it’s useless to put too many things. Because shopping is such a troublesome thing, I don’t have much interest in this.”

  No, no, this can deceive others but not Levi. Levi naturally knew that the reason why she did not like shopping that month had nothing to do with what she said. However, it may be interesting to see how the girls lose their temper when they are idle and do nothing. When this is the case, don’t talk nonsense to hinder the progress of the work.

   Levi had just finished the order and continued to go upstairs with that month and Tio. No matter whether it is the school travel supplies they want to purchase, or the daily necessities that Tiou wants to buy, they haven't finished. Seeing that it was almost lunch time, Levi discussed with the two girls and decided to seize the time to buy everything before noon, and then time to go to a restaurant with a good reputation nearby for dinner. The restaurant Levi had been with Shiraoi Kuroko for the first time. Later, after meeting several ITEM girls, they met there once. Although it is just a family restaurant with an ordinary appearance and a menu that looks very ordinary, it allows some high-level people in the academy city to come to eat from other school districts. The taste is naturally not as lacking as other family restaurants. Features. Today is just near here. Levi, who is also a foodie, has long wanted to take the month to try it at noon, and now he has added another Tio.

   "I guess many store operators may have thought about this problem long ago. But with their technology, there is no simple solution for the time being, so it has always been like that."

  Levi took the escalator first. The upper two floors are supermarkets, where you can buy all the daily necessities.

"If other shopping malls learn this way, get a unified pick-up point in one place. If there are not many people in the shopping mall, there are not many customers. You can think of the shopping mall in the Central District that is full of people every weekend. How long does it take to pick up the goods together, and if you want to reduce the queue time, how much space do you have to make, how many people are required?"

   This is a typical advantage of fully automated compared to the need for manual work. This shopping mall can do everything from finding the goods to shipping through machines, robots and computers installed in places where customers can’t see; the same thing is on the central side, there are some links that can only be done by people. The efficiency of doing things by people is generally inferior to machines, especially those more advanced machines on the academy side. Besides, if you ask for more people, you have to pay an extra salary, and the cost of operating the mall will increase a lot.

   "Well, you are right, this method is really not suitable for use in places with many people."

   followed Levi's head on the escalator that month, bowing his head as if recalling bad things. In fact, she remembered that when she first came to work on the island, she once went out to shop and accidentally encountered the experience of a big sale in the mall that day. The pain of the petty month in the crowd of people in the mall made her unable to do so. Now she can't forget it. When she thinks about it, she has a feeling of dizziness in her head.

   "What's wrong? That month?"

  Levy was always in a state of full awareness when he was in the academy city to avoid any accidents. In this case, he heard that the movement behind him was a little bit wrong. When he turned around, he saw that the black long straight loli who had followed him down the escalator swayed with his head and neck Looks like. Levi quickly stepped back and leaned over to support that month's shoulders. Although considering that the month is not an ordinary loli, it should not be a problem to be able to play flat fall. But as a gentleman, when the lady is obviously strange, it is obviously not ceremonial not to show her concern. And a real gentleman like Levi, who has long been in his mind, does not consider those things at all, and the purely conditioned reflex will lead the body first. It can be seen that the gentleman's behavior and behavior have already penetrated into his nerve cells. This is the result of years and years, and he is worthy of his origin.

   "Ah, it's okay, just saying those words reminds me of a not-so-good experience, and suddenly I feel dizzy."

   That month, he shook his head and stood up straight, indicating that he was fine. Just now she looks like it is easy to make people think that she has been attacked by some kind of spirit. After all, this is a school city, and there are talents with good strength everywhere, and their abilities are unpredictable. The situation is as ordinary dizziness.

   "What is the experience?"

  Tio, who was walking at the end, heard the words of that month and speeded up to catch up. Although the tone of her speech is as usual as usual, she prefers the setting of Sanwu Girl who is very enthusiastic about Huiyehequan. But I do not know why there is no special ups and downs and no special change in expression, but just let Levi and that month can feel an atmosphere of schadenfreude? It seems that Tio is not caring about the unfortunate experience of that month, but is asking with enthusiasm, ‘what are you unhappy about, hurry up and tell me to make me happy’?

   That month was very decent, like a teacher and an elder, but just tilted Tiou, and didn't look really angry.

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