Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 516: Natural stay is not so irritating

The young girl drinking afternoon tea happily in Levi’s room at this moment has no way to let her find out the shadow of the formal etiquette from her, and even makes me feel that she is more heartfelt than when she arrived at the hot spring hotel with her friends. happy. Levi had known for a long time that even if he was in a high position and still had outstanding talents, this silver-haired girl was still a lonely little girl who longed for friends.

   "I just saw clearly that the person standing there was you at the door, but I was shocked and almost made the students of Xiangliang see it!"

  The silver-haired girl gently patted her chest with a lingering look. But why didn't Levy remember the special unnatural look she saw at the door just now? Even if he brushed his eyes and said hello, if Levi's attention was particularly careful, he wouldn't necessarily have found the subtle expression.

   "Well, yes, I see it, if Mao is supporting you..."

   "Mr. McDowell!"

   Levi laughed. The beautiful girl fell on the ground or something. This kind of plot has always been seen in the animations that Hui Ye Lao let Levi accompany with her. In reality, Lewis hasn’t seen much of this kind of thing in school for so many years. Even like Okazaki’s girlfriend who was a little clumsy and natural, Levi had not witnessed her walking and falling like Tessa at school-it is strange to say that the silver-haired girl had not known for a long time before she first met Levi called her name nickname'Tessa', but she refused to call Levi's name herself. She only tried it once or twice, but she seemed very embarrassed to say it. Levi actually didn't think Tessa was an old-fashioned person, although she managed such a force at a young age and was a highly sophisticated researcher herself. But looking at the interaction between her and the subordinates in the army, it is generally very natural and random, unlike the strict and distinct superiors and subordinates in other armed forces, but especially the older veterans in the army. The war-torn uncles even looked at their daughter when they saw Tessa.

   However, from the example of treating Tessa, the Mithril forces should not be regarded as a free and loose organization. Those veterans would also let go of their hearts in front of Tessa, and when faced with the other two senior generals of the troops, their performance was no different from that of other disciplined troops that were prohibited by orders. Even the cruel, free-living guy like Leuze had never seen him arrogant in front of two other generals. That is Lieutenant Colonel Madukas, who is just now Tessa’s mouth, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Madukas, the son of Danu’s son, and Andrew Segway, commander of the Marine Corps Special Response Team (SRT) Major Ki-Kaliningen.

   If Tessa is an atypical captain and commander, the highly trained soldier is the most typical first officer and commander.

   "I heard that after these two days of travel, you will almost end your vacation and return to the ship?"

   "Well, although Danu's maintenance and repairs haven't been completed yet, there are some things that I need to deal with next. I have been very satisfied with such a long vacation. I can't always dedicate my work to others."

   In fact, at least, when Levi and her did not spend too much time with each other, she had never seen Tessa slacking herself by pushing her work to her subordinates. It may not be a workaholic, but for various reasons, Tessa is actually the kind of good one who does not know what to do once he is idle. I'm afraid that this time I chose to go to the school where Sangsang Sangsuke performed the task as a short-term exchange student. It was also her subordinates who worried about the little girl that they thought it was a relatively good choice after research. Let her not be lonely among a group of her peers in school, and have the trustworthy self-protection of Xianliang nearby. Levi had long felt that the always-faced first officer on their submarine treated Tessa like his most precious little daughter. Sure enough, even the old-fashioned middle-aged person can consider the usual time for his daughter. 'Domains' that have never been in contact

  It would be good for Tessa if it is not determined to come here for a holiday. I am afraid that even if she personally made the request as the commander-in-chief, the deputy commander who looks like a classic old castle butler in the British movie, even if she is disobeyed, she cannot agree. But in this kind of thing, Tessa must not insist on using commands to suppress people. Mithril's submarine battle Levi was seen from a close distance. He usually feels that he is the deputy commander of the first authority on the ship. During the battle, it is completely meticulous and faithful to execute Tessa’s instructions. It is not a little overstepping like he usually treats Tessa. I think it is rare for you to have free time at this age. It is better to take more rest. Although the energy of young people is definitely much better than that of older people, you always have to take care of so much work... Even if it is for your troops, in order to prevent you from making mistakes in the event of too much pressure, you should indeed use spare time as much as possible. Get more rest. "

   Levi is not as joking as he usually is. He is really serious and gives his suggestions from the perspective of what he has observed.

  After the Eight Gods blast took charge of a department in the Space and Time Administration itself, Lewis did not have the opportunity to see how it worked. But how did the silver-haired girl captain who was only one year older than the blast spend the day-to-day life? Levi had more specific experience. Meticulous from start to finish during the voyage in the mission phase; strict and serious when conducting various exercises during the period when there is no mission; and the hard work of various scientific research work when there is no work on the ship. If Tessa was Levi’s daughter, he would not allow a sixteen-year-old girl to do all the hard work every day in such a dangerous organization.

   Especially where Tessa works is still in a submarine. Even though Mithril’s son of Dannu really lived up to what some people call the “diving mothership”, the space inside the ship was far from that of common submarines, in order to minimize the size and only maintain the space that had to be left, No matter where you go, it gives a narrow and dark feeling. But even if the internal space of Dannu's son is quite spacious and bright, you can even say "Comfort". However, after all, it was a deep submarine submarine, and all the space around 360 degrees was filled with huge pressure of sea water. The feeling of oppression still exists like other ordinary submarines.

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