Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1157 Encounter! Seize ships, capture prisoners, and sacrifice them to God!

"O God of the Sun! The white-skinned demons have left the inlet! They got on the big boat and headed to the east sea!..."

"God bless you! Send a messenger quickly to report back to the chief priest of Tuomat in Tiewan Town!..."

"Yes, there is also Battalion Commander Puap! He waited impatiently for three years and even gave birth to four children... He just hopes to make great achievements and report back to His Majesty!..."

The sun is setting in the west, and the "small water bay" of Youshui Department is sparkling, and the tranquility is gradually restored. Two canoes left the Taino village and paddled toward the south of the great lake without stopping. There is a narrow stream there that connects to the vast "Big Water Bay" further to the south. On the southeastern shore of "Big Water Bay" is the kingdom's core town in Cuba, the stronghold where longship warriors are stationed and patrolling, and the only town that produces ironware!

"Damn it! What damn natives! They shout and kill each other as soon as they meet. They are just a group of barbarians... Damn it! We didn't even get any supplies!..."

On the Pinta, Captain Ohiramatsu frowned and listened to the sailors' replies. His face showed anger and incomprehensible confusion.

"Holy Mother! The natives on this big island look the same as those on the islands, but why are their attitudes completely different? What is the reason why they are so hostile to us?... Sisko, what do you think?"

"Brother, the natives on Sipangu Island are indeed very different from the natives in the Bahamas! The number of natives here is very large, and there are often large tribes of thousands of people, which can gather hundreds of strong men. And the natives In large tribes, there will be brave leather-armored warriors and bronze-armored men to organize fighting teams... In addition, the natives here also have iron weapons! Although they are very ignorant and barbaric, they are not as peaceful as the natives of the Bahamas. Kind, but still civilized..."

Francisco Pinzon stroked his beard, his eyes flashed, and explained his observations and opinions. In the eyes of Castilians of this era, "barbaric" was not actually a derogatory term. "Barbarians" with power deserve to be treated with respect. On the contrary, "goodness" without power is almost an "original sin" and can be judged arbitrarily in the name of God, just like the kingdom did to the conquering Moors...

"Yes. He has iron weapons, his tribe has military leaders, he can mobilize fighting teams, and he is very hostile to us... Captain Dracosa, what do you think?"

Hearing Dapingsong's inquiry, Dracosa pondered for a while. He was always cautious, and his answer at this moment not only used honorifics, but also used Columbus's name.

"God bless you! Dear Lord Hiramatsu, according to Commander Columbus's guess...this is Sipangu RB. And according to "Marco Polo's Travels", the Japanese have been at war with the Mongol Khan of Khitan. And the Mongol Khan of Khitan In the navy, there are not only three-masted ships and five-masted ships like ours, but also Persians, Arabs and Slavs..."

"As soon as the natives here get close and see us, they will immediately yell and escape in small boats. And the villages on the shore will all mobilize and prepare for war...Perhaps, they regard us as Some enemies misunderstand that we are the navy of the Khitan Mongol Khan?"

"Huh? That Columbus guy's nonsense? The battle between Sipangu and Khitan? What kind of nonsense..."

Hearing this, Dapingsong's expression changed slightly. On the surface, he dismissed these speculations of Columbus, but in his heart he was a little doubtful. After all, no one believed this unreliable guy before, but he actually discovered the archipelago land... Ohiramatsu thought randomly for a while, then looked at Dracosa and asked seriously.

"Captain Dracosa, what are these... Well, the Sipangu people misunderstood the Lord's kindness and fought with us as soon as we met... So what do you think we should do next? Is there any way to find Sipangu? King, come to clarify the misunderstanding between the two parties and conduct a good supply transaction?..."

"Well, the Lord has witnessed it! Dear Lord Pinsong, except for some small gifts, there probably are no goods that can be traded on our ship... and the army under King Sipangu may not give us a chance to explain..."

Dracosa pursed his lips and hesitated for a moment. But thinking about the next risks, he still advised cautiously.

"Your Excellency Pingsong, the coast here is very dangerous, very dangerous! Perhaps, we can return to the northern archipelago and obtain supplies and property from those peaceful and friendly native tribes... And according to Commander Columbus, the rich Khitan continent should be Further west…”

"Ha! Return now? Looking for Khitan?...Another Columbus bullshit!..."

After hearing Dracosa's suggestion, Ohiramatsu curled his lips with a noncommittal expression. He finally gained the leadership of the fleet. If he returned with the fleet in despair without harvesting any spoils or discovering any new routes, how could he appease the sailors who supported him and were eager to gain wealth? And when the fleet returned to the Kingdom of Castile, how would he report back to the queen and suppress Columbus?

"Praise the Lord! He guided us here and gave us difficult trials, and he will definitely give us wealth in return! What's more, we need to get supplies of water as soon as possible... Captain Dracosa, you can return to Saint Maria. Please follow our ship, always pay attention to the flag signal, and continue to obey the command!..."

The night is dark and dark clouds are drifting from the east. That night, in order to ensure safety, the Castilian exploration fleet left the coast twenty miles and anchored in the deep sea. In the early morning of the next day, everyone raised the sails again and took advantage of the west wind to look for the southern coast.

The clouds in the sky have not dispersed, and it seems to be raining again. The solitary thrush on the coast of Cuba emits a clear and pleasant cry, which is very similar to the partridge in its hometown of Andalusia.

"God bless! The drizzle is coming and the partridges are chirping. This is a good omen! We will definitely gain something today!..."

The large pines boosted the morale of the crew and looked at the sea and sky to the south. On the southern horizon, the desolate and green jungle coast spread out again. The fleet followed the coast and soon found a wide mouth. This seaport is four to five miles wide, and along the slightly winding seaport to the west, there is a lagoon with no end in sight, a rich and vast bay!

"Captain! Fish! Lots of fish!..."

"There are natives! Their fishing boats! It's in the big bay to the west!..."

Ohiramatsu squinted his eyes, stopped the fleet at the mouth of the sea, and looked carefully into the lagoon to the west. The lagoon in this bay is very large. The edges of the lake are covered with dense reeds, and there are seabirds circling fishing in the sky.

Such a bay lagoon makes it easy for fish in the sea to swim in during high tide and stay during low tide. It is a good place for catching fish! According to the fleet's previous experience, once there is a fertile lagoon, there will inevitably be a large native tribe!

"God bless you! Is it easy to deal with the native tribes here? And if you encounter a large native village, I don't know how much gold and cotton there will be... Well, even if the natives are unwilling to trade, the fleet is fishing in the lagoon Netting a few fat fish can also replenish the fleet’s supplies!”

Dapingsong thought for a while and then looked at the native boat in the lagoon. When encountering the fleet, several native boats were frightened and ran away, but there were still two boats that stopped in the lagoon without moving. The natives on the fishing boat had no clothes and kept looking at the big boat from a distance of several hundred meters.

"Hey! These two native boats didn't escape?..."

Seeing this scene, Dapingsong was a little surprised and a little happy. Could it be that the native tribes here have no hostility towards them? After thinking for a moment, Ohiramatsu quickly made a decision, as decisive and brave as ever.

"Lord guide! Head west, into the mouth of the sea!"

"Say hello to the two native boats and ask them to come over! Give them some glass beads and ask them about the situation on the shore... Don't scare them away!"

The two caravels sailed into the wide estuary with half-sail lowered. The sailors on the ship raised their arms and waved their bright hats, calling loudly to the native boats. But the two native boats seemed to be frightened and fled away like birds. After escaping for a while, the boat actually stopped again. The natives on the boat continued to watch, staring at the incoming ship like sparrows attracted by millet, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Huh? Neither staying away nor getting close...these natives are still wary! Forget it, ignore them..."

"Boss! The Santa Maria is still behind. Do you want to wait for them for a while and then go look for the native tribes in this area?..."

Dapingsong looked at the native's boat for a while and shook his head in vain. The new boatswain Qiachu's suggestion made him moved. He looked at the horizon to the north. The slow-moving Santa Maria was still missing, at least twenty miles behind.

The clumsy Clark's sailing ship was inherently slow and had a much deeper draft than the light Caravel. When sailing offshore with unknown hydrography, the Santa Maria must be very careful to avoid possible rocks.

"Ha! That Columbus guy's boat is as slow as a Catalan turtle, how can it compare to our Andalusian birds?... Bah! If the royal representative hadn't been watching, I would have been too lazy to wait for him! ...Ha! I really want to see him caught by the natives and pull out that annoying tongue!..."

Thinking of Columbus who had lost his fleet power, Ohiramatsu curled his lips in disdain. But as the "commander" of the fleet, he still couldn't just abandon Columbus and Captain De La Cosa. Thinking of this, he looked around the bay where the fish were swimming and ordered with a smile.

"God bless! Lower the sails! Stop inside the harbor!..."

"Throw down the fishing nets! Let's catch more fish in this area, a good place for natives to fish, and replenish the food on the boat!..."

Following Dapingsong's order, both Caravel caravels lowered their sails and stopped at the mouth of the sea to fish. The fish schools here are indeed abundant, but after a quarter of an hour or two, the sailors of the Ninja cheered and caught many big fish.

"Praise the Virgin! Big fish! So many big white fish!..."

"Haha! You can have a good meal tonight!..."

"Huh? Big ship, it seems like a big ship is coming?..."

"Idiot! That's the Virgin Mary, it's slow, it just emerged from the sea in the north. We've already caught two nets of fish before they came!..."

"No! I mean the east, a big ship appeared in the east!..."

"What? East? Outside Haikou?...Huh? It's true!..."

"Ah! Look, what a strange ship! With its long shape and fast oars, why does it feel like a Barbary pirate ship?..."

Hearing the shouts of the sailors, Ohiramatsu quickly walked to the stern of the ship and looked at the eastern sky. To the east is the mouth of the lagoon several miles wide, connecting a large stretch of gray-white beach to the coast. On the outside of the coast, three strange-looking ships were rowing toward the seaport with dozens of ant-sized boats.

"Holy Mother! What is this? A long-headed galley...a Viking longship in the North Sea? How come it appears in Sipangu?..."

Dahiramong frowned in astonishment, looking at the fleet of galleys coming from the eastern sky, as if he had seen some strange spectacle. But soon, alarm bells started ringing in his heart, and his expression became panicked.

"No, no! The group of canoes behind...this is the fleet of natives! This is probably the enemy!..."

"Ah! The natives actually have big ships! They are also big galleys that are good at sailing on the coast!..."

"Damn it! Our ship is in the lagoon! If it is blocked by the native fleet..."

Thinking of the terrible consequences, Dapingsong's forehead instantly broke out in sweat, and his voice screamed and trembled.

"Quick! Quick! Raise the sail! It's full!..."

"Turn around and head east, head east quickly, and rush out of the sea!!"

"Blessed Mother! These native fleets that suddenly appeared must not be enemies!..."

Dapingsong trembled all over and watched the native fleet anxiously. The three galleys were very fast, no need to care about the direction of the wind, they were obviously coming at full speed. And those galleys seemed to be filled with heavily armed natives, and the reflections of their weapons were densely packed, like an ominous death light...

"Ah haha! God bless me! After waiting for three years, this heaven-shaking great achievement has finally been achieved by me, Puap!..."

On the leading flagship longship, Huitu Puap stood on the bow, raising his head and laughing. He was wearing fine leather armor, carrying two copper axes on his waist, a bow on his back, and an iron spear in his hand. The thirty kingdom warriors on board were also equipped with armor and spears, and had cruel killing intent on their faces. Even the forty Taino paddlers were all wearing simple leather armor and had stubby iron axes on their waists!

"Ahaha! Praise the Lord God! Praise His Majesty!...Ah! What a white-skinned bearded man, he looks so scary!...Ahaha! What a big fish! So many big white fish!..."

"God bless you! Gobblers, follow me and block the mouth of the sea!...Speed ​​up! Paddling with all your strength! Charge!...

"Ahaha! They can't escape! They are so close!... Roar! Seize the ship and capture the prisoners! Cut off the head of the evil leader and sacrifice it to God!..."

"Roar! Seize ships and capture prisoners! Sacrifice to God!!..."

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