Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1177 The skull of the ancient saint, the secret of the gods!

The sky is setting, and the temple is bright and clean, reflecting the faint red clouds. The "Skull of the Ancient Saint" is enshrined on the golden altar, glowing with a slight white glaze, as if it embodies true immortality and holiness.

"A fulcrum, a breakthrough point... leveraging the entire Maya..."

Marshal Bertard of the East China Sea stood calmly in front of the "Skull of the Ancient Saint". He slowly stretched out his hand, touched the shiny and smooth touch of the divine object, and murmured silently. He doesn’t know whether the fulcrum he is talking about is the “Skull of the Ancient Saint” or this key negotiation that divides the tribes and divides the enemy and ourselves.

The talks between the envoys from various ministries started in the early morning and lasted for nearly a day. Until the sun sets in the west, the main hall of the main god finally becomes deserted again. At this moment, the setting sun was shining, and there was only one "divine object" left in the hall, two silent descendants of Cocom, and a meditating Marshal of Mexico.

As for the envoy of the Huoyan Clan, the leader of the clan, Red Bird Huoyan, has already gone to the Kingdom’s camp outside Kapok City, accompanied by the Kingdom’s warriors. Before making more detailed plans and discussions about sending troops, Bertard decided to let the leader of the Fire Salt Clan see "the plateau legion as powerful as a demon" in person. On the one hand, this is to provide confidence for the other party to convert, and on the other hand, it is to use force to deter and facilitate subsequent actions.

At this moment, 8,000 seaside legion warriors, 3,000 Pudong barbarian warriors, and 2,000 forcibly recruited Jinshe clan militiamen, a total of 13,000 people, were all stationed in the camp outside the city. Sixty percent of the food and fodder supply for this army came from the Kanur clan that was forced to surrender, and 40% came from the sea transport from the Totonac Coastal Alliance.

In fact, it was only the Plateau Legion of this size stationed here that forced the Kanur clan to support the Mayapan royal family, released five hundred plateau warriors into the Kapok capital, and immediately destroyed an old temple completely. It was changed into a brand new main temple!

"Blessed by the Lord God! I really didn't expect that... a so-called ancient holy relic actually 'exploded' all the clan messengers of Maya in the lowlands... If it weren't for the attraction of this sacred relic, I'm afraid the kingdom wouldn't have With this opportunity, I communicated directly with the envoys of each clan, and instantly sorted out the chaotic Mayan situation... This banner of status of the Mayapan royal family can indeed play a huge role at certain times! Of course, First of all, you must have the strength to wave the flag..."

"Right now, Puton, Golden Snake, and Canul on the west coast of Yucatan, Chiguin on the north coast, and Weihai on the east coast are all on the side of the Mayapan royal family and are allies now or in the near future... and Xiwu , Tail Feather, Deer Bug, Plum Tree, and Ekabu stood opposite the royal family and were enemies to attack and fight... As for Chel, Kapur, Tes, and Corn, they maintained neutrality with different tendencies... And His Majesty ordered The first phase of the goal is to open up the Mayan coast of Cuba, and only need to solve the tail feathers, deer insects and Ekabu! ... Well, I don’t know if the white-skinned evil demon predicted by His Majesty has reached Cuba. island…"

"Guide from the Lord God! These Mayan clans have different attitudes and positions, and they all have very different interests and demands. The myths and legends of the Maya have a profound influence, and the ruling principles of the gods are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people... It seems that I still understand the traditions of the Mayan land. It’s not deep enough and needs more learning!…”

Bertard's eyes flashed as he reviewed the results of this meeting. Then, he lowered his head and felt the inexplicably familiar touch. Looking at this sacred object that was said to have been passed down for thousands of years, a trace of accumulated doubt flashed in his heart. He calmly held up the "Skull of the Ancient Saint", placed his other hand on the perfect and slender skull, and looked at the sun for a while. The length of this divine object is even half of his height, and the milky white and slightly yellowish color of the skull seems to be...

"Huh? This touch...this length...this luster?..."

Bertard squinted his eyes, walked slowly to Ti Carlo, and stared into the other person's eyes. The old fox's eyes twitched, he bowed his head respectfully, and asked in proficient Mexica.

"God bless you! Dear Marshal Donghai, the meeting between the various ministries has ended, and the envoys from each ministry have left... I don't know, what else do you want to ask about the situation of the various ministries? Please feel free to tell me..."



"In front of the statue of the Lord God, I have a question to ask you. Please answer it truthfully!"

"Ah...the Lord God is watching! In front of you, I will definitely answer everything, as transparent and candid as an ant egg!..."

"very good!"

Bertard nodded, with a serious look on his face, and asked word by word.

"Ti Carlo, tell me... this perfect Mayan artifact, the 'Skull of the Ancient Saint' that can attract all tribes... is it true or false?..."

"Are the fetishes real or fake?"

Tikalo was stunned, with fear and confusion on his face. He knelt down nervously, holding the amulet of the main god around his neck, and answered respectfully.

"Witnessed by the Lord God! This ancient holy skull is a sacred object passed down by the Mayapan royal family for dozens of generations... It is naturally real!..."



"Then what if I take it away and present it to the Mexica royal family?..."

"Ah! The Mexica royal family owes Cocom great favor to restore the country... This inherited artifact is at the mercy of the kingdom!"

Hearing this, Tikalo looked reluctant to give up, but he still bowed to the ground respectfully and said piously.

"Praise the supreme god! In the name of the ancestors of the Heavenly Snake, the Cocom family is willing to offer the ancient holy relic..."

"No need!..."

Bertard raised his eyebrows and suddenly waved his hand to refuse. He was still holding the "Skull of the Ancient Saint", feeling the feel like a gem in the lake, staring at Ti Carlo's face, and said calmly.

"Ti Carlo, His Highness was originally planning to let you go to sea and let your unpredictable fate determine your future... It was me! I brought you here from the kingdom in the lake, thousands of miles away... It was also me! I agreed with you to fight Maya Under the banner of the royal family, let Te Ajin become Maya Pancuhu Ahao, and declare to borrow troops to restore the country... It's still me! Let Black Wolf adopt your opinions, carry out differentiated attacks on various Mayan tribes, and give the Cocom clan a certain degree of autonomy..."

"You are a smart man and know how to choose!...Prince Tidan has been engaged to the daughter of the Mexica royal family, and Princess Tidan has promised to His Highness's eldest son in advance...The continuation of the Cocom clan, the revival of the Mayapan royal family, This is the future we can look forward long as you stop being smart and make big mistakes when you shouldn't!..."

"Ah! Yes, yes!... Dear Marshal Donghai, Ajin and I will definitely obey your command and obey your will!... The Cocom clan will never make arbitrary decisions and make the big mistake of being blind and ignorant of current affairs..."

"You are not listening to me, you are following the Lord God's teachings and His Highness's will!..."

"Yes! Yes...definitely!...Praise the Lord God, praise His Highness, praise Marshal Donghai!..."

Bertard stared coldly at the old fox who had a frightened expression and was kneeling on the ground respectfully without any trace of it... After a while, he gently put the "Skull of the Ancient Saint" back on the altar, turned around and stepped on it. Left with the sunset.

The sun was setting, and the figures in the hall were very long. It wasn't until Bertard's shadow disappeared that the old fox Tikalo bowed respectfully again and slowly stood up. And when Ti Carlo stood up and looked at the majestic sculpture of the main god, the fear and awe on his face disappeared, leaving only a long sigh.




Nephew Tiakin looked around the empty temple and then at the skull of the ancient saint on the altar. He couldn't help but lower his voice and asked uneasily.

"This skull of the ancient it really...a sacred object inherited from our ancestors?..."

Hearing this, the old fox Tikalo tilted his head slightly, glanced at his nephew lightly, and asked.

"You are the leader of the clan, and you manage the inheritance of your ancestors... What do you think?"

"Uncle! I...I feel...a little confused..."

Tiakin gritted his teeth and his voice was lowered, almost inaudible.

"Three years ago, the gem fleet from the plateau came. My uncle was also in the fleet, and the clan's merchant ships followed... After my uncle left, the people under your management suddenly began to dig fine sand and burn charcoal. , built a kiln... and said it was going to bake some gems in the lake..."

"But only in the first year, the clan burned some similar gems, and the quantities were pitifully small... In the second year, they began to dig out bones and grind bone powder... Not only were there no gems, but some white pottery was produced. Repeatedly, There are a lot of them, and they seem to be studying something... The texture and luster of the bone pottery are becoming more and more delicate, and finally they look like jade-like bones..."


Hearing this, the old fox Tikallo smiled slightly and patted his nephew's shoulder gently.

"You're not stupid, I really saw it clearly... Then why do you ask?..."

"Ah! Really?! This... but, I don't quite understand... why is the surface of this divine object so mottled with traces and so primitive and vicissitudes of life?"

"Ha! So that's what you're asking?...You really don't have much experience in this area..."

The old fox Tikalo raised the corner of his mouth, touched the old and jade surface of the "Old Saint Skull", and said softly with a smile.

"...Aged bone powder...Scrub...Apply the acid from the ant nest...Add the specially prepared tree make it look old...The craftsmanship of these ancient objects are all unique skills of the Totonac witch doctors... "

"Blessed by our ancestors! Back then, after I learned the secret of the gems in the lake... my first thought was not to burn the gems to make money, but to arrange this..."

"After all, Ah Jin, you have converted to the main god of the plateau, which is actually tantamount to betraying the Mayan gods... Only in the name of the ancient saint can the Mayan tribes reluctantly accept it!... If the Mayapan royal family wants to truly revive, it must not be accepted by the gods of the various tribes. Exclusion of ethnic origin and loss of popular support..."

"The Cocom family struggled to survive, and after fifty years of hardships and dangers, they finally got an opportunity!... If they don't want to always be a puppet of Mexica without any power, they must have all the tribes to come out and Only with inner recognition can we have the capital to operate!…”

Hearing this, Tiakin was shocked, looked around nervously, and then approached and asked.

" the Mexicans know about these things...?"

"What do you know? The clan doesn't want to be a puppet? Or is the divine object man-made?..."

"Hiss! Uncle! Please speak softly..."

"Ha! Ah Jin, look at how nervous you are... Which clan in this world is willing to give up all its power and become a puppet that can be replaced at any time? Sometimes it is just because of the situation that it is not as powerful as others... As for divine objects Whether it’s true or not, the Mexicans know how to smelt gems. They are already familiar with this technology, and they will know it sooner or later... especially Marshal Bertard, who is extremely meticulous and cautious. Looking at him like this, I’m afraid he already knows it!..."

The old fox Tikallo smiled, not as uneasy as his nephew Tiakin. Although he is a businessman, does not know any fighting skills, and has almost never killed anyone, and his nephew is one of the most powerful warriors in the clan, with the lives of dozens of enemy warriors in his hands... But when it comes to courage, I'm afraid Cocom warrior Tiajin is far inferior to fox merchant Tikalo!

"Ajin, don't worry! The Mexica people will not poke out the skull. This is beneficial to both parties... If the mission of the Lord God of the Plateau is to be promoted smoothly in the Maya, it still needs to be endorsed in the name of the ancient saint! ...As for the future, how much actual power the Mayapan royal family will have in the hands of the Mexica depends on the political game between the two parties, just like two beasts distributing territory..."

Tikalo smiled faintly and narrowed his dazzled old eyes. He patiently taught his young and brave nephew, explaining the truths that he gradually realized after going through countless setbacks and hardships.

"The brave jaguar can occupy the jungle, and any coyote that fights with it will be mercilessly killed! But it can't control the cardinals on the treetops. Even if the cardinals are so weak, they can still jump on it... And then the towering The sacred tree makes all the shrubs wither and blocks all sunlight... There will also be moist moss, which can grow silently under the tree roots without the need for sunlight..."

"Right now, the Mexicans can use us. Although we are weak, we also have our advantages. We must give full play to our strengths... If we can't defeat them militarily, we can join and compete for political power internally. In another way, we can relax. Climbing up the treetop in a circle... can also allow the Kokom clan to climb to the top of the sacred tree and revive again!..."

"Huh? This?...Yes! are right!..."

Nephew Tiakin blinked his eyes in confusion, not quite understanding this mature lesson in seeking a country. Some truths are difficult to learn without personal experience. He thought hard for a moment, and his thoughts returned to the "Skull of the Ancient Saint".

"Uncle! I want to know something..."


"Blessed by our ancestors! We are the descendants of the Serpent God from the lineage of Tikal, the city of God, and the skull of the ancient saint is said to have fallen into the lineage of Tikal... Is this true divine object really not in our hands? Then But the skull left behind by the ancient saint after his death! It is said to be the only divine object that can connect all tribes, connect the starry sky and the divine world, and contain the secrets of the gods!..."


This time, the old fox Tikalo remained silent for a long time, like a solidified sculpture. And it wasn't until the sun set and the shadows enveloped the temple that he took a long breath, as if he was exhaling unforgettable memories from more than forty years ago...

"Go to the side hall! Don't talk here..."


Hearing this, Tiakin was startled for a moment and was ecstatic!

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