Aztec Eternals

Chapter 158 North Road Advance Army

Green smoke rises from the clay pot where the nitrate is boiled, and goes straight into the distant sky. Where the wind blows, the surface of Texcoco's lake rises with waves, like a changing heart lake. The tide rises and falls in an instant, and only the treasures at the bottom of the lake remain unchanged.

Shulot broke free from Talea's arms and stood up slowly. A few moments ago, a strong impulse made him stand up, face the awe-inspiring Avette, and keep the gunpowder in charge. But at this time, after the conflict, when he recalled Xingye's promise and reflected on the interference of desire, he clarified his heart in the baptism of the world.

He blocked the potter girl who wanted to rely on him with his hands, and shook his head lightly.

"Talaia, you are very talented and do a good job in gunpowder research."

After finishing speaking, Shulot took a deep look at Talea, who was standing still, and then turned and left alone with a resolute pace.

Bertard sighed. The samurai commander knew the boy very well, knowing that he had already made a decision, so he just shook his head and followed closely.

The sun sets suddenly, and the capital city in the lake alternates between light and dark. A constant bonfire was burning in the High Priest's Mansion, which was the eternal light in the young man's eyes.

"Sholot, my child. She is just an ordinary woman. No matter how beautiful she is, she will give it up. Why should she face the king?"

The high priest frowned slightly, looking at the grandson who had poured his heart and soul into it, with admonition in his words.

Shulot shook his head calmly.

"She is my highly valued subordinate and an important research craftsman. I cannot allow her to be taken away. I am in charge of the Divine Apocalypse, Tianhuo Island and the new military camp. My subordinates are followers, priests, craftsmen and the grandfather of the new army , I am no longer a child who depends on others"

"Now, I am a leader, the backbone of tens of thousands of people, and thousands of ministers are willing to die. These people rely on me, and I must protect them. Even Avit can't handle my important affairs at will. , Let the group centrifugal. You once said to me that the eagle must rule the sky, the jaguar must rule the earth, and the king must rule the people."

Hearing such words, the high priest laughed. He patted Shulot on the shoulder, and stopped touching the boy's head.

"My young eagle has grown up and will lead the mountains and forests alone and soar in the world."

Afterwards, the high priest watched over the most outstanding offspring and taught them carefully.

"My child, continue to hone your ambition. In the core of power, the strong always cooperate and confront, both confront and compromise. The alliance only recognizes the strong, and the rules are only used to restrain the common people. You must be strong enough , to inherit everything I have now, to move towards a higher apex.

Remember, in the jungles of Mexica, supremacy doesn't come naturally, it's always fought for. As the old adage goes, only what can be taken by force can be given peacefully. Of course, you need to be strategic."

As night fell, the bonfire gradually extinguished. Shulot was lying on the bed, holding the little green snake in his arms, feeling the softness and coldness, thinking about obedience and wildness, and fell into a deep sleep.

On the second day, Xiulot got up early for training as usual. After breakfast, he carried the wooden box and headed for Montezuma Palace.

The advance army of the North Road is about to go out, and the various troops have begun to be deployed. Yesterday, my grandfather promised a thousand temple guards, giving priority to familiarizing themselves with bows and crossbows, and sending a group of priests to accompany the army. Now, he is going to ask the king for his immediate samurai.

When he saw Avet again, the king's face was calm and majestic, and a book of "Law of the Nobility" was spread out in his hand.

"Sholot, go talk to Alyssa first, she has been thinking about you for a long time."

Xiuluo nodded and went to the garden in the backyard.

Alyssa was still dressed in white. Seeing the boy, she approached happily and gave him a gentle hug.

Xiulot was silent for a moment, then opened the wooden box behind him. He took out the cute eagle that was still sleeping soundly, and handed it to Alyssa's arms.

"I'm leaving soon. Little Avelot can accompany you."

Alyssa hugged the little golden eagle, gently stroking its soft little head.

Meng Diao opened his eyes, looked at the girl in white, and asked "chirp?" in confusion. Afterwards, it recognized the good guy, let out a short joyful "Yo Yo! Yo Yo!", and shook its neck to dawdle.

Shulot sat silently without speaking.

Alyssa blinked her bright eyes and said.

"Sholot, my study of herbs has improved very quickly. Thank you for giving me the inheritance of the chief priest. Soon, I will be able to make a drink that will make you happy."

Xiuluo nodded and listened quietly.

"In the past two days, you and your father have been a little depressed!"

Shulot raised his head, looked at the girl's innocent expression, and then lowered his head in silence.

"I can feel your feelings. Father is depressed and angry. Yesterday, he beat up a trusted guard, and then kicked Uncle Gilliam out of the palace, and he was not allowed to come for several days."

Shulot raised his head again, a little surprised. Why did Avit punish Gilliam?

"Gilliam? Why?"

"Well, Uncle Gilliam seems to have made a serious mistake, and Father was offended, so he was very angry."

"So, what kind of person is Gilliam in Alyssa's eyes?"

"Uncle Gilliam always has a serious face. He never cared about himself, but cared about everyone, every detail. He especially cared about his younger brother. Last month when his younger brother fell ill, he went to the southern city-state and brought back several famous witch doctors , I lost a lot of weight. Fortunately, my brother will recover soon."

Shulot thought for a moment, his face became serious. Alyssa suddenly took the boy's hand.

"Sholot, well, I want to tell you that uncle is very kind to everyone here, but he is hostile to you alone. You need to be careful."

Seeing the girl's concerned eyes, Xiulot was moved and lowered his head silently.

"I can feel your mood. Shulot, you are depressed and guilty, and you have been unwilling to look into my eyes. Why?"

Shulot was speechless. He sat beside Alyssa, watched the little golden eagle take off slightly, and smelled the fragrance of flowers on the girl's body, making his heart pure. After a while, he spoke softly.

"Alyssa, I'm fine. I'm leaving."

Alyssa tilted her head and looked at Shulot for a while, then took out a clumsy cotton sachet and put it in the boy's hand.

"Sholot, this is a sachet I sewed, and I put the delicious vanilla pods and refreshing horse mint in it. Well, you can use it when you go out to war."

Shulot took the sachet, looked at the crooked moldings on it, and held the girl's hand and looked at the fingers. He stood silent for a moment, gave Alyssa a hug, then turned and left quickly.

Seeing this, Avit walked down from the window on the second floor. He sat cross-legged in the hall, picked up the newly printed paper book again, with a calm expression.

Shulot walked into the hall, but he did not see the intelligence officer. At the king's gesture, he sat cross-legged across from him.

"My dear king, the advance army is about to go out. I need more longbow warriors for the water army."

Avit nodded slightly.

"Sholot, longbow warriors need the foundation of bows and arrows. The warriors in the entire lake area have been selected, only more than 5,000 are qualified, and they have all been recruited. I will give you two thousand longbow warriors, each with two bows. These elites, You need to cherish it when you use it!"

Xiulot bowed to the ground.

"Follow your will."

Avet thought for a moment, then slowly ordered again.

"I will give the Northern Route Army a regiment of 8,000 men. In addition to the 2,000 longbows, according to your proposal, 3,000 royal warriors should be handed over to Barda and immediately join the advance army. The remaining 3,000 warriors should be completed by October at the latest. To mobilize, the honorable aristocrat Tepopolo will join the main force of the Northern Route Army. The Northern Route Army is controlled by you, and the remaining troops need to be negotiated and recruited by you and the northern city-states."

Xiulot nodded respectfully, which is what should be done. The alliance center issued a call for war, and each city-state independently decided the scale of the response, and could not be recruited directly.

Afterwards, the boy recalled the terrain on both sides of the Leman River and made a request.

"Dear King, I need a group of elite nobles. The jaguar warriors can serve as elite sentries of the army and assist the various ministries to communicate. The eagle warriors will serve as the solid backbone of the battle formation and unify the warriors of all ministries."

Avit considered for a long time before speaking.

"I will give you another five hundred jaguar battle groups. When a large army is dispatched, eyes and ears are indispensable. But the backbone of the eagle battle group cannot be given to you. They must be the core of the legion and gather the 100,000 troops from the South Road. For these alliances Military nobles, you must be cautious, and there must be no heavy casualties!"

Shulot understands the influence of these warrior nobles, and also believes in the fighting power of these elite battle groups. He nodded respectfully.

In Aztec culture, the eagle is the symbol of the sun, and the eagle warriors are the guardians of the sun god, selected from the real noble class. They will only be used at the most critical time. Their status is equivalent to that of the Celestial Habayashi Army. The jaguar warriors are the guardians of the rain god, and the war group is open to the warriors at the bottom, which can be used and consumed more.

Avit stared at the boy in front of him, and ordered in a dignified voice.

"Sholot, my student, the army directly under the royal family is about to be dispatched. The alliance is advancing in two directions, and the north and the south simultaneously threaten and pressure the Tarascos, forcing them to mobilize during spring plowing. I will hand over the northern army to you, yes You have high expectations and you don't let me down!"

Hearing this, Xiu Luote made a big salute and promised loudly. He took the cold cocoa from the maid and drank it in one gulp, letting the bitterness, sweetness and spicyness reverberate in his mouth, and the bright red cocoa dripping from the corner of his mouth. Then, he bowed deeply, took his leave and left.

The rest of April is to prepare the army for war and gather food and supplies. Shulot set up his camp on the west side of the capital, at the source of the Leman River. The One Thousand Guards Battalion, with their longbows on their backs, moved in first. Then came a thousand temple guards and hundreds of priests. Finally, there are two thousand longbow warriors directly under the royal family, three thousand stick shield warriors, and five hundred jaguar nobles.

In the middle of the reorganization of the army, Shulot went to the Divine Enlightenment Office again, and brought back two hundred crossbows, which he handed over to the trusted temple guards. Kicking crossbows have lower requirements for bow skills, but they also need a certain foundation. Then, he didn't go himself, but sent people to Tianhuo Island to fetch tens of thousands of rockets and hundreds of pottery thorns, which were enough for a big battle.

With the arrival of a new batch of craftsmen and warriors, Skyfire Island has become a large arsenal, and the craftsmen are busy day and night. Of course, the production of gunpowder weapons takes time, and the raw materials for gunpowder also need to be accumulated. This batch of weapons is already all in stock.

As April draws to a close, the air becomes more humid. When the first ray of cloud from the east hits from the sky, bringing the moisture of the vast sea, the rainy season is just around the corner.

Xiulot came out of the camp with his guards, and finally inspected the nearby villages, watching the vigorous vitality and new changes.

The coming of the rainy season is always accompanied by busy spring plowing. On the land of the alliance, tens of thousands of farmers are working hard. They burned dense forests and weeds in the fields, dug in the soil with stone tools, sowed corn seeds, and cared for the hope of a year's harvest.

The village priests of the Alliance erected the altar. They no longer used the emblem and rituals of the corn god, but uniformly replaced them with hummingbirds and the sun that symbolized the main god.

"The Lord God controls the sun and illuminates the earth. He ate the Feathered Serpent God, the corn god, and has been in charge of the world's harvest ever since!"

Facing the panicked peasants in the village, the priests of the capital city explained this. They raised the sacred fire, sacrificed several kinds of grains, and prayed for the coming and blessing of the Lord God. Everything is the same as in previous years, only the gods have been changed to create the almighty Supreme.

Farmers are still panicking. They would beg the priests in low voices, worship the corn god in private, and even send requests to Shulot in priestly clothes. The young priest shook his head and refused, calmly looking at the worried farmers.

"This is an era of myths. Only when the new year's harvest is carried out normally will the stubborn farmers begin to accept the Lord God. Only after several years of continuous harvest can the farmers be completely convinced. And once the most traditional farmers Accepting the main god, the newly born monotheistic faith will be truly rooted in this fertile land."

Facing the vast field, Xiulot thought so. Afterwards, he looked at the eastern sky, and the cloudy clouds were gradually pressing towards the west with wind, thunder and rain. Feeling the moist east wind, the young man nodded slowly.

Two days later, a continuous fleet of ships arrived. Three hundred large boats and thousands of small boats, loaded with food for the North Route Army, docked at Daying by the river. With 7,000 elite warriors, Xiulot boarded the mighty fleet and officially announced the Western Expedition!

The thousands of miles of the Leman River goes westward, and the raging water carries a powerful fleet. The Mexica army marched westward, with the determination of the warriors to conquer, the glory of the priests and gods, and the desire of the king to be independent, to the land of the Tarascos.

A few days later, Shulot met with representatives of the local nobles in the western city-state. Everyone drank heartily at the banquet and got drunk together. Afterwards, he met privately with the nobles he had already agreed upon, talked about his grandfather's friendship, talked about future promises, and exchanged for the support of the city-states. Three thousand city-state warriors joined the advance army of the Western Expedition again.

The army set out again, and the fleet of the Western Expedition crossed the borders of the western city-states. On the most gorgeous big boat, Xiu Luote looked at both sides of the big river, the river was rushing away, and the scenery came slowly. He saw the forests and wilderness along the river of the Otomi people on the north bank, and the faint hills and villages of the Tarasco people on the south bank. Finally, two weeks later, he saw the starting point again.

On the banks of the Leman River, the strong wooden castle still stands, and the old battlefield is covered with grass.

I was not in a good state yesterday. I really appreciate the comments and suggestions from the readers. I read it for a long time, sorted out my thoughts, and was moved in my heart. Today is much better, thank you for your support, and wish you all a happy holiday. _/\○_Bow thanks!

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