Aztec Eternals

Chapter 169 Peaceful Battle in Cholula City

Strange divine smoke drifted out from the sanctuary, curling up all the way to the gathered clouds. Looking down from the sky, under the towering sanctuary of the gods, is the magnificent Great Pyramid of Cholula, the "artificial mountain" Trachwaltpetel!

This ancient pyramid is more than 60 meters high, and its length and width are astonishingly 450 meters. It is the largest pyramid in the world. It has been expanded six times from the inside to the outside, and it is mainly made of mud bricks and mixed with granite. On the outermost layer of the pyramid, many places are covered with soil and various flowers and plants are planted.

It was summer at this time, artificially planted flowers bloomed on the surface of the tall pyramid, and colorful butterflies were attracted to fly among the blue and black bricks and stones. The majestic ancient spectacle has become a beautiful "Holy Mountain of Flowers"!

The great hall of the sanctuary is wide open, and the intoxicating incense is scattered with the wind. Akap sat on the soft bearskin cushion, smelling the pleasant and gorgeous fragrance, and looking at the long sea of ​​flowers blooming under his feet. He laughed inexplicably, in high spirits, like a god living in the clouds, looking down on the world comfortably.

After a while, the young priest and elder recovered from his heartfelt joy until the smoke in the furnace was exhausted. Under the stimulation of the divine smoke, his face flushed, his heart beat extremely fast, and he praised loudly.

"It's really the best smoke! Going to the kingdom of God in a moment, I feel the great joy, like the purest holy water. Thank you, the messenger of the gods, the leader of the priests of Patel! I don't know what kind of precious substance is added to this smoke Divine Grass?"

The kind and honorable old man laughed, his expression normal in the smoke.

"It is true that a lot of precious sacred herbs have been added. This is the unique inheritance of the Cholula priests of the past generations! Every prepared sacred smoke here is worth a box of gold, and there is no market for the price. The formula of this divine smoke, It has been handed down from the time of the Toltec Empire, and it has been six hundred years!"

Hearing this, Akap was amazed and paid tribute.

Petel smiled complacently, with pride in his smile.

"The city of Cholula has been established for 1,800 years. Since the decline of the first holy city, Teotihuacan, it has gradually prospered as the second holy city. There are towering pyramid temples and small temples all over the place. Serving tens of thousands of civilians, and thousands of noble priests! Although the layout of the two holy cities is similar, the prosperity is very different. Teotihuacan is the place where the gods left, and Cholula is the return of the gods The land, the true sacred capital!"

Acap nodded again and again, smiling and admiring. Immediately, his words changed and his eyes were sincere.

"The holy city of Cholula communicates the trade between the north and the south, and is famous for its richness. It is only slightly inferior to the capital city in the lake. The sacred mountain of flowers in Cholula is magnificent and beautiful, which is comparable to the great temple of the capital city in the lake, Teotihuacan The Sun-Moon Pyramid, and known as the best in the world!

I heard that the priests are direct descendants of the Toltec Empire, and the nobility has been passed down to this day. We Mexica are also descendants of the great Toltecs. We all come from the same line, and we are really brothers! The Mexica Alliance and the Holy City of Cholula should be a covenant with each other, and it will never be easy! "

Hearing this, the priest leader Petel's smile faltered.

The holy city of Cholula has always been respected and far away from the flames of war. Many priest families in the holy city have been passed down for four or five hundred years without interruption. They are the real Toltec survivors, that is, "civilized people in the city". The Aztecs came from Aztlan in the far northwest, and they migrated long and fought countless wars. Like the Tlaxcalans outside the holy city, they are all barbarians with bloody hands, that is, "barbarians outside the city".

For more than a hundred years, the Aztecs settled in the capital of the lake, claiming to be the descendants of the Toltecs, the blessed Mexica. Afterwards, they fought everywhere, coercing the world, and the states were forced to change their minds. But the real history is clearly recorded in the holy city of Cholula.

"Akap spoke like this in front of himself, of course, not to humiliate himself, but to draw out the alliance. In the past two months, the Mexica have tried several times, and the intention to form an alliance is very strong."

Petel's mind turned quickly, and the smile on his face returned to normal. He thought for a while, then smiled and said,

"The Mexica Alliance is the successor of the great Toltec Empire, and the Mexica people are the protoss chosen by the gods. The holy city of Cholula has always respected the will of the gods, and the Alliance has long been a brotherly family. Toltec It’s well known, so why say it again”

Having said that, Petel changed the topic and returned to the smoke again.

"Elder Akap, although the sacred smoke in the holy land is good, the holy water in the capital city in the lake is also extraordinary and unforgettable. The pharmacists of the Mexica are unique and famous all over the world, and the chief priest Kechar is even better! Half a year ago Hearing the news of his death, I regret for several days, I don't know when I can taste the holy water again and feel the gift of the gods?"

Akap thought for a moment and sighed in his heart. The leaders of Cholula are very friendly to the alliance, but they have always been reluctant to formally form an alliance with the alliance. This time the temptation was still fruitless. There was always a smile on his gentle and jade-like face, and he still spoke gently.

"Although the chief priest has returned to the kingdom of God, the inheritance of pharmacy is still alive. This trip is in a hurry. I have sent envoys to bring them the latest holy water. When the time comes, please feel the grace of the elders together."

Patel nodded in approval, sincerely looking forward to it. He continued to expand the topic.

"That's great! I heard that the Great Alliance is reforming religion, increasing the number of priests, and participating in the management of noble fiefdoms. The Twelve Priests set up religious laws and manage the world instead of gods?"

Akap's mind turned, and he understood immediately. he admitted with a smile.

"Indeed. His Royal Highness of the Alliance received divine revelation, and the benevolent god gave detailed text. The Alliance has received the divine will, and wants to spread the glory of God to the world and reach everyone's heart!"

Petel frowned slightly. He is naturally wary of newborn writing.

However, outside the holy city of Cholula, there are large and small Tlaxcala nobles who actually control the entire Cholula state. Although the priests are holy, their power is limited within the holy city, and they have been planning to expand outward for a long time.

The priest leader laughed.

"Very good! Elder Akap's words are reasonable. It is the duty bestowed by the gods for priests to participate in the management of noble fiefdoms and educate the people. Please tell me in detail!"

Akap nodded and smiled.

"The states of Tlaxcala should indeed respect the will of the holy city. This time, the crusade against the believers of the alien gods, the people of Tarasco are accepting that the God's Punishment Alliance will always support the holy city of Cholula. The new priesthood is divided into five levels , the leaders of the priests from all over the country shepherd one side. The priests and elders in the holy city should naturally occupy high positions, and the priesthood is equal to the twelve priests."

In the gorgeous Great Temple, the sacred smoke was lit again. The envoys of the gods laughed and laughed at Yan Yan, talking about the rise and fall of the world.

And in the lonely mountain forest camp, a raging bonfire was lit. "Black Wolf" Toltek stood on the top of the tall wooden castle, watching the training of the longbow militiamen.

Taking the tribe as the unit, dozens of captains and militiamen marched in and attacked together, dispersed and turned like the wind, stood still and shot like rain. Although the formation of the marching militiamen was ugly, they already had the flexibility of a pack of wolves. They could roughly execute the commander's orders and adjust their tactics independently. In the constant movement, the tribal hunters still maintain a certain degree of organization, just like a group of wolves hunting.

After a short break in training, Toltek called the tribal leader and reprimanded them loudly, pointing out the lack of tactics. His expression was ferocious, and his voice was like thunder. The leaders were terrified, bowed their heads to accept orders, and scattered around to practice. The "Black Wolf" commander then turned around, and with a hidden satisfied smile, he walked towards the big tent. After a while, the majestic commander entered the big tent, took out a brand new paper book, his face collapsed, and it was time to read and write again.

In the new camp in the north of the capital, hundreds of militiamen with spears shouted loudly, and under the leadership of the squad leader, they engaged in a real formation confrontation. The militiamen in the front row held wooden spears without spearheads and tried to stab at the opposite side, hitting the fine rattan plaques. The militiamen in the back row pushed the rattan boards, trying to make the formation tight, and pushed the phalanx forward to squeeze. The two phalanxes confronted each other until one side gradually became disorganized, collapsed under the pressure, and completely lost its formation.

"Monkey" Kuluka then blew the conch horn, indicating that the winner has been decided. He smiled slightly, patted the shoulders of the captains of the two teams kindly, and praised the winning Guzman in a sincere tone. Afterwards, the new head of the legion turned serious, and summoned the heads of all the troops to explain the problems of the two teams and mention the training that needs to be strengthened. From time to time, he would turn around and ask Adjutant Ezpan for his opinion.

Tarasco's general looked respectful and put forward detailed suggestions for improvement. The new head of the legion is very approachable, he gets along with the militiamen very quickly, and respects his adjutants very much. He has promoted many outstanding backbones, and gold miner Guzman is one of them. The closer the legion commander was, the more Ezpan dared not underestimate him. Because unconsciously, the legion has been firmly controlled by the opponent.

And whenever night falls, Kuluka will always bring a pen and paper, go to the adjutant's barracks, and carefully consult the tactics of the spear phalanx. Although he looks as simple as an ape, his brain is extremely intelligent, his thinking is not restrained, and he learns new tactics very quickly. A few days later, Ezpan was amazed.

Soon, the confrontation training between the two spear phalanxes began again. Many other phalanxes, around the center of the battlefield of confrontation, carried out a simulated march. Seeing the initially effective spear array, "Monkey" Kuluka finally nodded with satisfaction, thinking about more complicated tactics.

"I wasted half my life, and the road was full of twists and turns. Now, I finally lead the army alone, and a wide and smooth road lies before me. I must not disappoint His Highness' high expectations!"

Not far away, Ezpan looked at the standing army commander, and then at the pike phalanx that had begun to take shape, with envious eyes and empathy. After a while, he turned around and looked at Lake Texcoco to the south. On the surface of the sparkling lake, the continuous boats never stop, continuously transporting food and supplies from the lake area, and also bringing the latest battle situation.

Beside the long bridge of Baishi, the legion commander Anatri waved a three-meter spear flag, and the huge navy fleet slowly set sail and headed northward along the current. The fleet was loaded with 3,000 elite directly subordinate warriors, warehouses full of dry military food, and special weapons sealed in wooden boxes and wrapped in waterproof raincloths.

Tepopolo smiled kindly with his brows high. He stood behind Anatri, carefully sizing up the heroic figure of the female warrior, thinking about the importance of the navy to the fief, and thinking silently in his heart.

After Anatri finished commanding, she felt a sense of the samurai's sensitivity. She turned around abruptly, seeing Tepopolo's wanton gaze, and raised her eyebrows.

"Tepopolo the 'Destroyer' of Tlatelolco, you insist on boarding my flagship, saying that you have important matters to discuss. Judging by your current expression, the so-called important matters, do you want to compete with me? ?"

Hearing this unceremonious question, Tepopolo froze and became angry. As a battle-tested commander, he was also a brave warrior when he was young, and he was confident that he would not lose to others. Later, he inherited the position of honorable nobleman, served carefully around him, and has always been respected by others. For a long time no one dared to speak to him in that tone except the king.

Tepopolo was only dissatisfied for a moment, then remembered the purpose of this trip, so he puffed up his chest and smiled boldly. According to traditional customs, he patted his thick chest with his thick right arm, showing off his strong body.

"Annatri, the source of water, I heard that you have never been married, and my wife has been dead for several years. Now, the majestic mountains have no rivers, and the wide houses lack a hostess. The tall corn is not entwined with beans, strong Your body needs to be appeased! Under the witness of the God of Love, Sochiketsar, I declare my pursuit of you, and I want you to be a part of my palace!"

Anatri stared at him almond-shaped, and raised his willow eyebrows.

"You have to prove your martial arts before I will allow your pursuit! Whether the mountains are majestic is not just talking about it. Whether the corn is strong is not only in appearance. Are you a ferocious roaring jaguar, or shaking your head? Barking hyenas, let us see the truth in hand!"

Tepopolo's expression darkened. He had a sudden change in his mind. The commander of the navy has always been hereditary and relatively independent. Obtaining Anatry indirectly obtained the support of the navy, and with the support of the navy, there was the initiative on the river. Having said that, as a well-known warrior, he has absolutely no reason to back down. After deliberating for a moment, he confidently took out his baton and smiled ferociously.

"Okay! Anatri, under the witness of the gods, let us compete here! According to traditional customs, the winner will take away the most precious treasure that can be found on the loser!"

Without hesitation, Anatri stomped the spear in his hand on the boat, making a loud bang. She laughed loudly, her voice was like a loud silver bell.

"That's right, that's what warriors do. Witnessed by the gods, let's start now!"

After finishing speaking, Anatre raised her head and looked sideways at Tepopolo. Then, she made a gesture to signal the other party to do it first.

Seeing this action, Tepopolo was furious again, and the desire to fight burned in his chest. Years of combat experience allowed him to maintain a cautious and steady movement. He raised the shield in his left hand to protect the vital points on his body, pointed at the baton in his right hand obliquely, made a gesture that could easily exert force, and then quickly approached.

Anatri's gaze was like an eagle, holding the spear with both hands, and placed it in front of him. Her knees sank slightly, the shaft of the spear shrunk back, and the point of the spear pointed forward, ready to strike at any time.

On the slightly swaying big boat, Tepopolo approached the female warrior with small steps. He lunged forward suddenly, raised the shield in his left hand, and hit the opponent's head while blocking the trajectory of the spear. Then, he leaned down and swung his right baton low, hitting the opponent's waist. This is an extremely skilled stick-shield coordination, when the two hands are combined, they are powerful and there is no chaos!

The upper and lower attacks came at the same time, Anatri's eyes lit up, he let out a clear cry, and then retreated quickly. She is like a fish swimming in the water, sensing the attacking water flow, and dodging the shield attack so cleverly. Then, she quickly moved sideways to the right, like a swift in the wind, following the oncoming wind, dodging the stick sharply and nimbly.

One advance and one retreat, one turn and one move, everything happens only in an instant. Tepopolo's blows fell to the air, he was startled, and quickly retreated, covering the middle door with his shield.

The female samurai did not stop, her movements were smooth and flowing. She suddenly shouted angrily, and strode forward. First, she made a thrust that had been prepared for a long time, and it was precisely pierced on Tepopolo's helmet, breaking into half a point just right. Then, she pressed down on the shaft of the spear and gave it a strong jerk, and the helmet flew up in a whirl and fell into the lake.

Tepopolo felt a pain in his forehead, followed by a chill. If it was a battlefield, he would already be dead at this time. His eyes were red, and he was about to raise his shield and swing his stick again, but he was hit hard on the top of the head, making him dizzy.

Flying the helmet with one move, Anatri pressed the spear again and smashed the opponent's head with the spear shaft. Then, she stepped forward quickly, approaching to about one meter on the swaying boat like walking on the ground. In the end, the female warrior yelled again, and while Tepopolo was in a trance, she kicked sideways with her hind legs, and suddenly kicked on the opponent's shield.

The big boat shook violently, and Tepopolo lost his balance in a trance. But in an instant, there was an angry cry in his ear, and an irresistible force struck from the shield, kicking his body backward two meters. The honorable noble fell into the air in an instant, and fell into the water with a plop. The brackish rainy season lake water poured continuously from his nose and mouth, completely soaking his hair and armor.

The Glory Noble finally woke up. He raised his head and shouted loudly, while paddling hard. A circle of small boats quickly came up to meet him. The coach's big boat swung away, and it went far away in a short while.

Anatri stood alone on the bow, proudly carrying the spear behind his back. The lake wind blew her long hair, she looked up to the sky and smiled, leaving a resounding sentence.

"Tepopolo, you don't have any treasures that I can value! Only those who can defeat me are the mountains worthy of flowing water!"

Then, with a sweep of her spear, she yelled at the guards and sailors who looked in awe.

"Raise the flag and march faster! Next step, go to Lake Haltocan to meet Teotihuacan's samurai army!"

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