Aztec Eternals

Chapter 205 Harassment

The night wind blows southward from the royal capital, across the field for fifty miles, and stops at Patzcuaro City. When the morning sun illuminated the sky and the earth, the envoys of the capital set off in a hurry and continued to run southeast. More than a dozen Hummingbird Kamon warriors, escorting two envoys wearing cloaks, crossed the militiamen transporting food, and walked in the field in a low-key and silent manner.

They bypassed the withered village, walked through the deserted hills, and came to the sparse woods. The shallow trees on the tropical plateau are cherry red, and they are fresh new branches that have just sprouted in the spring breeze. The one-meter-high grass covered the forest, swaying in waves in the wind. The slender grass tips are dotted with bluish long spikes, like a sea of ​​lavender.

The soft, emerald green cicadas are entwined among the branches, forming layers of pink buds, waiting to bloom. They bloom for a long time, from the first rains in April until the end of the rainy season in October. The trumpet-shaped flowers will grow and die in the wind and rain, accompanied by the singing of the peasants in the lake, that is the beauty of the water town, engraved in the hearts of every Tarasco.

"When the red cicadas bloom and the tears of the gods fall, the food road for the Mexica will become difficult. The fate of the kingdom is with the flowers. Can we persist until the end of the rainy season?"

Seeing the familiar flowers and smelling the fragrance in the wind, the messenger slowed down and stopped for a while. With a heavy secret letter hidden in his heart, knowing the whole picture of the war, there was a bit of sadness in his expression.

Suddenly, in the distance in the forest, several refracted lights flickered. The envoy was startled for a moment, and then the alarm bell rang out. This is obsidian!


Dozens of lurking hunters stood up and surrounded the courier's team in an instant. Their clothes were covered with long grass, like spirits emerging from the grass and trees. Only the leader was a tall leader wearing green warrior leather armor. Then, the hunters drew their longbows without hesitation, and let out a continuous buzzing sound. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the arrows rained down, piercing through the warriors of Tarasco.

The warrior leader focused his aim for a moment, and then let out a loud roar.

"Middle leg!"

A feathered arrow flew past like lightning, and with the sound of howling wind, it pierced fiercely into the thigh of the most central messenger. The messenger immediately lost his footing and fell under the brightly colored shallow tree. The deputy envoy who accompanied him trembled, crouched in front of the envoy, and tried his best to help him up.

Toltek shouted loudly and fired four arrows, shooting down all the standing enemy warriors. Then, he pulled out the battle stick at his waist, swung it vigorously, and led the surrounded tribal militiamen towards the fallen messenger.

The messenger reluctantly sat up and looked around. All the samurai on the left and right fell to the ground, were either seriously injured or died. He looked at the young deputy next to him. Suddenly, the deputy envoy trembled all over, and pulled out the long dagger at his waist with difficulty, but he still couldn't hold it firmly.

The messenger glanced at the approaching Mexica again, and swallowed hard. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of viciousness.

"come here."

The envoy stretched his right hand to his waist, and his left hand barely summoned the deputy envoy.

Hearing the shout, the young deputy trembled again, and then hurriedly leaned over.

"We cannot escape. For the sake of the High King, the news must not be leaked. So."

The messenger's expression was distorted, and his face was full of cruelty. He stretched out his left hand, grabbed the deputy envoy, then stretched out his right hand holding the dagger, and swiftly and powerfully slashed on the other's neck, blood spurted out immediately.

The deputy envoy's eyes widened suddenly, there was a cold pain in his neck, and the panic of dying was in his mind. He opened his mouth, murmured twice, and then fell down on the messenger, waiting powerlessly for death to come.

Seeing this sudden scene, Toltek was startled. He shouted angrily, strode forward, and was within ten steps of the envoy in an instant.

The messenger gritted his teeth severely. With a sudden force in his right hand, with a "puchi", he inserted the dagger into his left chest until it reached the handle. Afterwards, the severe pain caused his pupils to shrink sharply, and the passing blood made him completely lose his strength. He fell silently with his head up, opened his eyes and looked at the unopened red cicadas, opened and closed his mouth, and fell silent for a moment.

Toltek bent down eagerly, checked the two fallen messengers, and then stood up annoyed. He went to check on the samurai with the Hummingbird's family crest again, and questioned the injured survivor, only to find out that it was a messenger from the royal capital, bound for the king's camp in the southeast.

"Damn it! These messengers are so hot, what message are they going to convey?"

Toltek frowned, and groped for a while on the messenger, only to find a wooden sign with hummingbirds on both sides and a jade letter talisman. He stood up, stared at it for a while, then waved his hand to call for his trusted warrior.

"These hummingbird warriors, do you have any useful news to share?"

"Boss, His Royal Highness's army and the Chapala Legion are in a decisive battle on the western plain. Thirty thousand enemy troops were wiped out in one day. God bless Your Highness! A real victory!"

The confidant's face was full of joy, and he shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Toltek grinned, brandished his baton and roared loudly.

"Okay, okay, great! God bless Your Highness, I, Toltek, am very happy! Gather the scattered teams, go back to drink and celebrate tonight, and drink up all the wine that was stolen! You will be my envoy, and I will return to Huaya tomorrow Don't fortress, congratulate His Highness, and then report the latest military situation!"

"Thank you boss!" The cronies also laughed out loud. Afterwards, distress appeared on his face, and he counted with his fingers.

"What should the military report? In the past two months, we have attacked five, six, or seven food transport teams, and intercepted two, three, or four envoys. Then we killed two patrolling warrior teams, looted More than a dozen noble manors sacrificed hundreds of nobles and warriors. Can I just say that?"

"Stupid, really stupid!" Toltek said angrily as he reached out and tapped his confidant on the head.

"What's the use of you rambling on about this! I told you to read more and fight less, but you didn't take it to heart at all. Remember, report to His Highness: One, under the attack of our black wolf army, Pa Tsqualo’s food transportation has been reduced by half, and thousands of militiamen have been killed. Second, there have been a lot of messengers from the capital to the southeast recently. There should be some urgent military message, and the specific content is unknown. Three”

Toltek scratched his head, thought for a while, and asked his cronies.

"Have you discovered anything new these days?"

"New discovery? By the way, the number of food transport teams of the Tarascos is increasing, but the food transported has decreased significantly."

"Food reduction? There are so many enemies in the southeast, and they consume a fixed amount of food every day. Under our harassment, in order to maintain sufficient food supply and make up for the loss along the way, they should transport more food and grass. Why is it less? ?”

Toltek was thoughtful, and continued to speak.

"Three, the enemy's food supply to the front line has decreased, or there is insufficient food, and there should be changes on the southeast front line. Please send a large army to the south as quickly as possible."

The confidant nodded, keeping these in mind. Immediately, he joked with a shy face.

"Boss, you've said so much, it's hard for me to remember everything. Why don't you take out a pen and paper and write it down for me?"


Toltek yelled angrily, and knocked his confidant hard on the head. Then he turned around and walked away without looking back. The laughter drifted away, leaving only the long grass stained with blood and the red cicadas about to bloom.

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