Aztec Eternals

Chapter 333: The Vanguard Attacks the Battalion

The rapid sound of war drums echoed among the mountains, and the fierce shouts of killing drowned out the miserable howls. The tangy blood spread in the camp, dyeing the withered grass and trees red. Suddenly, a burst of excited shouts sounded from the vanguard of the camp.

"The enemy has escaped!."

Shulot stood on the hill to watch the battle. He saw nearly two thousand Guamare warriors, like a gray-blue tide, shouting and stirring, overflowing into the camp in the mountains. The dog descendants gradually couldn't resist, and retreated to the rear camp in a chaotic manner, and some places seemed to be on fire. Then, one of the chief's personal guards held a spear, took down the red monkey flag in the camp, and fled to the rear.

"Camp is down. Well done by Chalki!"

The king smiled and nodded slightly. A large group of dog descendants were disintegrating from the back of the camp, leaving only two or three hundred people behind, obviously they couldn't last long. The king looked at the warrior commander beside him.

"Botard, take five hundred guards and go to the front to gather the vanguard. Don't enter the forest to hunt down and fight the enemy wave!"


The warrior commander bowed his head in salute. Then, he turned around, gathered his personal guards, and watched the situation in the camp, frowning after a while.

"Your Highness, the camp is on fire."

Shulot looked from a distance and saw sporadic flames igniting on the dry grass, and a large pile of wood had already been ignited. But after a while, the pungent thick smoke rose from the fiercely fought camp, the fighting figures became indistinct, and the shooting arrows gradually became thinner.

"The fire started very quickly. The dog descendants were well prepared and set the fire on their own initiative!"

"Indeed. The dog descendants took the initiative to burn down the camp. It seems that they have been preparing to retreat for a long time, and their fighting will is not high."

Bertard nodded in agreement, then worried.

"There is no rain in the dry season. The camp is close to the mountains and forests. Once a fire ignites, it may be difficult to extinguish!"


Shulot looked at the surrounding mountains and forests, remembered the scene in his memory, and ordered decisively.

"Blow the conch horn! Order the vanguard to retreat!"

"Didi! Didi!."

The sound of the retreating conch horn sounded sharply, passing through hundreds of meters of mountain roads, passing through the gradually thickening black smoke, and reaching the fighting camp.

It was late autumn, the sky was dry, the vegetation was yellowing, and a lot of hay and wood were deliberately stored in the camp, which was easy to burn. Once the surging fire rose, it quickly lost control and rushed around fiercely.

The eyes of hundreds of soldiers in the front line were red, blackened by the smoke, and they were still entangled tightly. While coughing hard, they fought fiercely, turning each other or themselves into corpses. Surrounded by flames and thick smoke, blood spattered wantonly, and corpses lay on top of each other. Then, the tumbling flames licked over, and there was a strange fragrance in the air.

Chalki hunched over, coughed and gave the order to withdraw. He didn't care about the front line surrounded by flames, and only took more than a thousand warriors in the back line, and fled quickly outside the camp.

The mountain wind blew wildly, and the flames kept hitting, igniting the armor of the warriors. The middle-aged chief kept stepping, flapping the flames stained on the cotton armor with his hands. By the time he escaped from the camp, the cotton jacket had been burned, and even a large part of his hair had been singed off.

Balda looked at the middle-aged chieftain with bald head and black face, and held back his smile. Well, middle-aged bald, inexplicably fit. Then, as he looked ahead, billows of smoke rose up, completely obscuring the shot. The scorching wind blows from the front, and it still warms people's body even after a distance of dozens of steps.

It didn't take long before a miserable howl sounded in the burning camp, and a smoking figure ran wildly, and then fell to the ground. The suffocating smoke incapacitated the warriors, and as the flames struck, they burst out with a final sound, followed by only the crackling of burning.

"The fire was so great, the fighting Guamare warriors"

Balda shook his head, sniffing the burnt smell in the wind. He swung his baton quickly, shouting to the left and right.

"The whole army retreats, stay away from the mountains and forests on both sides!"

On the edge of the forest, the red monkey chief Ozuma stared blankly at the fire that engulfed the camp.

The blazing flames continued to extend, like a terrifying demon. The demon opened its mouth wide and completely engulfed the camp. It was so greedy for life that it not only devoured more than 400 Guamare warriors in front, but also devoured more than 200 dog-born warriors in the rear. Then, it stretched out its flaming claws and rushed towards the forests on both sides. And the thick smoke, like the scouts of the demons, had rushed into the forest first, forcing out all the ambush soldiers. Thousands of dog-born warriors screamed in panic and chaos.

Red Deer Chief Massat ran out of the forest and ran to the front of him quickly. He looked at the mountain fire that was burning more and more intensely, blackening the sky, his face suddenly paled, and then he burst into anger.

"Ahem! Ahem! Damn red monkey, what have you done!"

"I'm...preparing a surprise for the Mexica... just set it on fire"

Ozoma looked at the flames rushing in front of him, with a smile and tears on his face. He just wanted to set the camp on fire, not the entire mountain.

But within a few quarters of an hour, the fire in the camp had completely blocked the mountain road, and it was rolling in the wind without stopping, igniting the oily pines and cypresses. Soon, a fire was also ignited in the forest, and a roiling heat wave hit their faces. Many dog-born warriors retreated in horror after their hair was lit by the fire.

"Damn! Damn! My red hair! Ozoma, did you set such a fire in the autumn forest to burn us all to death!"

Massat covered his hair and stepped forward angrily. Then, he grabbed Ozoma's collar with one hand and shook it back and forth vigorously.

"What are you still looking at here! The mountain fire is on! There is no rain at this time, and it is impossible to burn the forest for more than ten miles! Why don't you run away with me? The mountain forest is completely different from the wasteland. Thanks to you, it is still the same." Smart red monkey."

Massat roared a few words, grabbed Ozoma's arm, and ran to the rear camp with hundreds of guards. The dog-born warriors of the two tribes also stumbled along the mountain road, and fled desperately to the east. From time to time, panicked dogs fell and were injured, and were swallowed by the chasing fire.

The mighty long wind swept along the mountain road, and the huge mountain fire also spread with the wind. Thick smoke obscured the sky, and the wind was filled with the pungent smell of smoke. In this era, once a forest fire breaks out, it cannot be extinguished by manpower. We can only wait for the forest to be burned. In front of the ferocious flames, tens of thousands of coalition warriors and dog-born warriors were forced to retreat to both ends, retreating for ten miles in a row.

Shulot abandoned the Red Deer camp and retreated all the way to the rear camp. He first urgently ordered the army to retreat, then summoned thousands of warriors, collected the copper axes of all the imperial guards, and cut down a section of isolated firebreaks day and night in places with sparse forests. Within two days, the fire burned along the forest, engulfed the Red Deer camp, and burned to the front.

In this age of early civilization, the fire of nature is always given the will of the gods, and it also burns in the hearts of warriors. Facing the oncoming fire, the Otomi samurai panicked and regarded it as an ominous omen, clamoring for the withdrawal of troops.

"Praise the supreme Lord God! He protects us, even the fire cannot come!."

In front of the mighty mountain fire, the king built a high altar and held sacred ceremonies. In order to appease the greedy gods and tens of thousands of restless troops, two hundred and sixty dog-born captives were sacrificed in the ceremony, bound and thrown into the fire. After the grand sacrificial ceremony, the turbulent fire finally gradually became smaller in the firebreak, and then it was stopped by manpower.

"Huhu. The mountain fire finally stopped, and the Otomi warrior's morale has also stabilized!"

Shulot looked solemn, standing on the altar a few meters high, looking at the legion under his feet. Thousands of Otomi warriors stood together and prayed devoutly to the main god for the protection of the gods. Then, the 20,000 warriors stood up one after another, looking at the king with reverence as if they were looking at a god.

"The power of the wildfire is so great."

Shulot looked at the east, and the flames were still burning in the mountains and forests at both ends, devouring all living things. Flocks of birds fled far away, and the burned forest was filled with dead silence. Seeing this scene, a new strategy emerged in the king's heart.

"Well, I don't know what is the status of the dog descendants on the other side?"

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