Aztec Eternals

Chapter 345 Crow, Monkey and Wolf

The morning sun lights up the distant sky, and the rising sun rises from the mountains, illuminating the temporary camp of the dog descendants. The messy camp stretched for miles, bursts of cooking smoke lingered around the edge of the forest, and the aroma of corn permeated everywhere.

"Temporarily repelling the Otomi people, the tribe can finally settle down and have a hot breakfast."

The Red Crow's banner was planted obliquely on the highest point of the hill. Under the hill is the Red Crow camp without fences, no, it should be said to be the gathering point of the tribe.

Amosi wore cotton armor and led dozens of red-haired personal guards, patrolling the gathering points of the tribe. With a firm expression, he kept greeting the soldiers around him, and occasionally burst out into a heroic laugh. The chief's laughter echoed in the valley, drifting toward the sun on the mountain top in the east, gradually brightening up the gloomy camp.

"It's really the blessing of our ancestors! Chief, we have gathered 1,500 warriors! Including the old battalion in the north, the Red Crow tribe has more than 2,000 warriors. We are no longer the small tribe we used to be!"

The personal guard Mo Qi was excited, but also a little emotional. During the night attack that night, the people were separated from the chief, and under the leadership of Alan, they fled in a panic all the way, and they would perish at any moment. But only a few days later, they not only got together with the chief, but also raised the flag and gathered the defeated troops. Now, it was like a dream that the Red Crow Tribe actually had so many fighters.

"Thank you for the protection of the ancestors, and thank you to the wise leader! The leader is like a wolf king. He acts bravely and decisively, and treats the warriors well. It is really admirable!"

Amoxi nodded with emotion, his heart as clear as a flat lake. When he escaped from the Red Fox Valley, he was just the leader of a small tribe. At this moment, he was able to gain a foothold among the tens of thousands of Eastern dogs, all thanks to the great leader Chichika's attention!

Before, it was the big leader who recruited him by his side and allowed him to participate in the military council, behind the five major tribes. Now, it is also the acquiescence of the big leader that he can set up a banner to recruit people and gather the scattered tribal fighters. You must know that these fighters are all elite recruits from various tribes, and many of them even come from the two big tribes of the flamingo and red salamander.

Hearing this, Mo Qi was quiet for a moment. He looked around and saw no one around, and then he spoke.

"Chief, you have fought to the death for the big boss several times and escaped from night raids in exchange for these preferential treatment. You don't owe the big boss anything."


Amosi stopped. He looked at Mo Qi, pondered for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"Moqi, my old brother. The great chief has treated us well! We were born and died so many times under Chief Red Fox, what have we gained?"

Hearing this, Mo Qi widened his eyes and looked at the chief sincerely.

"Chief, I didn't mean that. It's just... I always think of the old chief Kakalo. He is the priest of the wasteland and can predict the future. He told us... the vitality of the Guakili people is not here, but in the east and north !"

"Old Chief, Father Kakalo. Phew, the vitality of the East."

Amoxi lowered his eyes and remained silent, with a look of nostalgia on his face. After a while, he turned his head and looked at Alan who had been listening.

"Alan, this place is near the mouth of the valley, only more than 20 miles away from the old camp in the valley. Go back to the old camp first, gather food, and prepare for the migration."

Then, Amoxi looked at Moqi and ordered.

"Mo Qi, you go too. Take five hundred newly recruited soldiers and return north from the mountain path."

Mo Qi was startled. He looked at the captain who had followed him for decades, and couldn't help shouting.

"Chief, what are you?"

"Go! Hurry up and leave before the big boss gives new orders!"

Amoxi made a decision, and his expression was determined again.


Seeing this scene, Alan was inexplicably flustered. She stepped forward and grabbed Amoshi's arm. The girl looked at Father's expression, and couldn't say any words of dissuasion. After a while, she said.

"Daddy. You have to come back alive. I don't want to lose daddy again."

"Alan, my daughter. You did a great job the night of the night attack!"

Hearing this, Amoxi stretched out his hand, rubbed his daughter's hair, and smiled softly.

"You go back to the old camp to prepare. If I don't come back, the tribe will be handed over to you. You have to take the tribe to the east, to the place of the Vastecs!"

"Haha, I still remember the first time I saw you, in the mountains to the east. You were wearing a small waistcoat and carrying a small pocket, like a little squirrel. How time flies! Ever The little girl has become a red falcon, able to gain a foothold in this wasteland, and no longer needs the care of an adult bird.”


Alan couldn't bear it anymore and hugged Dad. The girl's tears rolled down her cheeks, and she cried out in a crying voice.

"You must come back and promise me!"

Amoxi lowered his eyes, suppressing the surging emotions in his chest. After a while, he nodded slowly and calmly pushed Alan away.

"Well, Alan, I promise you. But you are a red-haired warrior in the wasteland, you must be strong!"

Then, with a solemn expression, he gave instructions to his personal guard Mo Qi.

"Moqi, you are Alan's uncle and an old man of the tribe. Although Alan has great potential, he is still too young. The situation in the tribe is complicated, and in many cases, it is still up to you. If Alan really can't afford the tribe's Responsibility, it is up to you to succeed the chief!"

Hearing this, Mo Qi shook his head. He was silent for a long time, just saying.

"Chief. The Red Crow tribe migrated all the way, expanding too fast and accepting too many other tribes. If you don't come back, no one can stabilize the entire tribe. Even if you barely migrate to the territory of the Vastecs, you will eventually escape But a split ending."

Hearing this, Amosi did not speak. He turned around, like a crow in the wilderness, looking at the distant mountains. In his eyes, the world is full of traces of death. The gray-blue and dark-green legion, like the tide of the sky, swallowed it unstoppably.

Alan stopped crying and looked towards the south in silence, like a grown-up kestrel.

The three stood quietly for a long time, until a red-haired scout hurried over.

"Chief, the chief is calling."


Amoxi turned sideways, smiled at Alan, and finally rubbed the girl's hair. Then, he looked at Mo Qi and gave a serious order.

"Don't delay, go now!"

".Yes, Chief."

Mo Qi bowed deeply and saluted with fists.

Amoxi nodded slightly, and left with dozens of guards without looking back. Along the way, many red-haired elites were shouting loudly, reorganizing the scattered fighters. The dog-born camps along the way were chaotic, but order was being restored.

Soon, the flag of the Red Dog appeared in front of his eyes. Amoxi waited and watched for a while, the scout's instinct made him silently calculate. The Red Dog tribe is heavily guarded, with more than 600 red-haired hunters and nearly 3,000 tribe warriors, ready to fight at any time.

"Big boss!"

Amosi walked under the flag, knelt down on one knee, and saluted the chief respectfully.

"Amosi, my loyal warrior."

Chichika nodded in satisfaction. He lifted Amoxi up with his own hands, and patted the warrior on the shoulder.

"You came just in time. I'm discussing the military situation with Ozoma."

Amoshi bowed his head again and saluted Ozoma. Chief Red Monkey returned the salute with a smile, his eyes implied scrutiny.

After the various ministries retreated, the military power of the alliance became more and more concentrated. The Red Dog tribe has gathered the most fighters, and it is a dominant family, which already has the foundation for establishing a powerful city-state. And the Red Crow tribe also occupied a place in the alliance.

"The big leader really has far-reaching plans. He has been supporting these small tribes. I don't care. Now it seems that he has already made preparations to check and balance or even replace other big tribes."

Ozoma mused to himself. The big leader stopped the retreat and defeated the pursuing enemy. The balance in his heart tilted slightly, and fell to the big leader again.

"My warriors! The warriors of the tribe are all regrouping. The envoys to the old camp have just returned, and the situation of each tribe has become clear."

Chichika watched the two of them with a calm voice.

"The red deer fled back to the valley with a few hundred remnants of soldiers. I have already ordered him to lead the troops back. The flamingo was killed in the night attack, and the gathered rout soldiers will be merged into the red dog. The red salamander is missing. I took the captive of the cactus tribe. His tribe in the old camp will be temporarily taken care of by me. As for the other broken tribes, you can gather them together!"

Chichika looked at the two of them. Amoxi bowed his head and saluted, and made his statement first.

"Listen to you, big boss."

"Follow your arrangement, respected chief."

Ozoma also bowed his head.

Chichika nodded calmly. Then, there was some sadness in his words.

"The scouts got a clear message that Uman was killed in the rear."

Hearing this, Amoxi's eyes darkened. Uman and him have only known each other for two months, but they are comrades-in-arms who have experienced life and death.

The chief was silent for a moment. Then, he stretched out his hands and pressed Ozoma and Amosi's shoulders hard.

"Ozoma, Amosi, now, my right-hand man is you!"

"Listen to you, big boss."

Amoxi's expression remained unchanged.

"Willing to die for you!"

Excitement crept across Ozoma's face.

"good very good!"

Chichika stared at the two for a moment, then nodded slowly. After a while, he spoke again, and his words were beyond doubt.

"The 15,000-strong army before the night attack has regrouped more than 8,000 people. Today, the army marched 20 miles north and set up camp at Taniguchi!"

Hearing this order, Ozoma and Amosi looked at each other for a few breaths, and then bowed their heads together.

"Obey, Chief!"

Chichika smiled with satisfaction. He looked to the north and said encouragingly.

"The gathered defeated troops need to be reorganized, and the old battalion in the valley is being mobilized. I have issued an order to recruit men from each department. Within five days, another 5,000 men will be recruited to make up for each department."

"Another five thousand young men?"

Ozoma was a little shocked. There are more than 60,000 dog-born tribes, and nearly 20,000 fighters have been recruited successively. Now that another five thousand is collected, I am afraid that even healthy women and teenagers will be recruited. How can the ministries accept this kind of recruitment? .


Chichika grinned, showing her teeth.

"There are more than a thousand Red Dog soldiers in the old battalion. I will also send another thousand soldiers to the north to supervise the recruitment of the various ministries. In addition, the Zuma priests will hold a great sacrifice in the valley. The wasteland priests of each ministries will sacrifice blood to all Otomi Serfs, kill all the southern captives, and pray to the divine earth and sky, to the ancestors in the wind, for victory in the war!"

"Blood sacrifice to all serfs and captives?!"

Ozoma exclaimed. In the valley, there were at least 3,000 Otomi serfs farming, and even 6,000 if the male and female captives kept privately by various ministries were added. Amoshi also looked moved.


"Here, there has never been such a large-scale blood sacrifice on the Great Boss Wasteland."

Ozoma looked at the chief, only to see a cold smiling face.

"Haha, it's okay. There will be a first time for everything."

Chichika smiled, suppressing the killing intent in her heart, and lightly licked her teeth.

"The grand sacrifice is held to commemorate the warriors who died in battle. Mother Earth needs the nourishment of flesh and blood to rest the souls of the warriors. On the other hand, it is also necessary to cut off the retreat of all the ministries."

The big leader looked calm, but it implied madness.

"The priests will tell all the tribes: We killed the Otomi, and if the valley falls, the Otomi will kill us too. Whether you surrender or not, it will be the same. And the only way to survive is to hold Valley!"

"Ah, the way of life."

Hearing this, the balance in Ozoma's heart swung rapidly, pointing to the blurred boundary. In this short moment, his body trembled slightly, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind. Then, he bowed his head deeply, like an ape hiding in the forest, and whispered.

"We can continue to retreat to the wasteland"

His cold eyes swept over, staring at the hanging head. Chief Red Monkey restrained his expression instantly. Then, he raised his head again, swallowed, and fell to his knees in fear.

"Big leader! The Cactus Tribe can summon Skyfire, and it's hard to hold on to it no matter how steep the terrain is!"

"Skyfire? It's just a wooden beast created by the evil god! As long as the warriors overcome their fear, they have nothing to be afraid of."

Chichika narrowed her eyes, stared at Ozoma for a while, and then said lightly.

"Defend for a period of time! The old battalion needs time to gather. If I can't hold it, I will order a retreat. Now that the alliance is established, it must be like a pack of wolves, with order and hierarchy! You can't run away in a swarm, scattered everywhere. yes"

Having said that, the big leader pondered for a while, his eyes flickering.

"Of course, the old and the weak in the valley can indeed withdraw part of it. Well, after the great sacrifice, there will be warriors controlling the various valley entrances. If you hand over enough tribes, you can withdraw first."

Hearing this, Amoxi's heart trembled. He didn't move his expression, just bowed his head respectfully.

"The chief is wise."

Chichika looked at the two of them, her eyes fell like mountains, and she ordered sharply.


"Yes, big boss!"

"Your red monkey tribe has high morale and is stationed at the front battalion at Taniguchi. I will bring the main force and support behind you. When the first batch of reinforcements arrive, I will replenish them for you first!"

"Follow your orders!"

Ozoma fell to the ground to take the order.


"The chief."

"Your tribe has just gathered the rout troops, and they are stationed at the valley entrance to rest. But the Red Crow scouts are quite elite, and they must detect the enemy's situation and constantly attack and harass. You come and lead the team and go south along the forest! There are still many routs The tribe is stuck in the south, as long as you can get it out, it will belong to your tribe!"

"Listen to you, big boss."

Amosi also fell on the ground and saluted respectfully.

"very good!"

Looking at the two obediently, Chichika nodded in satisfaction. He showed some smiles and ordered.

"Let's all go down. Go back to the tribes, act as soon as possible! The ancestors in the wind will protect us!"

"Blessed by the ancestors!"

The two agreed, and immediately turned and left. On the hill, there was only Chichika alone. He stood for a long time, looked at the mountains in the south, and suddenly grinned,

"Come on, Mexica! The wolf king in the wilderness is doomed to die with scars all over his body, and he will never surrender!"

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