Aztec Eternals

Chapter 356 The End of 1485 AD, Rebellion!

The night was dark, the Congo River was rushing, and the moon was obscured by dark clouds. The three Caravelles dropped their heavy anchors and docked at the edge of the river, a hundred meters away from each other. Little torches were lit on the ship, illuminating the fluttering Portuguese flag and also illuminating the vigilant night watch sailors.

For the Portuguese exploration fleet, sailing at night in an unfamiliar inland watershed would be very dangerous. Therefore, Captain Diogo Kang, as always, gave the order to berth on the spot and arranged for the boatswain Diego to be on guard.

"Foda-se! This is really the land of the devil! It's still clear during the day, but you can't even see the shadow of the moon at night! Huh, huh!"

A captain's guard squatted on the wooden plank of the bow, took off his pants, and faced the outside of the ship with his bare buttocks.

Obviously, this is something that has to be done. But on the sailing ships of the age of great navigation, it is not easy to do such a thing, and even requires certain skills. At this moment, the guard held a cable tightly in his hand to keep his body balanced. The wooden plank under his feet stood upright in the air, shaking from time to time. And under the swaying wooden boards is the Congo River, which is bottomless and flowing with waves.

"Foda-se! There are so many mosquitoes in the pit! I've had enough of these days!"

Another voice came from the side, it was another captain's guard. He held the cable with one hand, and slapped the back of his ass vigorously with the other. Tropical mosquitoes gather together after smelling the smell, and try to get in closer contact from time to time, but they can't get rid of them at all.

"Damn it! Tullio, tonight's food must be covered with bad mold! My legs are almost numb!"

Eating moldy food is very common on oceangoing ships. But if you eat it and get upset, it is "bad mold".

"Martin and the others also had a stomachache, and ran away several times at night! Damn Haroldo, the head chef! I'm going to paste the rope after wiping his butt on his fat face!"

Yes, please don't be surprised, the toilet tools on the boat are ropes, and they are quite tough hemp ropes. The use of this thing will feel very sour, but the sailors have long been used to it. If they are at sea, the sailors will also use local materials and use all kinds of freshly caught seafood. The feeling of softness and comfort is unforgettable.

"Hey! When will we be able to return to the voyage! You can't see the tree at the end, the river at the end, the mosquito swarm at the end, and the crew who are constantly infested by devils is really a nightmare green hell!"

"Hush! It seems that someone is coming."

The conversation between the two captain's guards came to an abrupt end. They looked forward together, watching the flickering torches approaching. The guards grabbed the cable with one hand, and the other held down the daggers at their waists. Even when they went to the toilet, they did not take off their weapons.


A guard yelled vigilantly.

"it's me!"

The torches moved closer, revealing the face of Boatswain Diego, next to the other two night watchmen. Diego's face was full of bitterness. He bowed in pain, pressed his stomach tightly with his right hand, and was walking quickly.

"Come on fellas squeeze me in too. Foda-se! Fucking chef, what kind of crap dinner! I'm going to stick his head in his ass!"

"Ha ha!"

Relieved, the two captain's guards took their hands off their knives and laughed approvingly. Then, a guard glared at Diego who was walking quickly, and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Foda-se! You can't build a plank yourself?"

"Ah, I can't wait!"

During the conversation, Diego had already approached within two steps with his hands. The torches became brighter and brighter, and the talking guard stared at Diego, and suddenly his expression changed! He clearly saw the metal reflection flashing away in Diego's right hand holding his stomach.

"You!.Ugh! Ho Ho"

Hearing the low shout of the guards, Diego took a fierce step forward. He stretched out his right hand incomparably swiftly, revealing the dagger hidden in his hand, and then slashed heavily on the opponent's neck!


Bright red splashes immediately. The guard's cry was swallowed in his throat, and it turned into a piercing muffled howl. Diego swung his dagger again, cut off the opponent's fingers holding the cable, then raised his foot, and kicked the guard in front of him into the Congo River. Almost at the same time, the two night duty sailors also eliminated another opponent, and there was another "plop" on the river surface.

The pungent blood spread in the air, and the mosquito swarm rushed towards the river. And the "dead trees" floating in the river also woke up in an instant, opening their bloody mouths and swimming towards them. Within a few minutes, the bodies of the guards disappeared.

Looking at the red river surface, Diego grinned. He stuck out his tongue, licked the blood on the dagger, and shouted excitedly.

"Ah, I can't wait!"

The night is vast, and the fire is faint. Everyone on board was in action, and soon, a sailor hurried over with a happy face.

"Head, the other four captain's guards have also been dealt with cleanly! Ivo locked the navigator Reynaldo and the scholar's cabin! Matim and Bruno took control of the lower deck, leaving a few guards. Now , everyone is gathering near the mouth of the deck, waiting for you to pass!"

"Haha, I can't wait!"

Diego licked his tongue excitedly, and ran over like a wolfhound. Soon, he saw the four chiefs above the deck mouth. Bruno looked solemn, Matim was all smiles, Ivo was anxious, and Haroldo was still timid. The remaining dozen or so sailors were all waiting nervously below the deck.

"It was unexpectedly smooth! Ivo did a great job, and Haroldo made a great contribution!"

Matim patted the head chef on the shoulder and said with a smile. The captain's six guards were the most difficult to deal with, but when Harold moved his hands and feet during the dinner, the guards became lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they didn't even make a big movement.

"The crew on the ship wanted to return. They heard that we were going to 'persuade' the captain, but they hardly resisted!"

Bruno was a little emotional. There were more than a dozen sailors on the bottom deck, but as soon as everyone mentioned the purpose of the attack, most of them remained neutral on the spot, and some even wanted to join temporarily.

"Hehe! The captain betrayed his relatives, he asked for it!"

Matim chuckled and looked at everyone.

"All the people, let's go! Bruno, you take the lead and persuade the captain!"

Bruno nodded, and walked out first, followed by everyone.

Not far away, in the narrow captain's cabin, Diogo was lying on a wooden bed covered with soft cloth, hunched over. This is the treatment only the captain has. Others can only sleep on the deck or hang ropes. At this moment, the captain frowned deeply, and his stomach was groaning like a river was overturned.

"Tulio! Tullio!"

After shouting, the captain was quiet outside, and no one answered. Diogo listened attentively, only hearing the rushing water of the Congo River, and some messy noises. He covered his belly with one hand and continued shouting.

"Martin! Martin!"

There was a strange silence, no voices responding. Diogo sat up with difficulty, staring at the wooden barrel in the corner of the captain's cabin. Tonight's stomach is particularly painful, and the small wooden barrel has been filled with filth. A pungent smell filled the cabin. At this embarrassing time, the guards did not know where to go, and no one even changed the wooden barrels.

"Guards, guards!"

Diogo's voice was a little angry and a little anxious. He gritted his teeth and slowly stood up from the bed. Needle-like pain came from his knee. The curse of the devil has already penetrated into the bone marrow, causing this lion-like man to lose his former strength. Under the torment of the illness, he moved slowly towards the wooden barrel in the corner.

"Dear Captain!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from outside the door, accompanied by a knock on the door. Diogo paused and sat back on the bed. He straightened his spine, pressed the dagger at his waist with one hand, and asked in a deep voice.

"Bruno? What can you do?"

"Captain, I have a suggestion that I would like to mention to you."

"It's too late, wait until tomorrow!"

Diogo's voice was calm and commanding.

"By the way, please call my guards. I think they should be near the planks of the bow or stern."

"Dear Captain, I'm sorry. But I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until tomorrow."

Bruno held up the torch and shook his head. He glanced at the tense-looking people behind him, and pushed open the wooden door of the captain's cabin.


The wooden door opened, and a pungent smell wafted from the captain's cabin. Under the light of the torch, Diogo looked angry, his beard and hair were all splayed. He was like a disturbed lion, glaring at him ferociously.

"Noble Knight Bruno! What are you doing?"

"Captain, I would like to make a suggestion to you."

"Get out!"

Diogo shouted angrily, his voice was majestic and shocking.

Bruno stood there silently, bowing his head slightly. Then, under the light of the torch, behind Bruno, there appeared one after another figures that shouldn't appear: the fierce boatswain Diego, the smiling quartermaster Matim, the shy chef Haroldo, and the dodging Ivo the carpenter.

Diogo's heart instantly fell into the abyss. In his sailing career of more than twenty years, he has encountered such scenes several times, but he suppressed them all! A majestic anger rose in his heart. The captain forgot the pain for a moment, stood up abruptly, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and pointed at the people at the door.

"What are you going to do! Do you want to mutiny! Guards! Guards!"

The captain who had been ill for a long time stood up suddenly, and everyone at the door took a step back in fright. Then, the boatswain Diego became angry. He pulled out the scimitar abruptly and pointed it at the captain.

"Diogo, you are a dying old dog, and you want to come out to scare people!"

Quartermaster Matim also quietly drew out his dagger, staring at the captain like a poisonous snake.

"Captain, there is no one who supports you on this ship! You should listen to us!"

Bruno bowed his head respectfully and saluted the captain.

"Dear Captain, we have no other intentions. We just want to persuade you to return on behalf of all the crew members on board!"

"Return? Bru. No."

Diogo gritted his teeth and said Bruno's name word by word. He didn't look at the others, but stared at the nephew from the clan he had personally selected, the noble knight who had high hopes. At this moment, his eyes were so deep, containing so many complicated emotions.

"You really let me down!"

Hearing this, Bruno trembled all over, his knees went weak. The look in the captain's eyes made him feel ashamed. In his heart, there seemed to be something he believed in for a long time, which was completely shattered in an instant. The radiance of the Virgin disappeared in an instant, and the boundless darkness enveloped him deeply with the whisper of the devil.

"Foda-se! Damn sick ghost, it's this time, you're still pretending here?!"

Boatswain Diego cursed and struck suddenly. He used the scimitar to fight Diogo's short sword, then raised his right leg, and kicked Diogo's thigh fiercely.


Diogo grunted in pain, couldn't hold it any longer, and fell on his back to the ground. His head was leaning against the wooden bed, exposing his tanned neck.

Diego grinned, raised the scimitar high, and was about to strike at the neck.


Bruno pulled out the dagger and blocked the scimitar.

"Diego, what are you doing!"

"Hmph, what to do? Of course kill him!"

"It's agreed, the captain can't kill, just imprison!"

Bruno yelled angrily.

"We will keep him and command the other two ships!"

"Yes, the captain cannot be killed!"

Ivo the carpenter held a dagger in one hand, and a shield that was rarely seen on the ship in the other. Don't know where he got it, probably made it himself.

"Diego, save the captain's life for now!"

Matim's eyes flickered for a while, and he also persuaded.


Diego resentfully put away the scimitar, then suddenly raised his foot and kicked Diogo hard in the stomach.

"Diogo, you usually use me like a dog. Today I will let you be a dead dog!"

"Uh, ah"

Diogo curled up on the deck in pain. His stomach was pounded and he couldn't take it anymore, there was a sudden strange sound, and then another. Then, a more pungent smell came from the captain's lower body.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the embarrassed and weak Diogo. At this moment, the once awe-inspiring and majestic image of the captain was completely shattered from their minds.

"The hearts of the people turned their backs, and the majestic lion crashed down, turning into a poor old dog"

The head chef, Haroldo, muttered something to himself, and then quietly hid behind.


Bruno let out a roar, swung the dagger fiercely, and took Diego back two steps. Then, he looked carefully at Diogo.

"Captain, you."

"Get out!!"

The captain barely straightened his spine, and tried his best to shout, even with a faint cry.

Everyone looked at each other and took a few steps back. Bruno then closed the door of the captain's cabin, leaving the last trace of dignity to the captain.

"Haha! Poor dead dog!"

Boatswain Diego shook his head, laughing a little maniacally.

"what to do?"

Ivo the carpenter waved his shield irritably. The development of things seems to be different from what he expected.

Quartermaster Martim pointed to the captain's cabin, then glanced at Bruno.

Bruno nodded and shouted through the wooden door.

"Captain, then we will follow your order and return to the voyage!"

The captain's cabin was dead quiet. After a while, a deep voice came.

"Where are my guards?"

"They all accidentally fell into the water tonight."

Another long silence. Then, it was Diogo's calm answer.

"In this case, why ask me about the matter on the boat."

Bruno and Matim looked at each other for a while, and Matim gestured for a stamp. Bruno yelled again.

"Captain, we will send you two new guards. Please lend us the seal of the Royal Knight!"

After a while, there was a rustling sound in the captain's room. Soon, there was a loud bang behind the wooden door.

Bruno opened the door of the captain's cabin a little, and reached out to pick up the small stamp on the ground. On the golden seal is the emblem of the Portuguese royal family and Diogo's family crest.

Everyone looked at the stamp representing the captain's authority, with joy on their faces.

Bruno watched the meeting, his thoughts fluctuating. After a while, he ordered.

"Holy Mother bless us! I'm going to draft a letter to the other two ships. Matim, you go and inform the crew on the ship of the captain's order to return!"

"Okay! Blessed by Our Lady! Diego, let's go!"

Martim nodded with a smile, and left with Diego.

Bruno lowered his eyes and held the golden seal tightly in his palm. This is the real symbol of power, the highest honor of a knight, and the pursuit he longed for in the first half of his life. After a long time, Bruno opened his eyes. He looked at Ivo beside him.

"Ivo, please arrange two people to take care of the captain! He ate the food carefully prepared by Haroldo tonight. It's better to bring another wooden barrel."

Ivo lowered his head, made a courtesy to Bruno facing the nobles, and went to work.

"Haroldor, my friend."

It wasn't until Ivo walked away that Bruno stretched out his hand, revealing the golden seal.

"What do you think of this stamp?"

"Very good, very tempting."

Harold, the head chef, smiled.

"Well, how do I get it?"

Bruno asked softly, with a solemn expression.

"My friend, if you really want it"

Harold's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a while, and then he spoke.

"Then, it's best that you are the only sailing noble on this ship."

Hearing this, Bruno lowered his eyes. In front of his eyes, the night was dark and dark clouds rolled in. The darkness became more and more intense, and there was no trace of skylight.

On the second day, a patter of rain fell from the sky. After sailing eastward for several months, the Portuguese exploration fleet finally turned around and headed for the mouth of the Congo River.

The fate of the world is always impermanent. As long as it is a few days later, the fleet will continue to travel a hundred miles, and they will find that the source of the turbulence is an unnavigable waterfall, which is later known as Livingstone Falls. When we got here, even the most persistent captain had no choice but to choose to return. And that way, the mutiny probably wouldn't have happened.

The day of returning was like a festival, and the cheers of the sailors resounded throughout the river. They praise the merciful Madonna and the awakened captain. They praised Bruno, the venerable second mate, and Diego, the brave boatswain. No one cares, the captain's guards disappear overnight; no one cares, the nobleman's son Reynaldo dies suddenly.

After all, on the route of death, too many people died. When Elmina Fort set off, there were more than two hundred and fifty sailors on five sailboats. But until now, there are only a few hundred people left.

The Congo River rolls westward into the vast South Atlantic Ocean. The fleet went down the current, and the speed suddenly increased. In the dense jungle, traces of human habitation appeared again. The flag of Portugal flutters from the masts, and seabirds circle the masts. The devil's land fades behind, and the hope of life lies ahead!

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