Aztec Eternals

Chapter 417 The Mystery of the Gods

The vast school grounds were solemn, and hundreds of apprentice priests listened respectfully. Shulot's voice was loud and firm, leading the young apprentices and opening the door to another world.

Hearing the mystery of the gods, Yi Lian was refreshed and listened more seriously, unwilling to let go of any sentence. Two priests who were proficient in writing prepared paper and pens and knelt down in front of the altar. They want to record the king's narration verbatim, and engrave it on the stone wall of the university as the instruction of the enlightened person, for the apprentices to ponder day and night.

Shulot pondered for a while, thinking about where to start. After a long series of preparations, it was time to systematically introduce the natural sciences he had mastered into the university. Even if all this knowledge is written in the name of God.

In fact, the basic scientific knowledge of future generations is the most precious wealth of every traveler, and also the most valuable contribution to the entire world. Even, to a certain extent, the most important mission of a traverser is not to fight for hegemony, nor is it to be wealthy, but to do his best and find ways to pass down the knowledge that future generations take for granted in the age of ignorance, and serve mankind. Civilization leaves behind the flames of science!

Thinking of this, the divinely inspired king stood in silence for a moment, and finally spoke loudly, starting with the composition of matter.

"The Lord God created everything and followed the principles of nature. All things in the world, no matter flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds, animals, wind, clouds, thunder and lightning, heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, are all composed of God's particles. God's particles can be called God particles for short. It is Like the dust in the wind, it is only a thousand times smaller than dust, invisible to the naked eye, unable to be touched by fingers, but it really exists and determines the attributes of all things!"

Matter is made up of particles. Here, the concept of God Particles includes not only elementary particles, but also atoms and molecules. Shulot still remembered some physics and chemistry courses in high school, but he was not going to start them for the time being.

"So, the first mystery is: the grain of God is the composition of all things, it is invisible, or it can be subdivided."

Shulot paused and looked at the reactions of the crowd. Hundreds of apprentice priests listened intently, some with surprised faces. Some fell into thinking, some were puzzled, but no one dared to ask questions. Priest Bravo hesitated for a moment and asked softly.

"Sovereign priest, are you saying that everything in the world is made of the dust of the Lord God? The Lord God controls everything, is omnipotent, and uses the same material to create different things?"

Shulot pondered for a while, then nodded slowly.

"President Bravo, you are right, there is just one thing that needs to be added."

The apocalyptic king paused, and then spoke loudly again.

"God grains are different, some are lively like fire, some are as quiet as gold, some are as hard as jade, and some are as soft as silver. They are different in themselves, and they gather in different structures. Just like the same soil, in the It is soft in the farmland and hard in the earth wall, but after being fired into pottery, it solidifies its shape, which is both firm and solid."

After thinking for a moment, Bravo bowed his head respectfully.

"Thank you, Sovereign Lord, for your enlightenment!"

"Very good! Bravo, as the principal of Shenwei University, you should maintain a heart of reverence and exploration, and don't be bound by old creeds!"

Shulot nodded with a smile, then looked at the crowd.

"The second sentence is a mystery. God particles are different, and they are combined in different structures, which determine the different characteristics of all things! As priests of the main god, you must not only study the characteristics of the god particles themselves, but also explore different god particles. Composition, to understand the principles of the characteristics of all things. Then transform all things, for people to use!"

Hearing this, Bravo lowered his head and frowned slightly. The narration of the suzerain is naturally the will of the gods. However, if someone else said it, even if he was the officiant, he would probably end up on the sacrificial stone as a sacrifice.

On the altar, Shulot looked excited. He looked at the apprentice priests who were listening, as if looking at the hope of the future. He has roughly written down the periodic table of elements silently, and marked the characteristics of different elements and common material compositions. After the apprentices can initially accept the principles of nature and pass the examination papers, they will have the opportunity to get in touch with the deeper "mystery of the gods".

"Different god particles, different structural combinations?.???"

Under the altar, the Terkos girl Elaine opened her mouth, wanting to ask a question, but dared not speak. The great chief said that the god grain is invisible to the naked eye and cannot be touched, so how do you know the difference and what is the specific situation? . Are you sure this is a divine revelation, not a trick?

Shulot saw the faces of the crowd listening to the hadith, and continued to tell the story without waiting for a question. He thought for a while, and then started from the relationship between matter and energy.

"Everything in the world is made up of God's particles, and changes under the power of God. The power of God can be referred to as God's Power. It is the brilliant sunshine, the burning flame, the thunder and lightning of destruction, and the flowing water of the waterfall. Divine power is everywhere, makes the world go round, everything changes, and life is alive."

Hearing this, Priest Bravo nodded in agreement.

"The power of God controls all things, makes the world revolve, and all things come into existence!"

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows and said nothing. He looked at the apprentice priests who nodded in unison, and solemnly preached.

"The third mystery is that the divine energy is transmitted between the divine grains and acts on the divine grains. It causes the movement and changes of the divine grains, affects the structure and combination of the divine grains and even itself, thereby changing everything in the world!"

The girl Elaine blinked her eyes, staring at the majestic chief in a daze, as if she was looking at the incarnation of a god. She listened carefully, as if she understood something, but also seemed to understand nothing. The words of the revelation fell on her heart, like the wind blowing across her face, she couldn't grasp it at all, leaving only a slight sense of wonder. However, she has never had this wonderful feeling anywhere else.

With a straight back and a focused expression, Xiulot swept across the thoughtful faces of everyone. He thought for a while and gave two more examples.

"Everything changes under the power of God, that is, the particles of God are changed by God's power. The sun's hot God's power endows Patzcuaro's lake water, causing the lake to rise, rise into the sky, and turn into moist and warm clouds. And The moist and warm clouds will condense into rain and fall into the lake again when they encounter the cold north wind and lose the divine power of the sun!"

"There is divine power stored in the forests in the mountains. We cut firewood and ignite it to cook a pot of hot soup. The divine power in the wood is released, igniting a raging flame, and the wood turns into ashes and green smoke. These The divine power is passed into the clay pot, making the soup boil, and even turn into white water vapor, which rises to the sky. Here, the divine power of the flame is similar to the divine power of the sun, which turns water into vapor!"

After hearing the example, the apprentices nodded one after another, showing expressions that seemed to understand something. Schlott thought for a while, suppressed the other three laws of thermodynamics, and only talked about the second law of thermodynamics.

"The fourth sentence is mysterious. The divine energy will be stored in the divine grains in different forms. The divine energy contained in the divine grains varies in level. The released divine energy exists in the form of heat, and it always spontaneously flows from the fiery God grains, flow to the cold god grains."

"After a pot of soup is boiled and filled out, the divine power in the hot soup will gradually dissipate into the wind, making the soup gradually cool. This is the heat in the soup, which is transmitted to the surrounding divine particles. Yes, we In the air we breathe, there are also grains of gods. When we touch the boiling soup with our fingers, the scorching hot gods will be transmitted, which will make us burn. There are many ways to transmit gods, which is a deeper mystery. If I have the opportunity, I will explain it to you again.”

Shulot smiled gently, looking at the apprentices in the audience, he had a wonderful feeling of being a teacher. He adjusted his tone and rhythm, trying to be persuasive and easy to understand.

"The gunpowder in the Divine Enlightenment Institute contains huge divine power. When the divine power of the gunpowder is released, it can ignite the grass and trees, explode the clay pots, push the stone bullets flying, and destroy all enemies that stand in the way! What is the divine power of the gunpowder? Pass it onto the stone bomb, let the heavy stone bomb fly out? All of this depends on the force of the gas expansion and explosion."

Xiulot paused for a moment, and seeing the puzzled eyes of everyone, he changed his words.

"Well, it depends on the effect of the power of God on the particles of God, that is the touch of God! The touch of God can be referred to as divine power for short! Everything in the world follows the unchanging truth, interacting with each other, and all have divine power It exists, but it is only strong or weak.”

Hearing the king describe the divine power, Bravo turned pale with fright. He bowed his head respectfully and sincerely advised.

"Respected Chief Priest, the divine power of the Lord God, perhaps shouldn't be discussed lightly"

Shulot thought for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Since this is the case, it is simply called force! The fifth sentence is mysterious, force is the function of changing all things, changing the speed or deformation of objects."

Bravo hung his head and made no comment. He doesn't have the status of a king. In such a public occasion, on such a sensitive topic, if one more wrong word is known to the high priests of the kingdom, it will never end well.

The apprentice priests were a little excited, buzzing uncontrollably. Afterwards, when they heard the vice principal's words, they quickly fell silent and looked at the king on the altar expectantly. The girl Elaine's eyes widened, waiting for more "divine power" mysteries.

Xiulot pondered for a while, and made more additions to the concept of "force".

"We raise our bows and shoot arrows, and use the 'power' of our arms to transmit the divine energy of our arms to the curved bow and the drawn bowstring. Then, we let go of our hands and shoot the arrows, and the bowstrings give 'force' to the arrows, making the arrows fly fast Acceleration, shot like a quick lightning bolt! This is acceleration with force, called propulsion."

"When the shooting arrows hit, the warriors held up the wooden shields, 'bang' to block the arrows, and felt the impact of the shield. But the arrows were blocked, and the 'buzzing' sounded on the shield, and finally stopped Down. This is to use force to slow down, which is called resistance. Then, the angry warrior pulled out the arrow, held both ends with force, and broke the arrow! This is the close-range contact effect, which makes the arrow completely deformed, called for stress"

As Shulot spoke, there was a bit of nostalgia on his face. Countless unforgettable pictures flashed in front of my eyes, it was the unforgettable years of learning. Even though he was in Central America hundreds of years ago, after countless battles and battles, he would still occasionally wake up from his dream, as if someone was whispering terrifyingly in his ear.

"College entrance exam. Study for college entrance examination. Study for college entrance examination tomorrow. If you don't study, it will be too late!"

The long wind blows through Shenwei University, giving everyone a feeling of strength. The king recalled for a long time, hesitated for a moment, and decided to talk about classical mechanics, which is the most basic way of thinking to understand the world.

"God grains gather into objects, and objects move and change under force. The mystery of the sixth sentence contains three laws of 'force' that all things obey when they move. They are like the soil of the earth and the roots of trees. The basis of the operation of the world in front of you is the natural principle of the main god. Whether you understand it or not, you just need to remember it firmly!"

Xiulot organized the language again, and spoke out as simple as possible, the three laws of motion that were two hundred years ahead of schedule.

"The first law, the Lord God endows all things with inertia! The motion of an object has inertia. If it has not been subjected to external force, then its speed of motion will not change."

Hearing this, the faces of many apprentices were full of confusion, and many people were at a loss. Where in the world is there constant speed? The shot feather arrows will fall, and the falling fruits will become faster. Even the best running wild deer will tire and stop.

Everyone looked at the king inquisitively, and the king shook his head slightly. He didn't explain too much and just kept on preaching.

"The second law, the external force changes the acceleration of the object's motion! The greater the external force, the greater the acceleration; the heavier the object, the smaller the acceleration."

This rule is easier to understand and more in line with common sense. Throwing an apple is obviously easier than throwing a rock the size of an apple. Draw the bow half-full without effort, and draw the bow with effort to full-full, obviously the latter shoots the arrow faster.

"The third law, the Lord God bestows fairness on all things! When two objects interact with each other, the force exerted on each other is actually the same in magnitude, but the direction is exactly opposite."

Shulot looked at the audience, and everyone's eyes became blurred again. The apprentice priests of the kingdom respectfully obeyed, but tried their best to remember the king's revelation without any doubt.

In the crowd, Elaine scratched her hair in doubt. She is from the Colima Mountains, and she doesn't have that much reverence for the king. At this time, she pouted dissatisfiedly and whispered.

"The great chief is really fooling! If you grab your hair, can your hair also grab your hands? Huh, the great chief is really stingy. He talks about telling the mysteries of divine power, but hides it. It's full of inexplicable truths!"

Seeing everyone's performance, Xiulot blinked. His eyes stayed on Elaine's face for a while, and he smiled. Then, he looked at the slightly slanting sun. It's getting late, and we'll do hot air balloon experiments later.

After thinking for a while, the king briefly mentioned the last mystery, the biological basis.

"The Lord God used God grains to create all things. But flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish, and divine people all have vitality bestowed by the Lord God! After all, we are different from lifeless mountains, stones and rivers. The seventh mystery is the source of vitality. , is God’s vitality composed of God’s particles, referred to as cells! Cells are extremely small and have complete vitality, and they are also the composition of our body. As for the specifics, that is a deeper mystery. If there is a chance in the future, I will give it to you teach!"

This chapter is a bit hard to write ^_^

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