Aztec Eternals

Chapter 552 The Battle of Tree Snake City, the Oath of the Gods


The raindrops are rustling, disturbing people's hearts. The fight just now seemed long, but it was actually only half an hour. At this moment, dusk came in the heavy rain, and the shouts of killing in the city were disturbing. And the dim light of the sky fell on Tessie Whittle's suddenly changed face, revealing a bit of shock and deepness.

"What did you say?"

The burly turquoise general took a step forward. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Travert's lapel.

"Damn it, explain it to me!"

".cough cough!"

Travert's chest hurt, and he couldn't help coughing. He took a few breaths, looked at his wife behind him again, and answered in a low voice.

"Your Patriarch's death has other secrets. I can tell you everything I know! But, you have to swear to the Lord God, let me and Chichipati go!"

"Hehe. Let you go?"

Hearing what the cloud snake hunter said, Tessie Whitt raised his brows, his heart was abnormally irritable, and his killing intent was almost boiling. Regarding the death of the head of the army, he was actually a little uncertain. The burly general sneered and punched him without hesitation.



The heroic cloud snake hunter let out a muffled snort, bleeding from his nose. The heavy rain fell on his face and fell into his mouth, bringing a strong smell of blood. Trevito gritted his teeth and closed his lips tightly, not saying a word. The opponent's irritable performance is very different from the calm fighting style before, which shows that he is confused and cares very much.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Tessie Whitt punched three times in a row, and the cloud snake hunter was bruised and swollen. Chichipatti burst into tears, but he couldn't get a desired response.

"Praise the Lord God! Kill them!"

The shouts of the Mexica warriors are getting closer. The alliance warriors of the brigade dispersed and were cleaning up the remaining enemies in the city. I'm afraid it won't be long before warriors from the royal family or other city-states will arrive. At that time, these distinguished captives will be handed over to the king as sacrifices during the capital sacrifice.

"Despicable archer!"

Tessie Whitney suppressed the flame in his heart, stared at the other person's eyes, and shouted angrily.

"Quick, tell me! Everything that happened that night!"

"Oh, you swear to the Lord God, let us go!"

The cloud snake hunter answered. His mouth was swollen from the beating, and his voice was a little hoarse.


Tessie Whittle pursed her lips, raised her left hand, and punched another rock.


The cloud snake hunter's jaw was hit hard, causing a concussion in the brain. The unbearable pain came in an instant, making him scream out.


"You, do you want to tell me?"

Tessie Whitney stared wide-eyed, like a tiger or leopard that was ready to eat.


The cloud snake hunter was sweating profusely from the pain, his face was twitching, but the corners of his mouth tried to raise a smile.

"You swear first."

".Damn it!"

Tessie Whitt let out a low growl and raised his fist again. He looked at the cloud snake hunter who was almost knocked out, paused for a moment, and then slowly lowered his hands. He stared fiercely at Cloud Snake Hunter, thought for a while, and finally made a promise amidst the shouts of killing nearby.

"You despicable archer! Tell me everything you know! If the death of the legion commander really has nothing to do with you, I will let you go!"

"You swear! Let me and my wife go!"

The cloud snake hunter gritted his teeth and demanded stubbornly. For the traditional samurai who valued honor, an oath is a trustworthy guarantee.

".The Lord God witnesses! I, Tessie Whitt, swear by the glory of the warrior! And you, also swear by the gods!"

Tessie Whitt clenched his fists, suppressing the killing intent in his heart, and said word by word.

"You, tell me everything you know about that night raid! If the death of the legion commander has nothing to do with you, I will let you die!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Cloud Snake Hunter struggled to smile on his bruised and bloody face.

"Cloud snake witness! I, Travert, swear by the glory of the warrior, what I say next is the truth!"

"Say it!"

"Huh, huh, that night, I saw the arrows shot at your Patriarch, coming from the rear of the army formation."

Travert gasped, recalling the scene of that night. Although only half a month had passed since that rare victory, it seemed like a lifetime away.

"And at that position, I didn't see the tree snake guards who attacked and killed, and I didn't send any attacking team before!"


Hearing this, Tessie Whitt's expression changed, cloudy or sunny. The waves in his heart were turbulent, like a flood hitting a rock, sending out bursts of bangs.

"go on!"

".After that battle, I brought the warriors back to Tree Snake City. The city wanted to reward those who made meritorious deeds, but I searched all over the remaining tree snake guards, but I couldn't find anyone who could shoot arrows."

Travert glanced at the gloomy face of the other party, and organized his words carefully. The heavy rain blocked everything, his low voice could only be heard by the two people who were close to him.

"These days, I have thought about it carefully. It was very dark that night, and your Patriarch was wearing thick armor and guarded by an army formation. Even with my shooting skills, it is difficult to shoot him."

"And the person who can shoot through his neck with one arrow must be extremely close and has excellent shooting skills! He shot this precise arrow from an angle that the guards were not on guard. And the timing of this arrow happened to be The sky will be bright, and the Mexica Legion has stabilized in the night attack. Even if the main general is killed, there is no risk of collapse."

"Excellent shooting skills, extremely close range, no precautions, just the right timing? Patriarch"

Hearing this, Tessie Whitten froze and stood still. The suspicion hidden in his heart was confirmed by the words of the cloud snake hunter, and suddenly turned from a flood into a raging fire, burning blazingly in his chest. There was no drastic change of expression on his face, but his eyes became redder and redder with deep-seated hatred.

"You mean?."

"That's right! The person who shot your Patriarch to death must be a member of your army! And he is a fierce and excellent hunter!"

At this moment, Travert was not completely sure, everything was just inference and conjecture. But on his face, he deliberately showed a determined and confident expression, so that Tessie Whitt could see it.


Tessie Whitney took two steps back, lowered her head, lowered her eyes. He waved his hand, and the dozen or so personal guards around him had been waiting for a long time, and they all rushed forward at this moment. The warriors aimed their spears at Telavit's vitals, and surrounded Chichipati and the rest of them.

"You!. You swore!"

Seeing this scene, Travert's expression changed drastically. Just as he was about to reach out to pick up the copper ax that fell on the ground, a sharp copper spear was pressed against his neck. Travert was trembling, looking at the silent turquoise general, he shouted sharply.

"Damn! Glorious Mexica warrior! Don't tell me, are you going to break the oath of the gods and abandon the glory?"


Tessie Whitney was silent, thinking, not saying a word. The heavy rain fell, messing up his hair, wet the corners of his eyes, and knocked on his face. The sky gradually dimmed, and the sky light was swallowed by the mountains in the west, just like his heart. After a long while, the burly turquoise general raised his head and said hoarsely.

"Travert, the holy fight is immortal. And you, in the fight just now, lost to me."

"Ah You!"

Hearing this, Travert was shocked. The sacred battle is also the oath of the gods. On the face of the cloud snake hunter, a sad smile gradually appeared, and the will to die was already in his eyes.

"I could die here but you promised me to spare Chichipatti!. She may, already have my child"

"Hehe. He's a lover, and he's still a samurai."

Tessie Whitt's eyes flickered, and he looked at Cloud Snake Hunter carefully for a while, then nodded slowly, and repeated that sentence again. Afterwards, he opened his mouth in a low voice, meaningful.

"That's all! Travert, I can let you go today. However, the sacred contract is endless. You lose, and you owe me your life!"

". Tessie Whitt, I owe you my life. Let me go, and I will pay you back when I leave the descendants of the descendants of the descendants of the gods."

The wind and rain were severe, and the screams were faint. The cloud snake hunter pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and said the opponent's name for the first time.

"Okay! The Lord God witnesses!"

Tessie Whitney looked solemn, with his fists clenched in his chest, praying devoutly to the gods.

"Cloud Snake Witness!"

The cloud snake hunter looked serious. He glanced at the beautiful girl of divine descent, raised his left hand with difficulty, and made an oath loudly. This is the promise of two noble warriors in the old days. They still maintain the traditional style, which is the agreement of the War of Flowers.

"Remember your oath, Archer!"

Tessie Whittle nodded and left the last sentence. Afterwards, he took a deep look at the other party, turned around, and walked towards the city without looking back. Behind him, a dozen Sourwood bodyguards looked at each other, hesitated for a while, then followed Tessie Whitt and left together.


Seeing the departing enemies, the heroic cloud snake hunter let out a long breath. He loosened his body, almost lost all his strength, and fell limp in the wet soil.

"Whoa! Vito!."

Chichipatti was drenched all over, threw herself into the arms of Cloud Snake Hunter, embraced the other's strong chest, and cried loudly.

".Patty, don't cry. We have to find a way to slide down the city wall with a rope in the dark and heavy rain. The road ahead is still very difficult, so we need to preserve our strength."

With the support of several personal guards, Cloud Snake Hunter hugged his wife and stood up with difficulty. He stood in a narrow and deserted alley, turned around and looked back at the familiar yet unfamiliar city-state.

The burly General Mexica disappeared into the cascading rain. The towering pyramid temple stands in the heavy rain. And tens of thousands of Mexica warriors are pouring into the city, slaughtering wantonly, erasing the honorable ones that have been passed down for centuries. After a while, he sighed heavily.

"Hey! Farewell, Mexica, Tlaxcala, Tree Snake City!"

The light of the sky faded from the west, and night fell slowly. The capital of the Tlaxcalans fell before the storm, and greeted the end in the storm. Although the fire of the temple was never ignited, the brutal conquest would not cease. The fighting in Tree Snake City lasted all night, and the warm bright red splashed in the rain, and then spread along the rain, until it disappeared into the soil.

Fresh vitality flows into the earth, noble souls go to the kingdom of God, and the sacred blood will be cut off in the merciless killing. This was the destruction of the Tlaxcalans, and it was the beginning of complete assimilation and national cohesion. The seeds of great unification germinate in the fertile soil that is watered, but only with flesh and blood as a sacrifice, like a myth sung in the wind!

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