Seeing his son back, Suo Jingwu asked with concern: "I heard that you encountered some trouble in Junhang?"

Suo Hongfeng took off his sunglasses and wig and looked at his father with a resentful look on his face, "Isn't it because of you, father? I didn't do a better job when looking for a partner to cooperate with, but I actually found someone with such an extreme personality to cooperate with. ”

Suo Jingwu raised his eyebrows and said: "You can't blame me. Zhang Defu was not like this back then. We have been cooperating for almost ten years. His wife ran away and the five children left behind were not his biological children. His spirit After being stimulated, he started to cheat, and his personality became extreme, which is difficult to prevent. "

"Speaking of it, there is a reason why this happened to you. If you had entered the Soxh Group to work, you would not have gone there today, and you would not have met Zhang Defu. You should be in the office or conference room now. That’s right.”

Suo Hongfeng sat helplessly on the sofa, "Dad, why are you talking about me again? My career has already improved. The TV series I starred in this year made me become a first-line actor. I don't want to do business." , I just want to be an actor.”

Suo Jingwu snorted, "As an actor, can you inherit the Sox Group and make money?"

Suo Hongfeng said: "I'm not short of money. Even if I don't join the Sox Group, I still have shares in dozens of companies. The annual dividends are enough for me to live well."

Suo Jingwu sighed and said, "You young masters are so blessed that you don't know how lucky you are. Yan Jiaxi of the Yan family only wants to be a doctor, and none of the other children in his family are interested in business. You too, be good If your heir doesn't do it, you actually want to be an actor. Your business ability is obviously better than mine. If you don't do business, it would be a pity. I will have no successor. "

Suo Hongfeng saw that his father suddenly seemed to have aged several years, and sighed: "Dad, don't worry, you know that I am very strong. When I gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry in the future, or I will be more interested in the entertainment industry." I’m not interested anymore, I will go back. Even now, if the group is in trouble, if you want me to help, I will not ignore it. "

Suo Jing Martial Arts: "Then it's agreed. If I come to you for something in the future, you're not allowed to shirk it."

Suo Hongfeng: "Okay."

Just then, Suo Xinxin came back.

Seeing her eldest brother coming back, she quickly stepped forward and gave him a hug.

Suo Hongfeng disliked Suo Xinxin's current little sister's appearance the most, but because she was his younger sister, he gave her a light hug and quickly let go of her.

Suo Jingwu solemnly said: "Suo Xinxin, stand in front of me properly!"

Suo Xinxin was used to it. In the past month or so, she had been scolded often and walked over impatiently.

"Old man, if you have anything to say, just say it. I have something else to do and I'm going out right now!"

Suo Jingwu said angrily: "Suo Xinxin, is this your attitude towards your father?"

Suo Hongfeng also frowned and said, "Xinxin, why did you talk to dad?"

Seeing that Suo Hongfeng had also taught her a lesson, Suo Xinxin said with an aggrieved face: "Brother, what's wrong with me? He is just an old man. My friends all call their father this way."

"They are them, you are you." Suo Hongfeng said sincerely: "Dad and I told you many times not to play with them. You are the eldest lady of the Suo Group. Their family background is not as good as yours. They are all I’m hanging out with you because of your money.”

"Every time you go out, you spend money. You are only sixteen years old now, and you spend more than 100,000 yuan just for food every day. Can a normal high school student spend so much?"

"See for yourself, what have you learned from following them! You have no respect for your elders, and you have no respect at all for the father who raised you."

"And what happened last time, you guys actually beat up a passerby, and just because he looked at you one more time, you sent him to the hospital."

"Your little friends didn't have the money to pay, so we settled the matter by paying all the medical expenses and compensation, and even giving him a job."

"I don't understand why you, the only eldest lady of the Sox family, don't play with the children of our business partners, but hang out with those second-rates instead!"

Suo Xinxin said with a face full of arrogance: "Brother, you just look down on my friends who have no money at home. I just like to play with them and spend money for them."

"The children of your business partners are all arrogant. One time, I was not very good at playing the piano. Although they didn't laugh at me in person, they kept talking about me behind my back and they haven't stopped till now."

"Another time, didn't I just mistakenly identify the author of a famous painting? There was also a person who laughed out loud on the spot, which made me so embarrassed."

"I won't say much else. Anyway, there are countless things like this from childhood to adulthood. I really hate being in vain with them."

"On the contrary, it is my friends who comfort me when I feel sad and take me to eat delicious food and go have fun."

"They never laugh at me. Even if I make a mistake, they will just say that everyone makes mistakes and tell me not to take it seriously."

Suo Jingwu became even more angry when he heard this. He stood up and said angrily: "You spoke so well of them. How many times did they pay for you to play? Let you eat? Out of the twenty times, one of them was themselves Are you paying? They just want to comfort you and play with you because you have money. If you have no money, I guarantee that they will never talk to you again within a month!"

Suo Xinxin frowned and said: "Impossible, old man, don't talk nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense?" Suo Jingwu said coldly: "Okay, let's try it. From today on, I will give you thirty yuan of pocket money every day. Your valuables, including jewelry and brand-name bags, etc. You are not allowed to take it out. Starting from tomorrow, you will live in the school and see if your friends will still treat you as a friend. The time limit is six months. If after half a year, they still treat you as a friend. I have nothing to say."

Suo Xinxin said anxiously: "Dad, how can you cut off my pocket money? If I have no money, how will I study or go out in the future? I also promised my friends that I would treat them to a big dinner." "

"You know how to call me dad now." Suo Jingwu said with a disappointed look on his face: "Xinxin, you know how I have treated you since you were a child. Everything I do is for your own good. This time I I won’t be soft-hearted. Anyway, you eat three meals a day at school. I will add enough money to your meal card to keep you from starving. For the time being, I will have all your private servers prepared for less than 200 yuan. If you find it too cheap, we have prepared dozens of sets of school uniforms for you, so you can wear them all from now on."

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