Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 1036: Wet diapers

Early the next morning, Luo Xiaohua actually saw an unexpected person.

"What are you dragging in this car?"

"Ask me knowingly, hurry up and arrange a place for me."

With a big wave of Bai Ye's hand, the people behind got out of the car and opened the trunk.

There are pink and blue, green and black, and more red. It looks particularly festive.

"Do you think I'm particularly interesting?"

Seeing this full of trucks and goods, Luo Xiaohua could only give a thumbs up.

"It's really interesting, but it would be even more interesting if you sent it here sooner."

"Don't you say that you are going to open a business, I lost my sleep and food to catch up with the goods this time."

The ones that Bai Ye brought over were all rare things.

There are wet diapers and sanitary napkins, as well as paper towels, in various styles. Of course, these chief designers, but Luo Xiaohua herself, were based on what she had seen in her previous life, and then drew it down with a pen, and let Bai Ye produce.

"I told you clearly before, you can't get in touch all the time, okay?"

Losing her eyes to the other party, Luo Xiaohua hurriedly asked Liu Yang and Li Jun to take the big guy to put things.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua had prepared a position for a long time, but he had never come.

If you want to make money, you have to make money before others have started.

"Comrade, what are you selling here?"

Many people now use menstrual pads, but they have never seen such things as sanitary napkins. Of course, some people in the city have begun to use them, so if they see them here, they bought some by the way.

However, now the **** is not asking about sanitary napkins, but wet diapers.

Because this was the first day of sale, Luo Xiaohua was embarrassed to give her a fake hand. Besides, Bai Ye didn't arrange for her to come over, so Luo Xiaohua had to go into battle on her own.

"Hello, this one, it’s wet diapers. At present, what we sell here is for children, which is the same as diapers. But compared to diapers, this has many advantages. It won’t leak urine everywhere and won’t wear pants. Wet. This diaper is very absorbent. Put it on your baby before going to bed, and then you can sleep all night. The three babies in my family are the first recipients. You can buy less and try it out. "

I glanced at the baby next to her, it was about seven or eight months old.

Children of this age urinate a lot, and now in not to mention children, even adults are reluctant to get up, especially in the south where there is no heating. Like fate. So, this season is also the peak of bedwetting. In winter, this bedwetting not only smells bad, but the quilt also doesn't dry easily.

After listening to Luo Xiaohua's explanation, the woman was immediately moved.

However, in terms of price, she began to hesitate.

Luo Xiaohua didn't want to lose such a good publicity opportunity.

"Otherwise, our model is a package of twenty yuan, and there are ten in a package. If you can bring ten friends to buy, then I will give you one package."

Don't underestimate people's communicative ability. For an era without any entertainment, the relationship between people is very good. It is not an exaggeration to know people from all over the world.

"Really, then I'm going to call someone."

The woman happily kissed her son on the face, and then walked out. She didn't live far away, in a neighborhood next to the department store. It was because they were talking about wet diapers when they were passing by this morning, and she wanted to come over. Check it out.


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