Luo Xiaohua in the hospital tremblingly touched Xiao San's face with her hand. His head, his hands, and his legs were all wrapped in gauze. The white color was pure and flawless, but it looked like at this moment. But it was so shocking that she felt that death would be so close to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will never do such a stupid thing again, it was I who killed you."

As Luo Xiaohua talked, tears flowed down, one by one on Xiao San's body, where she didn't notice, the tears soaked into Xiao San's skin.

Although Xiao San himself didn't open his eyes at this moment, he also felt that he knew his daughter-in-law was by his side. He wanted to open his eyes to take a look and comfort her not to cry.

"Don't cry, I'm fine!"

However, he could only think about this in his heart, because he couldn't open his eyes at all. .

"Wake up quickly, my baby and I are waiting for you."

At the moment when Liu Yan was pushed down, Luo Xiaohua also felt that her husband was protecting her, otherwise the child would definitely be gone, and she would definitely be seriously injured.

Originally, he could stay out of the incident and nothing would happen, but just to protect her and the child, he chose to hurt himself.

This love and this love was something she couldn't repay in her entire life. To say that in the previous life, he used his life to protect her slowly, but this time, he directly used his life to protect her.

The kindness and love of these two lives made her unable to make up for it.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt owed, the pain in her heart made her breathing hard.

However, in order to be able to save his life, after trying to calm his mood, he entered the space directly.

When I saw the white night in the space, I couldn't help crying again.

Today, I am afraid it will be the most crying in her life.

The two people who had been guarding her were seriously injured this time.

She also knew that Bai Ye was injured to protect the two of them. Without him, she and her husband would definitely be injured more severely.

Therefore, when she saw White Night, her heart was full of gratitude.

"how are you now?"

Before Bai Ye had already been injured very badly, she saved him to life, but now he is seriously injured, Luo Xiaohua no longer knows what to do.

"It's okay, I'll just take a break."

Bai Ye used his own sound transmission to tell Luo Xiaohua into the secret, because he couldn't speak at all at this moment, he was trapped in the chaos and he was using the spiritual energy of the space to repair his body.

"Really all right?"

Although Luo Xiaohua felt very happy to hear that he was okay, but she was a little skeptical about what he said. After all, he was hurt too scary before. .

"I'm really fine, I just need to rest and it will be better."

"You better go see your man!"

He is at least Chaos Spirit, and he can slowly recover even if he is injured. And Xiao San is a mortal, injured, it is impossible to recover by himself.

"He is in a coma now, I don't know how to save him?"

Originally, I wanted to save him with my vitality ability.

But when she had an accident, she concentrated all the spiritual power of the body in the baby's belly, because she was afraid that the baby would have any accidents, so she didn't dare to disperse the spiritual power at the moment.

"It's okay, you can disperse the aura now, anyway, your body is almost restored. If you are not at ease, then you can redeem a bottle of Recovery Pill, open the panel and you can redeem it."

After saying so much, Bai Ye's body became weaker and weaker, until she couldn't say anything.


I didn't expect to have such good news this time.

Luo Xiaohua immediately walked to the top of the panel and chose a bottle to exchange for the Recovery Pill.

Although she didn't know what function the Fuyuan Pill had, she thought that it was the name that would restore her vitality, so she did not hesitate to choose the redemption, but it suddenly showed that the points were insufficient during the redemption.

Damn, there are not enough points!

It seems that I am still not working hard enough!

"Can you use money?"

She was extremely depressed and said to the panel.

"No way, no way!"

"What if you can't use money?"

The last time she exchanged her total points for ginseng, she didn't expect that this time, when she needed it urgently, she didn't have enough points.

"Can I use my life to redeem it?"

"No, your life is mine."

The mechanical sound made Luo Xiaohua a little bit dumbfounded.

"Then since my life is yours, why can't I just exchange the things inside?"

"That will definitely not work, because we must act according to the rules!"

"Then why didn't I count points when I saved Liu Yan?"

"Because you haven't activated this feature yet."

Luo Xiaohua really couldn't help but vomit blood and died.

"Why is there such an operation?"

Didn’t it count before?

Then it's impossible for me to go outside to save someone else?

If it weren't for saving lives, she wouldn't have thought of it if she had the highest points.

"Then I don't know, or you can dig through the soil to sow seeds, and then use the points to redeem it."

"Then how much am I missing?"

"5 points!"

Just go to Fanbo to send the express delivery. This time Luo Xiaohua waited until the longest time in the shooting, watching the potatoes sprout and bloom, and then it bears fruit.

After the vegetables were planted, he screamed in excitement immediately, and finally made up the 5 shares. He exchanged the recovery end and left immediately, walked out of the space, and then gave the spring water of the spiritual energy that he had bitten out to the hill. Ask, and then throw the recovered one into his mouth, expecting a miracle to happen.

Xiaoshan in a didn't know what he was drinking at all, but he only felt sweet, and then there was a bitter taste in his mouth, and he forgot to come in, but he couldn't swallow it at all, and Lu Xiao Hua was also anxious, to recover from the hard work, how could it be impossible to directly enter the door and break it out and go to Yunnan to go to sleep again.

Feeling the bitter taste and a soft touch, Xiao San immediately opened his eyes and greeted him with the expectant face of his daughter-in-law.

These seem to be the first time that my daughter-in-law took the initiative. Although it was during my wedding, I also woke up at the time. For this sudden change, the college flower was also embarrassed. How could I just be caught, but he really Not wanting to go.

I, I, I'm just giving you medicine.

After hesitating, Luo Xiaohua's blush was just like that of a monkey's ass.

only. It's okay, I understand, I understand.

See how you are hurt, and your heart and spirit to tease me.

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