Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 408: Work hard for love

"Her dad, I didn't think about how wealthy I would like to live. I just hope that our family can be safe and healthy."

   For her husband, she also knows what kind of person he is.

   Since he is the only son in the family, his parents love him very much. Since the marriage, she has never seen him do anything at home. It's not that he is lazy, but that he won't.

   One more thing, that is, he doesn't have his own opinion at all, and his mother-in-law decides everything in the family.

   If it wasn't for the little girl who bought them a house and moved out, they might still survive under the hands of the old lady.

   Sometimes, this person is used to it. Since they were separated, there was no parent by his side. When at home, he would also help. He would take the initiative to help wash when she saw her taking the children alone, cooking and washing clothes. She said that she would take the baby. After all, the little one is still breastfeeding, so she is not used to teasing her. Now that the child is a bit older, she is also a lot easier.

   I thought that my happy life would go on like this, but I didn’t expect that my husband would now face a crisis of being laid off.

   Now, their home is really like falling into an ice cellar, and they don’t know how to leave in the future?

   It’s just that, compared to her husband doing work that he is not comfortable with, she would rather let him do what she likes, or in a stable day.

   "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

   Yang Dabao looked back at his wife. From the day she married him, although she seemed to be enjoying the good fortune at home, she actually lived the life of a little daughter-in-law.

  In his house, it’s always his mother's responsibility. Even if you buy something small, you have to take money from her, let alone buy things for the family.

   For so many years, he hadn't even bought her new clothes, it was all his mother was in charge.

   is also bought by others, not to mention the old-fashioned style, but also very large, wearing her petite and exquisite body, it is like a child wearing an adult's clothes.

   is also fortunate to have her dexterity and improved the clothes herself. Although it is not particularly stunning, it is still much better than before.

   If it weren't for the mother to sell the girl, and then at the insistence of the sister-in-law, they would still live with their parents and let the wife lead a repressive and unhappy life.

   Therefore, in order for the three of them to live a happy life in the future, he must become strong.

   And this time, the dismissal from the factory gave him the confidence to start a business. If not, he must still work comfortably in the factory.

   "I just don't worry. You didn't do anything by yourself when you were a kid. You said you want to do business with Xiao San. Have you ever thought about what you are going to do?"

  Where is it so easy to do business, even if she hasn't experienced it personally, but she has lived in the city for so many years. Haven't eaten pork before, haven't seen a pig run?

   Those who do business usually get dark in the morning. Also, if the business is bad, then their hair is really anxious to turn white.

   "In this world, it is easy to do anything. If I can't even take this first step, what else can I talk about?"

   Since I want to give my wife and children a good life, I must work hard.

   "I think what my brother-in-law said is right. If he has this idea, I think I can give it a try."

   If you didn't take the first step in life, you would never know how exciting your future life would be?

  Take her as an example. I think she was also the treasure of her parents back then. Although she was also a capable child in the village, she didn't have much experience in life.

   Later, after marrying Liu Jianmin, faced with his departure and the disabled family, in order to give his daughter a good living environment, he chose to do business in the city.

   She was also at a loss at the time and didn't know what to do. So, she went to the city to look for business opportunities everywhere, and then she saw a farmer’s market, where there were many small merchants and vendors, and she became interested in selling vegetables.

  As long as the vegetables are of good quality, they are not afraid of a market. There is also that people rely on food as their heaven, and this meal is a daily necessity for everyone.

   However, her business started, and it was quite difficult at the time. After doing it for a month, let alone making money, she really didn’t even have to wear pants.

   It happened to be summer at that time, and the vegetables spoiled as soon as they were put, and the purchase was more expensive than the seller. Because after picking out the rotten leaves or broken fruits, she knew that she was selling them too cheaply.

   From this failure, she found out the reasons, and then recorded which vegetables are easy to break, which vegetables are good to store, and how to store them so that they will not be bad. By the way, I also summarized the purchase and selling prices. I also went to the farmer's market and made a unified. Not to mention the same price as others, at least it will not be too far apart, which can also increase my own income.

   After her careful analysis, the cost is indeed well controlled.

   It’s just that the vegetables are not bad, but the business is not very good.

   So, she thought of another way. That is, selling the vegetables from the previous day at a low price. In this way, not only can we solicit business for ourselves, but we can also dispose of those stocks.

   "You see that Huahua is supporting me. If you are afraid that I can't handle it alone, then you can come and help me."

   Hearing her husband's Xiaomei couldn't help laughing.

   "Look at what you said, I don't think you know what kind of business you should do, and you are still talking about letting me help. It's just plain talking."

   "Don't tell me, although I don't know what to do, but if I want to, there will definitely be something I can do."

  The city is so big, he doesn't believe there is nothing he can do.

   "Yes, have you ever thought about what you want to do, brother-in-law?"

   Although Luo Xiaohua knows that her brother-in-law does not have any independent opinions, this time, since he can say that, he must be very deliberate.

   "I don't mean anything else. I just want to help you decide which line is more suitable for you. If you can trust us, then say it to us."

   "Look at what you said, I must have trusted you, but if I say it, don't laugh at me. I just think about it now."

   Yang Dabao scratched his head and looked at everyone embarrassedly.

   "It's okay, these three heads are like Zhuge Liang, you speak out, we all give you ideas together."

   Since he asked himself for help, Xiao San must not be able to stay out of the matter. Therefore, after the daughter-in-law spoke, she followed.

   While saying this, he got up by the way and gave his wife a padded bench.

   Luo Xiaomei couldn't help but nodded enviously with this intimate behavior.

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