Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1041: Capture the supply depot

&&&& "How is it?" Lin Rui patted Snake Eyes who was observing with binoculars beside him. .vod.

&&&&"The alert level is very low, they would never dream that someone was going to attack them. Especially the two guards upstairs, they were smoking and chatting. The guys below were also listless. I can do it in 15 seconds The two guards upstairs, including the three guards on duty below." Snake Eyes shook his head.

&&&& "Solve one in three seconds?" Lin Rui frowned, "Is it reliable?"

&&&& "Make a bet?" Snake Eye put down the gun and turned to look at him.

&&&& "Forget it, you are a rich man. It's not easy for me to make money, and I will never give you a chance to beat me." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "Everyone pay attention, Snake Eyes will clear the sentry guards within fifteen seconds. We have less than five minutes to rush into the open garage and seize vehicles and equipment. Be vigilant and try not to hurt people unless necessary. We just want vehicles and weapons.”

&&&&Snake Eye raised the gun in his hand, breathing slowly. The selection of him as the sniper this time was not an impromptu intention of Lin Rui, but after careful consideration. Snakeeye's marksmanship is by no means inferior to Yelena, and he's a real quick sniper expert.

&&&&Five different positions, and the target that may be moving at any time, even Yelena may not be able to solve it within fifteen seconds, but Snake Eye can do it. He picked up the gun and took aim quickly, and the sniper rifle with the muffler squeaked softly.

&&&&An armed man on the roof of the gas station opposite suddenly fell down. Another armed man beside him was talking to him, and the expression on his face was not even surprised, and there was a bullet hole in his forehead. He fell down next to Qian, an armed man, and couldn't even move.

&&&& The posture of the snake eye end gun was almost motionless. While moving the muzzle to aim, he quickly pulled the bolt to complete the action of ejecting the shell and reloading it. After completing this action, he has basically locked the next target. His single action does not seem to be unpleasant, but it is methodical. The movements are combined so efficiently that they appear extremely fast.

&&&& This is an excellent basic skill, not someone who has played with guns since childhood, it is difficult to practice such a skill in a short period of time. Even Yelena looked a little stunned. Snake Eye completed five shots in a blink of an eye, and none of the five guards on the opposite side were spared.

&&&& Sergey was stunned, "I'm going, what is this? Is this a quick-fire acrobatics?"

&&&& Snake Eyes turned back and shrugged, "I'm a Texan."

&&&& "What do you mean?" Sergey frowned.

&&&& "It means they all love death guns." Lin Rui pushed Sergey, "What a daze, let's do it!"

&&&& Since the guards were completely eliminated, the o2 team members occupied this supply point with almost no effort. Lin Rui led someone into the parking lot at the back, "Quickly, divide into two groups, one group picks up the car, and the other group carries buckets to get enough fuel. Try to find a vehicle with strong firepower. Time is pressing and there is no trace. Quick evacuation, we only have a few minutes."

&&&& "I'm going, boss! We're getting better now!" Sergey lifted the tarpaulin aside, revealing the behemoth under it.

&&&& "Tank!" Lin Rui turned his head and said in surprise. "Can it be activated?"

&&&& "You can see from the track that this tank has been started recently." Sergey said excitedly, "This is the T55 tank of the former Soviet Union. The main gun of the tank is of average power. If the operator uses it properly, it can still severely damage the enemy. The key is that the mobility of this thing is excellent, and the suspension system has excellent and reliable performance, so that the t-55 can cross mountains and mountains effortlessly. Although this tank has long been outdated, compared with the first generation of main battle tanks in Europe and America , its overall performance is the best."

&&&& "Do you have ammunition?" Lin Rui frowned.

&&&& "Let's see. It seems that there are Type 412 armor-piercing projectiles and 3Бk5m stabilized armor-piercing projectiles." Sergey said after getting into the tank, "The car is in good condition, and this antique is actually well maintained."

&&&& "Go away!" Lin Rui nodded decisively, "Compared with the firepower of the Blue Helmets, we are at a disadvantage. But having this thing is enough to put some pressure on them."

&&&& "Unfortunately, I can't drive." Sergey shook his head.

&&&& "Wang Haoze, go drive." Lin Rui shouted, "Sergey, replace Wang Haoze and go drive a pickup truck."

&&&& After a while of nervousness, Wang Haoze finally started the tank. There are armed pickups in the front and rear, and a T55 tank is galloping in the desert. A puff of smoky dust was rolled up, like a small group of mechanized troops with regular appearances. God knows they only have five or six people together.

&&&& "Which way?" Lin Rui turned his head and asked Crazy Horse beside him.

&&&& "Go straight ahead, I know there is an abandoned mine near Route 24, where we can hide our vehicles." Crazy Horse couldn't help turning his head to look at the one behind him who was happy. The t55 tank, a little helpless, said, "But do we really need this old antique?"

&&&& "It should be useful. Although this thing is bulky, it may help us turn the situation around at a critical moment." Lin Rui nodded.

&&&& "Well, I hope you're right." Crazy Horse shook his head.

&&&& The mine that Crazy Horse mentioned was indeed very close to Highway 24, and the original mine buildings were basically destroyed and in a mess. However, the inner pit did not collapse. It is completely possible to hide these vehicles and tanks inside, and they cannot be seen at all from the outside.

&&&& After the vehicles are placed and hidden. Lin Rui waved to the crowd and said, "We must remove all traces of the outside, and leave a pickup truck to drive outside to create an Let the pursuers think that we are on Highway 24. , instead of pointing the trace here."

&&&& Crazy Horse nodded and said, "I'm going to do this with Lincoln, and the others will find a place to hide first. The tank has been robbed, and this time the matter may be very serious. The pursuers should arrive soon, false. Traces can lead them astray."

&&&& "Okay, please both of you, hurry up and do it. Others find a place to hide." Lin Rui said back.

&&&& In fact, there is nothing better than a mine to hide people's possessions, especially this kind of mine that has been abandoned. The war between the government army and the rebel army in Sariando has been going on for a long time, and people's livelihood has been withered. Not to mention the bombed-up mines in the wilderness, even the factories and shops in the city are closed. At a time like this, no one would have thought of coming here.

&&&& After being busy all day, they have time to sit down and rest. Sergey found a few miner's lamps that emitted weak light, and everyone sat around to eat some dry food and replenished some water.

&&&& Yelena, who was in charge of perimeter vigilance, walked in and whispered. "We succeeded. The fake trails set up by Crazy Horse deceived the pursuers, and they went in the other direction."

&&&& Lin Rui took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay. It seems that our luck is not too bad."


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