Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 101: Secret company


87_87165 The light shining from the crystal lighting room always seems to be particularly bright and brilliant. The brilliant lights of Morningstar's headquarters were shining on the faces of everyone in the conference room. Perhaps because of the lights, everyone's faces looked a little cold. A very large round conference table, seated twelve people. It is these twelve people who jointly manage all the affairs of this large military company.

Some of them are extremely famous, while others are unknown. Some are top experts in military security, while others are giant businessmen who are wealthy and rival countries. Some people have extremely complex and secretive military backgrounds, while others are just simple businessmen. But they are all members of Morningstar's board of directors, and because there are twelve people in total, they are also called "twelve seats".

The chief of the twelve seats was an old man called a general. He was quite old, but he was still sitting there in a standard military posture. And no one dared to underestimate the authority of this old man. He was wearing a suit, but he was not holding a cane, but a scepter.

This is an antique scepter, like the kind of scepter worn by military commanders in some modern European countries. But the old man smashed the scepter on the meeting table that was as bright as a mirror, and the other eleven people were silent, they all felt the anger of the old man. He hadn't been so furious in years.

"I think you already know about the European branch!" The old man looked at everyone present coldly, "Since the establishment of Morningstar, there has never been such a thing! Attacking the station, assassinating the head of the department, and even Direct sabotage of our military operations. Dozens of employees were killed, a helicopter was shot down. These are not the main points, the main thing is that we don't know who the opponent is. This is the real shame!"

The meeting room was quiet, no one dared to say a word, and some people even had sweat on their foreheads.

"Gentlemen, this is no longer a business dispute. This is war!" The old man arrived slowly, "Someone is declaring war on us in this way!"

"General, there is no organization that has claimed responsibility for this series of events. And we have no evidence yet which military organization is targeting us. Therefore, it is too early to conclude that the conflict is caused by a business dispute. Too early." One of the directors whispered.

"Joke! Someone shot you and then said he didn't hit you. Do you still believe him?" the general said coldly. "Although there is no evidence yet, the professionalism and clarity of these attacks show that this is by no means a local armed force, but a high-quality mercenary team. Does this still not explain the problem? The general turned to Michelle, the silver wolf, who was sitting in the third seat. "Come on."

Michelle nodded and stood up, he turned on the LCD screen in the conference room. Put a memory card in and start playing the video. This video should have been recorded by the battlefield recorder on the tactical helmet. The shot was choppy as the fighter in the helmet was in constant motion, so the camera was shaking all over the place. The picture is not so clear, but a group of soldiers in blue-gray uniforms still appear vaguely.

"Stop!" The general waved his hand and said, "It's these people, zoom in on the picture."

Michelle zoomed in on the image a bit, and shook his head, "We investigated the video as soon as we got the video, but found that this person seemed to appear out of nowhere, without everything. According to what can be found, we can't find them either personally or their weapons and equipment."

"Can't find it?" Another board member, Qiao looked at Michelle coldly and said, "How can you not find it? As far as I know, you are related to many mercenary forces. You are also found everywhere. As long as you are willing to investigate to the end, you can always find it.”

Michelle said lightly, "Your relationship is more complicated than mine. Not even among mercenaries, do you want me to explain it more clearly?"

Joe stared at Michelle, but said nothing.

"Enough, I came to you, not to listen to your quarrel and tell me the business!" The general said with a sullen face.

Michelle nodded and said, "However, it's not that I got nothing." After speaking, he changed a picture and said to the others, "You guys come to see this person." He pointed to a real figure on the LCD screen. . The battlefield recorder is still not very clear, the person is a little blurry, but it can still be seen that he is wearing a red hood.

"What is this?" Joe frowned.

"This is the person who not only participated in the attack on our two temporary bases, but also participated in the assassination of Alberta. And he appeared again in today's battle. This person is used to using the qub88 type 5.8 mm, He is a sniper expert. During several operations, he wore the iconic red hood." Michelle said slowly, "My people have done some related intelligence collection work and recorded all the activities of the suspected person. down."

After he finished speaking, he changed another picture, "These are some military operations that were discovered in the Middle East two years ago and are suspected to be involved in this person. These are some recent activities in Africa. From this, we can clearly find the pattern, this mysterious Military organizations have been around for a long time. They've been around for at least five years. It's just that their operations have been very secretive and low-key all the time. They've never been noticed by many people."

"It's such an armed force. How do they hide so that they won't be noticed? I took a closer look. The events listed in your photo are related to some known Private military companies are related, and some are even related to extremist organizations. Do you want to say that these private military companies and extremist organizations are united against us? This is too ridiculous, right?" Joe sneered.

"That's what makes them smart. These people have always existed in various military security companies or armed organizations, but they are more like hiding their identities. Even if someone traces them, they can only trace them to other military organizations, and It is difficult to trace their actual organization. And the military organization they actually belong to has not surfaced. Now this mysterious organization is ready to appear." Michelle said calmly.

"Why do you say that?" The general frowned slightly, "Don't tell me guesses, I want to base them on."

"It's well-founded, it's not the first time we've had contact with this person wearing a red hood." Michelle said solemnly, "This person even once controlled the Free Mercenary Group through Gross and became the real mastermind behind the scenes. The Gemini incident that year was planned by him. I have completely confirmed the news through some channels. And I already know the name of this mysterious military organization - the secret society.".


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