Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1061: 0 jun 1 round

&&&&At the hotel where Elan Yamashita stayed, several o2 team members completed the rapid deployment. It's still early, and Ethan Yamashita should still be present at the meeting. They have enough time to make arrangements.

&&&& "Sergey." Lin Rui gave him a wink, "How is the security of the hotel?"

&&&& "It's useless to me." Sergey shrugged.

&&&& "Be careful, there are cameras at several entrances, don't leave traces." Lin Rui glanced at his watch and whispered, "How much time do you need?"

&&&& Sergey whispered, "I will walk through the working channel of the hotel staff, give me twenty minutes, I can handle everything."

&&&& Lin Rui nodded, pressed the earphone and said, "Monitoring team, where is the target's location?"

&&&& "He's still ********." Lincoln of the surveillance team replied.

&&&& "Very good, pay close attention to his movements. Sergey, the action begins." Lin Rui raised a finger to Sergey.

&&&& Sergey nodded, turned and walked into the hotel, and a few minutes later he walked into the working elevator in his maintenance crew attire. Then quickly reached the eleventh floor, outside Yilong's room under the mountain.

&&&& He was very experienced, lowered the brim of his hat, and tried his best to avoid the camera in the passage. For a lockpicking expert of his level, the hotel door lock was faster than opening the door with a key.

&&&& Sergey opened the door and looked around, quickly walked in and closed the door. "I've already entered. The room is neat, and Elan Yamashita's items are placed in a mess, but it's clearly intentional. All the items look messy, but each one has a fixed position, he seems A little wary, trying to figure out if someone's been in the room. But these are pediatrics, and I can handle it all."

&&&& "Stop talking nonsense, start work quickly. Yamashita Yilong will come back anytime." Lin Rui whispered.

&&&& "I know, but I have to remember the position and angle of everything here, lest he see the flaw." Sergey looked around at everything, and then began to look carefully.

&&&& Lin Rui was able to see everything he was doing in the room through the wireless camera on Sergey's body.

&&&& And the surveillance team upstairs opposite the Los Angeles ******** is also staring nervously at the entrance and exit, in case Yilong Yamashita suddenly appears.

&&&&A few minutes later, Yelena, who was holding the telescope, suddenly turned around and said nervously, "There is a situation!"

&&&& Lincoln whispered, "What's wrong?"

&&&& "The situation is not good, Yoshitaka Yamashita came out!" Yelena said anxiously, "Damn, he didn't go through the gate and passed through another gate. It seems that he wants to go back to the hotel, we have to delay him."

&&&& Lincoln said solemnly, "Wang Haoze, the target Yilong Yamashita came out of Exit 3 of the ********, you all rushed over immediately and tried to drag Yilong Yamashita."

&&&& "It's too late, he's one step ahead of us! He's already at the door of the hotel." Wang Haoze's voice was full of helplessness. "The hotel where Yoshitaka Yamashita lives is next to ********, and he only needs a few steps to walk there."

&&&& "Damn, Sergey upstairs isn't finished yet." Lin Rui said anxiously, "Sergey, how are you doing there?"

&&&& "I already got his medicine and poisoned the water he was drinking. I also broke the air conditioner on purpose so he would drink water because it was too hot. It's only one step away, I'm turning Answer the phone line. It will take a while. Can you buy me five minutes?" Sergey did his work methodically.

&&&& "Damn, he's back so fast, the ******** to the hotel is too short, we can't even delay him. He'll be upstairs in three or four minutes at most. Sergey, you can't If he bumps into him, otherwise the plan will be disrupted." Lin Rui said solemnly.

&&&& "Yes, I know. I'm doing my best, I'm almost done." Sergey was still fiddling with the phone.

&&&& "The target has entered the elevator of the hotel." The team member of the peripheral monitoring replied.

&&&& "Run the stairs and press the switch on the elevator on each floor. In this way, each time you go to the floor, the elevator will stop for a few seconds, so we can try to delay it as much as possible." Lin Rui ordered.

&&&& "We're already doing this, but if it happens too often, he'll still be suspicious." Crazy Horse's voice replied.

&&&& "Don't rush, I'm almost done." Sergey fiddled with the phone quickly, and after a few minutes he finally finished, put the phone back in its place, and restored everything in the room to its original state.

&&&& "Ok! I'm done." Sergey whispered while pressing his earphones.

&&&& "It's too late, he entered the corridor, you will be bumped into by him when you go out now." Lin Rui said solemnly, "Can you find a way to hide?"

&&&& "There's nowhere to hide here." Sergey said anxiously, "Okay, I'll think of a way." He struggled to open the window and glanced down. The height of the eleven-story building, the people below are almost the size of ants.

&&&& "Damn!" Sergey tightened his gloves, then climbed out of the window without hesitation, and quickly closed the window. He hangs himself under the window sill only with the strength of his arms, moving side by side a little bit.

&&&&Almost a few seconds later, Yamashita Elan opened the door and walked in. He first carefully checked the surrounding arrangements to make sure that no one in the room had come. Then he sat on a chair and took out his phone.

&&&& "It's me, how are you guys preparing?" Yamashita Yilong frowned and said Everything is ready, we can leave at this time the day after tomorrow. We will arrange an accident, all people will accident you die in an accident. No one will pay attention to you anymore, and we will actually arrange other channels to take you out of the United States. The voice on the other end of the phone replied. "Are you sure everything around you is safe now?" Those Russians aren't following you? "

&&&& "Not yet, I am very careful." Yamashita Yitaka nodded, "But I hope it will be faster."

&&&& "Trust me, it will be soon, and we will contact you again." The call was hung up. The room was a little stuffy, and Yoshitaka Yamashita walked over and opened the window. But he didn't find Sergey.

&&&&Because Sergey has struggled to rely on the only bulge on the wall, he slowly moved to the other side, and turned over into the next room. After entering, Sergey let out a long breath, "Damn it, this is the most dangerous thing I've ever done in my life. You know, I just nearly fell to my death from the eleventh floor at least twice."

&&&& "Good job." Lin Rui replied, "Where are you?"

&&&& "In the room next to the target." Sergey smiled wryly.

&&&& "Leave quickly, it's not safe there, we'll see when the target takes the bait." Lin Rui said solemnly. "All monitoring team personnel are redeployed, staring at the hotel, and the target will appear at any time."

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