Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1067: jungle tribe

The African jungle, covered with lush trees and various vines and weeds, has no roads at all, or there are roads everywhere. As far as the eyes can see in the first romance, it makes people feel helpless and panic.

The sun also began to set at this time, and the fiery red sunlight seemed to extinguish the hope. The members of the o2 team determined the orientation according to the sun, combined with the g locator and the map in their hands, and started their efforts to move forward.

The jungle has no roads at all. The most annoying thing is that the soft roads created by the fallen leaves in the jungle for many years make people have nowhere to go, which greatly reduces their forward speed.

All night marching, when they stopped at dawn. Lin Rui was soaked with sweat, as were the team members behind him. After resting for only half an hour in the evening, they were on their way again. So by dawn, I was already exhausted. When the sun rose, they rested in the jungle.

It was dawn, and the mist rising from the whole jungle floated over. The tranquility of the jungle was broken by birdsong, the east slowly turned red, and the sky light changed from pale blue to almost transparent.

We leave two people on duty and the rest to rest, ensuring that each person can get at least four hours of sleep. Lin Rui whispered. Jiangan and I stand at the first post. Rest well everyone, we don't have much time.

The reason they chose to march at night and rest during the day was to prevent encountering the Patrol of the Secret Society. Only a lunatic would take advantage of the darkness to roam in such a primitive jungle. And they have more opportunities to forage at night, and many animals are nocturnal. They can hunt enough food on the move.

On this planet, human beings are actually at the top of the food chain.

While the team members were resting, Lin Rui took out the map and locator, and chatted with Jiang An in a low voice. I think we still haven't reached the expected marching speed. In this case, we may not be able to achieve the purpose of preventing them from opening the container to cultivate the virus. That is, our mission may fail.

I think we still have a chance. The development of a virus research and development project requires a lot of preparations. It's not like ordinary people think, it's as simple as thawing the virus and directly cultivating it. They must have a plan and a step-by-step approach, so I estimate that without more than ten days, it is impossible for them to thaw the virus. That is to say, we have a great chance to get it back before they thaw the virus. Jiang Shore said in a low voice.

Hopefully, but speed is still our Achilles heel. Lin Rui frowned.

We marched in full gear last night, advancing nearly 60 kilometers toward the goal. This is the jungle, not the asphalt road. You look at the brethren, they are very tired and we cannot ask for more. Kishi frowned.

Lin Rui turned his head and glanced at the resting team members and nodded, "Yes, I understand. I'm just a little uneasy.

Is it because of the Red Baron? Jiang Shore whispered.

Lin Rui was silent, he said slowly, there may be this reason.

We are mercenaries, and once we go to the battlefield, our lives depend on our lives. I don't think you should be too obsessed with the past. Kishi patted his shoulder and said, otherwise the Red Baron will become a shadow in your heart, and every time you meet him, you will lose your due calm.

But I watched my comrades fall under his guns one by one. Several people died, Vitak was crippled, and he couldn't live without a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I can't forget, and maybe the best way to forget is to face him face to face and end everything with his death. Lin Rui was silent for a while.

I really don't think you should be obsessed with this. Our work itself is cruel. Putting too much pressure on yourself will drive you crazy. Kishi patted Lin Rui on the shoulder. Do your best.

Lin Rui nodded silently, picked up his gun, I'll take a look around, you should pay attention here.

Nodding the shore, Lin Rui took the weapon and walked into the nearby jungle. Suddenly he squatted down, looked carefully at the traces around him, and frowned slightly. He was sure what he found was a footprint, and definitely not one left by his players. Because this footprint is barefoot, without shoes. The indentation on one side clearly shows the marks of the toes.

Lin Rui frowned slightly in such a deep jungle, and there were people nearby. As soon as he leaned down, he instinctively felt bad, and suddenly rolled to one side. An African spear stabbed hard where he was just now. Lin Rui turned around, only to find that it was an indigenous black man. He missed the sneak attack just now, which made him seem a little panicked.

But he quickly drew a jungle machete from his waist and stared at Lin Rui. Lin Rui was also a little surprised at the speed and reaction of this black man, but just by looking at his movements, he knew that he was a layman. Maybe being a hunter in an indigenous tribe is almost the same, but to use this machete to deal with Lin Rui, it is a bit over your But Lin Rui doesn't want to conflict with him, maybe there is a black man behind him Tribes living in the jungle. It is not wise to clash with these indigenous tribes in the jungle, especially when they have important tasks at hand. So he put away the gun and tried to show the black man that there was nothing and no hostility in his hands.

But he obviously underestimated the ferocity of this black youth. Just when Lin Rui raised his hand, trying to communicate with him in words. The black native had already jumped over like a nimble black panther, and the machete in his hand slammed Lin Rui's neck and moved very fast.

Lin Rui took a step back and turned around with a kick. The black man who jumped up was kicked back and hit the tree. He didn't hit hard, so the black man could still struggle. Calling that Lin Rui couldn't understand the words at all, he rushed up again viciously. He probably spoke some kind of indigenous language. Lin Rui couldn't understand what he was saying at all, so he could only avoid his attack while raising his gun in a deep voice, stop, stop!

But the black youth rushed up again bravely, Lin Rui had no choice but to turn the muzzle of the gun, dodged to avoid it, turned the **** of the gun, and smashed him to the ground. The black man still went to grab the machete that fell on the ground. Lin Rui jumped ahead of him and kicked the machete into the air.

Hey, stop! Lin Rui was helpless for a while.

He doesn't understand what you're saying. Crazy Horse, who rushed over to hear the movement, said solemnly, let me try. Although I don't know which race this guy is from, I hope he can understand some Lingala language.

Crazy Horse raised his hand, made several gestures to the black man, and tried to communicate with him in the local Aboriginal language. It was only after the two languages ​​were changed that the black man reacted, and he and Crazy Horse managed to get a few words right.

Crazy Horse's expression changed slightly, and then he pulled the vigilant black man aside and asked carefully.

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