Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1075: Raging Baron

Do you think we have a chance of winning by doing so? Will the Red Baron be fooled? Lin Rui turned to Jiangan. He was eager to hear from the judgmental tactician.

I have thoroughly analyzed this person. Masaki frowned, but unfortunately, I have almost never seen someone as complicated as him. His personality is very complex. He was supposed to be from a military family and had a good education, but it seemed he was trying his best to forget that. A lot of times he's deliberately rude, but he's actually a thoughtful guy.

But at least one thing is certain, he is very arrogant. And he has a strong desire to control, and likes everything to follow his ideas. This also led to the same arrogant white gloves as him, which was very incompatible with him. It's no secret that these two people don't like each other's eyes.

yes. Lin Rui nodded and said, Red Baron is a domineering scum, and White Glove is a self-righteous idiot. But I don't want a review of them. I wonder if he'll be fooled.

Hard to say. Kishi was silent for a while. Maybe he'll be fooled, maybe not, it depends. If he keeps his cool, he will never be fooled. But if he loses his composure, there is a high possibility of being fooled. We have to do something to provoke him with a humiliation that his arrogance will never endure.

Are you sure? Lin Rui frowned.

Yes, because the personality of the battlefield commander can influence the situation of the battle. Each person's judgment is somewhat subjective. Therefore, by analyzing the character of the commander, we can use this to figure out the true combat intention of the opponent. The Red Baron has an overly sensitive and stubborn side in his character. If we completely anger him, he will be desperate. Jiangan nodded.

Then do it. We still have ten days at most, so we will try our best to make them uncomfortable. They may be strong, but what we have to do is a thorn stuck on the back of the beast, sinking deep into his flesh, making him uncomfortable, causing him severe pain, and making him full of strength but useless . Lin Rui said slowly, we will always irritate him.

Hopefully their virus plan doesn't unfold too soon. Lincoln took a deep breath.

within the next few days. Lin Rui's o2 team has completely become a jungle guerrilla. They attacked everywhere, exploded and sabotaged, set traps here, shot and fired there. The troops of the local warlords were similar to the militia, their combat effectiveness was extremely low, they fled as soon as the gun was fired, and the armed personnel of the secret society had to replace them.

And the superior equipment and numbers of the secret society troops could not eliminate Lin Rui's o2 team. Just like a cannon and a machine gun cannot beat mosquitoes, the jungle terrain is complex and guerrilla tactics are flexible and maneuverable. And the equipment of Lin Rui and others is not weaker than that of the secret society, what is lacking is only the advantage of numbers.

But through their active campaigns and guerrilla warfare, the numerical advantage of the secret society was largely offset.

After a few days of fierce fighting, the secret society's pursuit and attack could not work, but many soldiers were lost in vain. It's April, and Africa's rainy season is approaching, and if they don't end the fight in the dry season, they're going to get even tougher. Even the Red Baron himself did not expect that the mercenary team of Hei Dao Company would be able to deal with them in the African jungle with such great perseverance and courage.

These past few days, the Red Baron has been bored by them. He was furious in the command room of the base, his face gloomy like a stagnant pool in the forest from Africa.

Can you tell me how much trouble they caused us? Just yesterday, these rat-like guys attacked several of our patrols in five different locations. Also yesterday, they blew up one of our power lines, and if it wasn't for a backup generator, it nearly caused a blackout in the entire lab. The red baron said angrily.

Yes, baron. But we turned on the backup power right away. No further losses were incurred. A mercenary leader said.

loss? Do you know what the consequences of this loss are? Virus samples worth over 100 million may lose their low-temperature storage environment and become inactive during a power outage. You all know how precious this stuff is. In order to get this thing, we even paid a lot of money to have someone attack a Russian nuclear test site. Just to create a smokescreen and then safely capture the virus. But the virus acquired at such a high price was almost destroyed by a group of mercenaries. What the **** are you doing? the Red Baron snapped.

Under his loud scolding, no one dared to let out his breath.

In order to deal with these mercenaries, you have been busy all day long these days. What about the effect? Up to now, I haven't even seen a root hair. Did you catch them? How many were killed and wounded, and how much was lost to them? You know nothing because there is nothing. I can't even tell the exact number of them until Just like you, you dare to bite the bullet and say that you have done your best? The Red Baron growled.

The baron can't blame the brethren either. A small leader of the secret society whispered, they are too elusive. Besides, there are dense forests everywhere. Everyone knows that such an environment is not good for us.

The red baron didn't say anything, but turned around and said, everything is going well, what else does the Grand Duke need to support us? If you don't have the ability, don't make excuses. And what do those African warlord troops mean? Who agreed to let them join the perimeter defense? Those guys are just shit, not much better than idiots, and you just let them participate in the perimeter defense of the base.

Baron, I just feel like we're a little short of numbers. In the case of dispatching a large number of mercenaries to deal with this small group of mercenaries, it is impossible to take into account the defense of the base. So I wanted to put pressure on them in this way, but I didn't expect them to be so vulnerable. A member of the secret society whispered.

The idea is good, but I ask you not to use your **** to think about problems in the future. The Red Baron sneered, if a few local warlords' black militia can deal with them, then are they still mercenaries from the Black Island Company? Put the militias of those African warlords on the periphery to participate in the defense of the base, and they are routed as soon as they engage. Our people have to be transferred from other places to help. These mercenaries from the Black Island Company actually turned our tricks around.

Baron, you give me one last chance, and I must search them out and capture them alive in front of you. The little head of the secret society said solemnly.

That's what you said two days ago, yesterday too, what the **** is coming today? The red baron frowned and said, do you know how to count? I don't know what the last chance is.

While he was losing his temper, an armed member of the Secret Society walked in and whispered a few words in the ear of the Red Baron.

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