Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1144: underwater raid

&&&&The Astute-class nuclear submarine has stopped all engine work, and the British liaison officer is giving the final explanation to Lin Rui and others. ..

&&&& "We have found them, the Zumwalt-class destroyer is entering the predetermined position, and they will pause in this area for twelve minutes to avoid the search of the US military's reconnaissance satellites. So these twelve minutes will be your only chance. Your entire group was using a closed circuit diving system, which was detected by sonar because it did not leave air bubbles underwater.

&&&&In terms of long-distance water movement, we have prepared the best diving transport vehicle for you, as long as one k6 underwater thruster can carry 4 divers and related equipment. The propulsion unit is safe and silent and not easily detected. But even so, your time is tight. "

&&&& The British liaison officer said solemnly, "Remember to maintain communication as much as possible after boarding the ship. Through the camera on the battlefield recorder, we can give you remote command and assistance."

&&&& Lin Rui shrugged, checked the diving suit, and put the mask on his face. "Prepare for action." Lin Rui made a gesture and placed the oxygen tank into the torpedo launch pipe. After closing the pipeline and starting to inject water to pressurize, Lin Rui could only crawl out of the pipeline full of seawater.

&&&&The team members came out one by one, like a group of black swimming fish. They quickly opened the equipment bay on the side of the submarine and dragged out their weapons and k6 underwater thrusters from it.

&&&& The lights on the thrusters were turned on, illuminating a hazy area under the water. Lin Rui quickly gestured to his teammates. Several people activated the underwater thrusters, and the thrusters started to work, leading them to sneak forward. They are not fast because they have to be absolutely silent.

&&&& The sonar group on the Zumwalt-class destroyer is extremely sensitive, and although a group of anti-frogman sonar instruments is missing, it is still possible to detect them. So when Lin Rui and others were hanging on the K6 underwater thruster, there was a tense atmosphere in the submarine.

&&&& "God, these people really dare to do anything." A British soldier on the submarine whispered, "They are approaching, the Zumwalt-class destroyer is still at a standstill, and they still have eight minutes. ... Maybe eight minutes from now, and the Zumwalt-class destroyer will start sailing again."

&&&& "I hope they succeed." The British liaison officer whispered.

&&&&Underwater visibility is basically impossible, and the lights of the thrusters can only illuminate a small area. Lin Rui and others supported the propeller and slowly approached the target parked on the water.

&&&& "Frogman" underwater penetration is one of the most dangerous but most effective means of amphibious special operations. Under normal circumstances, when a person dives to a depth of 10 meters underwater, even if a person does not move, the physical energy consumption is equivalent to running 5 kilometers on the ground. The strong water pressure makes Lin Rui feel very uncomfortable. Deep sea diving, there is always the danger of lung crushing.

&&&&Approaching the target within 500 meters, Lin Rui made a gesture to his companions behind him. They ascended to an easier height, but risky enough. It was only over 100 meters away, and Lin Rui and others had already removed the equipment from the propeller's mount.

&&&& Finally they finished their ascent near the ship, Lin Rui felt blood seeping out of his nose.

&&&& Because during scuba diving, various cavities in the human body, such as the lungs, are equivalent to a balloon. Unlike a balloon, which has a constant volume of air in its cavity, you keep breathing to keep your lungs full, so no matter where you are underwater, your lungs are always full when you inhale. In the process of rapid ascent, the surrounding water pressure decreases rapidly, and the full balloon may explode if it continues to expand. That's why some people die when their alveoli burst while diving.

&&&& On the other hand, the solubility of gases is proportional to the pressure, especially nitrogen. So a lot of nitrogen is dissolved in the blood during a deep dive. At this time, if it rises rapidly, the solubility of nitrogen gas decreases rapidly, and a large number of air bubbles suddenly appear in the blood before being excreted from the body, which is blocked in the blood vessels, which is the so-called reverse embolism. It can lead to pain in mild cases, necrosis of joints and muscles in severe cases, and even loss of life.

&&&& Lin Rui felt that his ascent speed was not too fast, but his mind was still a little dizzy. But they were running out of time, the Zumwalt-class destroyer was right in front of them, and Lin Rui couldn't think too much about it.

&&&& He reached back, and the Crazy Horse behind him immediately handed him an anchor gun with a rope attached. Lin Rui held the anchor gun and threw the anchor into a crack above the ship. The anchor opened instantly and stuck.

&&&& Lin Rui tried hard and climbed up the rope. Their location is the platform behind the boat where the helicopter is parked. The Zumwalt-class destroyer has two helipads behind the hull. Lin Rui quickly clambered up, and then guided his teammates up one by one.

&&&& He lifted his mask, dropped his heavy diving equipment and fins, and checked his surroundings vigilantly. "I've come up. Zhao Jianfei, how are you?"

&&&& "We are on the other side. According to the plan, we will go to the power engine room on the ship. You go to control the commander on the ship." Zhao Jianfei replied in a low voice.

&&&& "Understood." Lin Rui took out the weapon from the sealed bag, a short 4a1 used by the US Navy, equipped with an an/ps-4 night sight. He made a gesture to a few players behind him, and then led the team to touch it forward.

&&&&In the base on Diego Garcia Island, the joint operations command of the United States and the United Kingdom is also paying attention to the dynamics of the entire operation.

&&&& "They succeeded. Both teams boarded the ship at the same time, and the enemy didn't seem to notice." A U.S. military communications officer reported.

&&&& "Good job." The base commander nodded. "Continue to track their movements and report their progress at any time. I want to know all the details."

&&&& "Yes sir," the correspondent replied.

&&&& "Tell the agile-class submarines that their mission is not over, continue to stay within safe limits and keep an eye on the Walter-class destroyers. We must preserve the possibility of a final strike. If they fail, then I can only do so." The base. The U.S. military commander spoke slowly.

&&&& "This is a Walter-class destroyer, and there are many British soldiers on board. Are we really going to sink it?" an officer whispered.

&&&& "Those are rebels! They betrayed their country. And this is also the order of the Ministry of Defense, destroying this ship, the loss is indeed huge. But compared to the outflow of some sensitive technology to hostile countries, the loss is still limited to within a certain range.

&&&& We can't fully trust the abilities of these mercenaries, and in case they fail, that's all we can do. Otherwise, we risk losing the Walter-class destroyer completely. "The base commander said slowly.


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