Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1148: rivalry

"Okay guys, I don't have time to think too much, let me act!" Lin Rui clapped his hands and shouted. "We don't attack from the outside, because that's basically impossible. The only way is to blow up an entrance."

Park Dong-sang and Crazy Horse took out C4 explosives from their airtight capsules and trained them to install them on the heavy bulkheads.

With a muffled explosion, a large hole was blown out of the entire gate. This Pu Dong's grasp of the amount of detonation of the cone-shaped charge has reached a state of perfection. Before he entered Hei Dao, he was a blasting expert carefully selected by a radical organization.

"Before they return here, we have 20 minutes to get everything done." Lin Rui led the team into the passage corridor, "So, please hurry up everyone's actions, speed, speed, speed. !"

Crazy Horse, Sergey, Park Dong-sang and Yelena all rushed in behind Lin Rui. Another heavy protective hatch blocked their progress. "Get rid of it, we are very close." Zhao Jianfei shouted while looking at the electronic map.

Park Dong-sang rushed forward quickly and placed the explosives properly.

After another explosion, they continued to charge forward.

"We've destroyed the power of the ship, are they still using the weapon system?" Crazy Horse seemed worried.

"No problem, the backup power supply for the weapon system on the ship is running normally, we can't cut it off, and it is a dedicated weapon system." Zhao Jianfei replied with a frown, "The weapon design of this ship is really powerful and abnormal."

They blasted three more locked protective hatches along the way, and everything went smoothly after that. With the crash of the last protective hatch outside the combat control room, a long corridor appeared in front of them. The rooms on both sides of the corridor were filled with a large number of secret society armed personnel and British rebels.

The bullets hit like a torrential rain, and the bullets hit the heavy steel plate with a loud noise. But the Red Baron in the combat control room didn't seem worried at all.

"They've already hit the outside. God, these mercenaries are really tough." The Red Baron shrugged. "How are you guys? Are you ready?"

"The target is set, we can launch it at any time. But are we really going to attack the US base on Diego Garcia, sir?" A British rebel with the rank of lieutenant colonel frowned. "Anyway, there are still a lot of British people there. I think we should still listen to the captain or the first officer."

"I don't need you to tell me what we have to do. Take care of your people and let them do their jobs, we have to get it all done before that base does anything to us. As for these Brits, they're not yours anymore. My compatriots, don’t forget that you are traitors now. Be prepared to launch, but before I seriously consider the pros and cons, I will never allow anyone to act without permission.” The Red Baron said lightly.

"Baron, what are you thinking about?" Sudran, with blood on his forehead, came over with the help of a rebel soldier, "Are you really considering attacking the Diego Garcia base?" He was shocked. "There are thousands of people in that base. Are we going to kill them all? That's not the original plan!"

"They are already dead." The Red Baron's tone was extremely cold. "When they chose to use these mercenaries to attack us, they were already dead. The difference is only when to die and how to die. The previous It really wasn't the plan, but now our ship has been wrecked and we've lost the edge.

Not surprisingly, they will attack us in a very short time. The fighter jets on the island will start to attack us in batches. Their warships will also be dispatched one after another. It is true that the Zumwalt-class destroyer is powerful, but it is hard to beat the four. If you don't take the opportunity to hit them, you will be completely passive. "

"But many British soldiers on the island are my former comrades in arms. If I can't save and protect them, I hope that I will not kill them in the end." Sudran replied, "We only mentioned the capture of the ship before, and we did not mention it. The British navy is to be attacked with the arms of the ship."

The Red Baron was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the captain's loneliness and indifference to have such persistence.

"Yes, I'm a traitor. Because I owe the Order, I even owe my life to the Order. Maybe we all are. But I still have an English heart and I can still tell the difference. Right and wrong. We can't put missiles on Diego Garcia," Saderan exclaimed. "I refuse to do such a conscientious act."

"Captain, if you want to refuse, then you will be in trouble." A member of the secret society sneered, and he slightly raised the assault rifle in his hand.

The British rebels and the militants of the secret society in the control room continued to watch the development of the situation, and they were ready to come forward to support their respective officers.

The Red Baron took a few steps forward, trying to regain control of the already bad situation. "Shut up, you all shut up your stinky mouths for me. We can resolve this matter through negotiation and find a satisfactory outcome for both parties."

"What kind of ending is satisfactory for both parties? I have done everything the Secret Society asked me to do, including betrayal of my country. But I refuse to kill those British people." Captain Sudland made no concessions. " I can't kill my brothers and sisters. I actually opposed killing when we took the"

The secret society member raised the muzzle of the assault rifle a little more. "If I were you, I would never be so ignorant of the overall situation," he said. "The situation is unfavorable now, and we must regain the initiative."

"What we've got to do is get the ship back up and take everyone out of this **** sea. Then leave the ship to you, and we'll go our separate ways with the money," Sudran insisted. I refuse to kill, we really have to drop this plan."

The militants of the secret society raised their rifles and aimed at Captain Sudland's chest. "No one here except the baron has the right to make any decisions without authorization."

"Put down your weapons." The red baron ordered coldly, and the people on both sides had already drawn their guns, and the British rebels and the secret society armed two groups confronted each other.

"Baron, I don't think this old guy will make the slightest compromise and concession." A member of the secret society said to the red baron.

Captain Sudland also raised the assault rifle in his hand, "I stand by my opinion, I am a soldier, not a ruthless killer. I am a rebel, but it does not mean that I am inhuman."

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