Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1174: never give up

&&&& "Take it, maybe one day I will give it to you.://" Lin Rui calmly handed the Lena Ring to Yelena.

&&&&Then he turned around and gritted his teeth, "However, what are we doing now, and what are we doing? Does this count as giving up? Brothers, it's not yet, it's far from the end."

&&&& "But we can't go out." Crazy Horse whispered.

&&&& "If there is no way, we have to find a way. If there is no way, we have to dig a way. We have come through so many bullets, and experienced so many cruel scenes. We should not fall here, nor should we give up at this moment. "Lin Rui shouted sharply. "All cheer me up and find a way out."

&&&& "The 100-meter underground passage is blocked to less than 20 meters at both ends. How can we escape? Dig 30 to 40 meters with bare hands? We are not supermen." Crazy Horse whispered.

&&&& "Maybe it's not as difficult as you think." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "Such a landslide cannot be completely sealed. There will always be gaps in the landslide. Using an ultrasonic detector, we can determine that there are gaps there, and then follow the instructions. Dig around the gap. If you don’t have tools, use a combat dagger, or dig by hand.”

&&&& "We can also use a small amount of explosives, divide the explosives into small portions, and use them in a limited way when encountering obstacles. It is used to clear obstacles, but try not to cause secondary collapse." Tang Kun nodded.

&&&& "Anyway, do something, I don't want to see you all sitting down and waiting to die." Lin Rui said solemnly.

&&&& Crazy Horse stood up and took out the ultrasonic detector. After turning it on, the results of the area scan began to appear on the LCD screen. Both sides of this passage were indeed heavily blocked, with a lot of collapsed masonry, concrete blocks and mud. However, such a landslide is indeed as they estimated, there are certain gaps, but it is still a very difficult task to dig out.

&&&& Lin Rui was silent for a long time and said, "I have an idea."

&&&& "What?" Kishi said in a deep voice.

&&&& "The collapse caused by the explosion blocked the passage, but where did the collapsed masonry and soil come from? It fell from above. That is to say, the passage below is blocked, and there may be some space in the upper part of the passage. If we can go to the top of the passage, there may be a chance." Lin Rui raised his head and looked at the top of the passage.

&&&& "Go up? Ventilation facilities!" Kishi suddenly woke up.

&&&& "Yes, this kind of underground air defense facility, many people will come in to avoid the gap during the war. Therefore, the ventilation and exhaust facilities must be large, otherwise the requirements will not be met at all." Tang Kun also reacted. "There are vents every ten meters here, and from the location of these vents, the ventilation ducts should be right above our heads."

&&&& Lin Rui nodded, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and drew graphics on the ground.

&&&& "Look, this is the passage we are in. The two ends were lifted and set with explosives. After the explosion, a large amount of earth and rocks fell from above, blocking the passage. But these earth and rocks all fell from above, blocking the size below. space, then in the upper part, there must be a collapsed space. Because these earth and rocks are not created out of thin air, but just collapsed from the top to the bottom. So if the bottom is blocked, the top will be empty." Lin Rui explained.

&&&& "Then we can go up to the top of the channel through the ventilation pipe. Because the ventilation pipe will not collapse, at most it will break and cause blockage. There is a great possibility that we only need to clear a very small amount of soil, and we can dig along the way. The upper space. And along the space formed by the collapse, climb over and reach the other side." Kishi nodded.

&&&& "That's right." Lin Rui nodded, "Let's get started."

&&&& Several people acted immediately, even the underground passage of a large air-raid shelter is actually not too high. Because the safety and resistance of the structure are more taken into account when designing, such facilities are generally low in height. Crazy Horse and Tang Kun held each other's arms, let Lin Rui step on their knees, put on their shoulders, and finally jumped high, with both hands firmly clinging to a vent at the top.

&&&& Lin Rui squeezed his body in while punching and smashing the shutters on the vent. The old vents contained the moist air characteristic of underground. The space inside the pipe is also large enough for him to crawl forward. Only after more than half a century, the original iron pipes have been severely corroded and damaged in many places.

&&&& Lin Rui put the gun on the crook of his arm to ensure that the tactical flashlight on the gun can illuminate the front position. Crawling sideways through the narrow channel.

&&&& "How's the situation inside?" Kishi whispered.

&&&& "Better than I thought, I can feel the wind in the duct, so the air is flowing. Even if there is an obstacle on the other side of the ventilation duct, it should not completely block the air circulation." Lin Rui whispered as he climbed road. "It's just that these ventilation ducts are very old and rusted in many places."

&&&& "Lin Rui, be careful yourself." Yelena continued.

&&&& "There is no problem with him. We should trust him, you can rest assured." Tang Kun nodded.

&&&& Lin Rui climbed forward for a while and finally reached the end of the pipe. As he thought, the pipe opening was not completely blocked, but it was impossible to get out of the pipe, because the metal pipe was completely blocked at that end. It was squashed and deformed by the falling rock. Although there is still air circulation, people can't climb over it.

&&&&After Lin Rui tried he could only whisper through the wireless headphones, "I'm in trouble."

&&&& "What's the matter?" Kishi asked immediately.

&&&& "The pipe at this end has been smashed, making it difficult for people to pass through, and it looks like there is a large rock on it. I don't think it will work even with explosives. Because the gas generated by the explosion will be directed to the other side along the pipe. , if the amount of explosives used is small, it will be difficult to play a destructive effect. If it is used too much, it is very likely to cause another landslide and bury us more firmly." Lin Rui replied.

&&&&Tang Kun thought for a while and said, "I think it's best not to use explosives to be reckless, and go to the other side first. This end of the passage is not good, maybe the other end will find it. Because since the air is circulating, then the other side must be It's okay too."

&&&& "I'm turning around. To be honest, crawling around in this metal pipe is really no fun. It makes me feel like a mouse." Lin Rui whispered. The more in this near-desperate moment, he tried to make his tone seem relaxed, in order to comfort his teammates.

&&&& "I would rather turn into a cockroach. In this case, no matter how narrow the gap is, I can get through it." Crazy Horse said with a wry smile.

&&&& "Relax, we can go out." Jiang An patted Crazy Horse on the shoulder and said, "Lin Rui didn't give up, and we shouldn't give up either."


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