Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1205: Midnight Stealing Camp

&&&&At nightfall the next day, Lin Rui finally approached the target area. ://This is a temporary camp. Judging from the size of the camp and the number of vehicles, there should be a lot of people here.

&&&& Lin Rui observed with a telescope on a hillside about two kilometers away from the target, imprinting the topography and features in his mind one by one.

&&&& That child named Iben said it well, there are about two hundred of them, which is quite a lot. The barbed wire was pulled around the camp, which should have been electrified. Inside and outside of the barbed wire, there are several places with a "minefield" wooden sign, and someone actually painted a skull on it, making it look like it. I don't know if these local warlords will actually lay mines.

&&&& However, Lin Rui and others cannot pass through these places, because in addition to the marked minefields, there are two towers at the entrance and exit of the camp, one on each side, both equipped with searchlights, and the sentries on the watchtowers are still dignified. Very heavy machine gun, very murderous taste.

&&&& Lin Rui and others tried their best to lie on their stomachs to avoid the searchlights swept over their heads. There is an open area ahead, so there are not many infiltration routes for them to choose from. They are now hiding in a low-lying area about 500 meters away from the camp. If they want to touch it smoothly, they have to abolish the sentries on both sides.

&&&&Snakeeye and Yelena are adding a muzzle to the muzzle. Yelena's face was still cold, and the snake's eyes were focused on the weapon in his hand.

&&&& Is this shooting at a distance of 500 meters, or at night, they have to consider the accuracy of the hit. Moreover, there are patrols nearby, if one of the two misses, then their mission is almost a failure. Because alerted patrols and militants in the camp will be alerted within minutes.

&&&& The opponent's defense is indeed in place, but as long as there is a lock in this world, it will have a keyhole, and as long as there is a keyhole, it will be opened by a key. Now, Lin Rui understands that they must find out the loopholes in this defense network, otherwise they will complete the rescue mission.

&&&& To find this loophole, they have been planning a night. The sniper squad is the key to the lock.

&&&& "Kebain, we're already in place, is there anything worth noting?" Lin Rui pressed his earphones in a low voice.

&&&& "We were watching this camp during the day. Patrols came out every two hours to look around the camp. The long-range patrols were before the changing of the guard, but they didn't seem to be active at night, and they seemed to be slack too. Because they I don't know if we will come, or when we will come, the initiative will always be in the hands of the attackers." Cobain whispered, "Go ahead, I will guide you through satellite communication."

&&&& Lin Rui cut off the communication with Cobain, and issued sniping orders to Yelena and Snake Eye of the sniper team. With two soft sounds in the dark night, the searchlights on the watchtower were still turning according to the set rules. But the soldiers on the watch lowered their heads weakly, and fell there softly, blood flowing from their faces to the large-caliber machine guns in front of them.

&&&&Snakeeye whistled, "Done." But the sound of an engine startled them back again.

&&&& It seems that their luck is a bit bad, just when they shot, Lin Rui heard the sound of the car. He immediately waved everyone down and hid by the side of the road. If the car drove into the camp and the two sentries upstairs were silent, there was a good chance of being spotted.

&&&& So this unexpected vehicle must not be spoiled. So Lin Rui quickly touched the grass beside the simple road from the lurking position, waiting for the car to pass by him.

&&&&The car is here, it's a truck delivering supplies. Just when Lin Rui was thinking about how to get into the car, the car stopped in front of him. Lin Rui was startled at the time and thought he had been discovered. Just when he was hesitating whether to preemptively strike, he found out that the reason for the stop was because the driver wanted to come down to take a break.

&&&&Because it was approaching the camp gate, the driver probably felt that there were too many people at the camp gate and felt a little embarrassed, so he took advantage of the situation to solve it on the roadside.

&&&& Lin Rui secretly glad to have such a good opportunity. He rolled over and jumped out of the grass, slipped under the car, and stuck himself firmly to the chassis. Lying on the chassis like this requires strong arm strength and waist and abdomen strength, but Lin Rui has no difficulty in doing it. He is quite confident in his ability to control his body.

&&&&The car drove to the gate of the camp and drove slowly. The guard at the door seemed to know the driver, and after greeting him with a smile, he let go.

&&&& made Lin Rui feel a little nervous, and he thought that the guard might have to check. In this way, the guards will let the lights of the searchlights on both sides shine on the car, thereby exposing the fact that the guard soldiers on the observation towers on both sides have been attacked and killed. Of course dead people don't manually control searchlights.

&&&& Lin Rui was lying under the car, so that once the guards found something abnormal, he would immediately get rid of these guards before they warned them.

&&&&Unexpectedly, these guards did not check. Instead, their laxness saved their own lives.

&&&& Waiting for the car to enter the camp, Lin Rui rolled out from under the car and quickly hid where he couldn't see the car's rearview mirror. Squatted in a corner outside a tent and observed it. It's almost early morning, so no one is active in the The patrol posts in the camp haven't changed their guards yet.

&&&& Lin Rui hid in a hidden place, looked down at his watch, and pressed the wireless communication button. "I've entered position three, it's safe. The guards will change in six minutes. You avoid the front as planned and enter from the two wings. Meet me at position three first, execute the reservation plan, and you're done."

&&&& "Yes. We are paying attention. Once it is time for them to change the guard, we will avoid the searchlight operation." Snake Eye replied.

&&&& Lin Rui turned around and started to move, but when he heard footsteps, he immediately covered himself to avoid it.

&&&& Less than 20 meters in front of him was a patrol. Judging from the sound of footsteps, there were at least seven or eight people in the patrol, which was almost the strength of a squad. However, they seemed to be a little slack. When patrolling, they actually lined up in a column, and the distance between the front and the rear was still very dense, and there was no five to seven steps apart as required by the march.

&&&& This kind of marching formation is extremely taboo in patrols. Once encountering the enemy, it is difficult to form an all-round defensive firepower in such a formation in an instant. The special forces of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs were ambushed by guerrillas many times in the early stage of the anti-terrorist war in Chechnya. Part of the reason for the heavy death and injury was that the small-spaced long snake formation was taken carelessly due to paralysis during the march.

&&&& Lin Rui raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and put his hand on the combat knife on his waist.


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