Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1267: Persistence is victory

After an hour, Cobain finally got news, "Your estimate is correct, we have found a large number of armed extremists moving from several southern states to the buffer zone you mentioned."

"Damn, they are still one step ahead of us." Lin Rui punched the table. "General Volman, can you still command the two troops on the flanks of the buffer zone?"

"Impossible. After my two commanders died, I lost control of these two forces. Our army here is not a national army. The tribal forces can choose who they allegiance to, but they are always just The property of their respective tribes. Unless there are new commanders in their respective tribes and they declare their loyalty to me, I can't order them." General Wollman shook his head and said, "They just saw this! "

"How could this be, isn't Wollman the boss of these warlords?" Sergey whispered to Crazy Horse.

"This is Africa, this is the warlord army." Crazy Horse shrugged. "Their army is private property. What would you do if they asked you to take the money out of your wallet and give it to someone else?"

"Of course not, do I still think the money is hot?" Sergey shook his head.

"So they won't do it either. It couldn't be easier." Crazy Horse patted Sergey on the shoulder.

Cobain's voice still came over the radio, "From the information we have, these two troops can't be counted on at all. They have already started to retreat, leaving a large area of ​​this buffer zone. And those extreme Molecules, they are making great progress. From last night to today, they have advanced a total of 50 kilometers."

Lin Rui looked at the image transmitted by Cobain through the satellite, and the two wings marked each other's travel route with very clear arrows. These armed extremists have controlled several key areas of this buffer zone, and they are like canine teeth, staggered and blocked on the route of Black Panther Gulei.

"Their specific number and armed situation." Lin Rui said solemnly.

"There are at least 2,000 to 3,000 people, and they are well-armed. From what we have heard, they have a large number of armed pickup trucks, even armored vehicles and homemade rocket launchers. And most of them have experience in Iraq and Syria. It's a completely unscrupulous play that is not afraid of death. The means are extreme and cruel.

It is said that they were formed from several guerrilla factions of different factions. All of them are well-known demon kings, and the newly added Chechen outlaws have greatly increased their strength. ' Cobain whispered.

"This team is enough to block and delay the Black Panther Gulei's troops. If the Black Panther Gulei chooses to seize the time to attack and break through, it will lead to a large proportion of battle losses and damage to strength. But if they don't force their way forward. They are afraid It will be dragged there for more than a week by the other party." Jiangan looked at the electronic map and said, "No matter which one is, it is not an ideal choice for Black Panther Gulei."

Wollman looked at the map and nodded, "Black Panther Gulei's reinforcements will be entangled, and I have lost two troops here for no reason, and the other will grow, and this battle will be very disadvantageous."

"I don't think so." Lin Rui pondered staring at the map, "Actually, this is not necessarily an opportunity."

"Opportunity? How about this?" Wollman frowned.

"It's like two people fighting, the other grabs your hand and thinks he's in control of your attack. But he didn't think about it. When he grabbed your hand, his hand, in fact He also loses the ability to attack, because he is entangled with you. And the person who can really fight will not push and entangle with the opponent too much. He will only take a step back and hit the opponent down with a punch. "Lin Rui shrugged.

"It makes sense. When these extremists succeeded in containing the black panther Gulei, they were actually restrained by the black panther Gulei in turn. So in the middle of the battle, only us and the secret society are left. And They're massed in that border buffer zone, and we'll have more room for a movement of guerrillas." Pointing the shore to other areas.

"It seems that I really only have this way." Wollman sighed, "I originally thought that I would always be here and not leave."

"The temporary abandonment of the occupation area is to gather forces and better deal with the opponent." Lin Rui shook his head.

"When will the armed forces that attack our secret society arrive?" Wollman said solemnly.

Lin Rui looked at him and said, "According to our satellite reconnaissance, they are still 20 kilometers away from your nearest armed forces. Now they are waiting like us, waiting for the final result on the buffer zone. Once the extremist armed forces are Now that the buffer zone is under control, it's time for the Secret Society to take action against us. Time for an order, General."

Wollman took a deep breath and looked at the command post, then nodded, "Pass my order, all troops will be prepared, and the baggage and materials will be evacuated first. After the enemy is approaching, they will all retreat after a little resistance, and turn around. Go to area 72 and organize defenses on the spot."

"Yes General." An officer nodded, turning to convey the order downwards.

"Area 72?" Jiangan frowned at the map and said, "Isn't this behind the enemy?"

Wollman nodded and said, "Yes, so they can't guess that we will make such a big circle. If we move fast enough, we can even bite each other's tail, causing them a lot of losses. And this area is a north-south transportation hub Once there, we can move in any direction. They can't guess our next move."

"The plan is very good, General. But we still have to protect you during the battle." Lin Rui shrugged, "I hope to get the command of your guards, because this will allow them to better cooperate with our actions and protect stay with you."

Wollman nodded, "Yes, I will give Captain Karim an order to obey your command and dispatch. However, I hope you will not use him." His meaning is obvious, if you want to use With his Guards, the situation is already quite serious.

General Wollman wished he would not face such a dire situation.

"I hope so too." Lin Rui shrugged, "but this is a battlefield. Once a fight starts, it's hard to tell if the bullets will find you. You'd better put on your body armor and your helmet. Also, always Save yourself a good car for the eventual run."

Wollman shook his head, "You actually know in your heart that there is no way for us to escape. We can only use this guerrilla method to avoid heavy damage to the troops and ensure that we have the qualifications to continue dealing with the opponent. Because we cannot follow They fought head-to-head. In the next battle, it can really be said that sticking to the end is victory."

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