Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1377: in predicament

Taking advantage of the smoke after the explosion, Lin Rui quickly rushed to Li Yongzhu's side, grabbed him, picked up the gun of the man in black on the ground and stuffed it with him. "Follow me!" Lin shouted in a low voice as he shot. The bullets forced the black-clad militants who rushed to the door of the conference room to go back again.

At this time, several armed personnel outside heard the intense gunshots and ran over to check the situation. When he found that Lin Rui, who was hidden on the side of the corridor, was shooting with a gun, he responded quickly, and reached into his pocket to draw a gun. Just about to shoot.

One hand grabbed his throat as fast as lightning, the other grabbed his collar at the same time, and the whole body fell forward with strong inertia. It was Yelena who had been hiding on the ceiling of the corridor, but rushed out at a critical moment and saved Lin Rui's life. At the same time, another armed man saw his companion's body disappearing strangely and quickly, quickly took out his pistol, and approached quickly and carefully.

It has been determined that there is a hidden danger on the side of the corridor. The militant was cautious, but his steps were not slow. He leaned forward and pointed his gun. He only saw his companion leaning against the wall. Where was the attacker? He was too nervous, his eyes were focused only in front of him, and his common sense was wrong.

At this time, there was movement in the lower foot, and when he realized that it was not good, his whole body jumped up violently. Under the conditioned reflex, he pulled the trigger, the gun shot and the bullets shot the wall dust flying, and all this It all happened when his body was in the mid-air state, his body flipped somersaults in mid-air, the gun had left his hand, and with a "pop" sound, the falling body fell heavily to the ground, before he had time to groan in pain, his temples had already been hit. With a heavy blow, everything returned to calm, and the entire corridor was silent, as if nothing had happened.

"You did a great job, I like your move." Yelena chuckled in Lin Rui's ear.

Lin Rui, who was posing in an attacking pose, returned to his normal posture, and his action to kill the second man in black was extremely beautiful. When Yelena knocked out the first man in black, Lin Rui's movements were quite continuous. His body quickly fell down and slid on the smooth floor. At the moment of gliding, the feet of the armed man in black who rushed in were in front of him, and he shot and swept him away.

Lin Rui's arm hit the peak of the militant's arm. He knew very well what the militant's subconscious first reaction was. It is the perfect expression of movement, strength, technique, and vision. The advantages of practicing traditional martial arts all year round are brought into full play in this moment of lightning and flint. The movements are coherent, and they are all completed before the body of the militant falls to the ground.

At the moment of landing, he stopped the voice of the militant's throat as fast as lightning, and completed the final blow on his temple, reaching the peak limit in one go, surpassing the perfect attack of the textbook. It was just an instinctive reaction out of a long-term habit, when he finished all this, he also squatted down and made a resting palm.

This move is beautiful, it just makes him look a little silly now. "Chinese Kung Fu." Li Yongzhu gave a thumbs up in awe. Lin Rui could only smile and shrug.

"This way, we have to get rid of the guys in the monitoring room." Yelena held a gun in her hand, and her professional attire made her look very capable.

On the monitor screen, a militant wearing a black hood appeared in the corridor, faithfully performing the defense mission. Everything was normal. The armed personnel in the monitoring room moved their eyes to other screens with confidence. , the security guards in the screen also disappeared at this time, it is estimated that they were patrolling to the other end of the corridor...

Lin Rui and Yelena protected Li Yongzhu, vigilantly avoided the camera surveillance, and walked all the way through the corridor. He locked his eyes on the door of a room. This was a room that the monitor could not monitor. This was not the guard's negligence, but because this was General Vincent's private rest room. He didn't like being under surveillance, and he didn't seem willing to let anyone in the surveillance room see who he brought into the room.

Lin Rui's calculation of the monitor's viewing angle is quite accurate. Under the cross-monitoring of several cameras, this is a dead spot.

As a mercenary, Lin Rui and the others usually receive some special tasks that are not visible. Skills such as unlocking must be learned. In this respect, although Lin Rui is not as good as Sergey's thief expert, he is still an old thief after a few years.

He bit a thin iron wire in his mouth and penetrated it a few times. With a soft sound, the dark spring in the keyhole had been opened, and the doorknob spun at the same time. The combination of time and skill, a small A small wire can handle a three-safety rotary door lock. "Go in!" Lin Rui lowered his head and pushed Li Yongzhu into the room and closed the door.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Rui lay on the carpet and gasped for a Now they can't find it here for a while, but it won't be safe for a long time, they will definitely search us in the whole building. "

"That's right." Yelena nodded. "So we'd better find the control room and destroy the camera surveillance. Then play hide-and-seek with them in this building."

"Have you noticed them? How many people are there?" Lin Rui frowned. "The security system of this base is very tight, and they shouldn't have too many people intruding."

"There should be more than fifty people, four or five teams. Now they have taken control of the building, and their people are everywhere." Yelena frowned.

"So many?" Lin Rui was a little surprised, frowning and said, "With so many people, it should not be an ordinary individual infiltration. There is only one possibility for four or five teams to sneak into the heavily fortified base without being discovered. It means that they must have Inside, provide them with intelligence, and cover them up."

"One more thing." Yelena whispered, "Among these invading militants, I found someone I knew."

"Who?" Lin Rui asked cautiously.

"Pluto." Yelena whispered.

"It's him? Are you sure?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Although he is wearing a hood, I can hear his voice, and he has a tattoo of Pluto on his left arm. It shouldn't be wrong." Yelena nodded affirmatively. "Before they rushed in, I was prepared and avoided them. There was no head-on confrontation with them, but that's why they didn't find me."

"Pluto? He's a white-gloved man, a mercenary from Deyang Company. But why are they making such a fuss here? This doesn't fit their style of behavior." Lin Rui frowned. "And Deyang Company kidnapped US and South Korean officers and soldiers, claiming to prevent the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system in South Korea. This is a joke." ()

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