Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1425: Only 1 retreat

Please enter the text "They occupy favorable terrain. The entire three floors are specially designed to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. We can't attack at all. Unless you give me a flamethrower to force them out of the dead corner." One The mercenary of Deyang Company said loudly.

"Bullshit, try using a flamethrower in such a tight space! I promise you'll burn out the air yourself and suffocate yourself first. Stop talking, don't you see the guy they're holding, When they rush over, we are really in trouble..."

The mercenary's voice stopped abruptly, and a bullet from a small-caliber rifle slammed into his forehead. The snake's eyes went down again, and he blankly drew another bar on the notebook beside him.

Although they lost a companion, those mercenaries finally aroused the spirit of blood and courage. Several Deyang mercenaries raised their automatic rifles, "Bang! Bang! Bang..." A series of gunshots sounded, snake eyes He suddenly slammed down hard, and before his body hit the ground, he shrank into a ball in the air and rolled into a blind spot on one side.

"The target is safe, retreat!"

Lin Rui rushed out from the other side, and the weapon in his hand "dadada...dadada...dadada..." kept spitting out tongues of fire. While constantly rolling and bouncing, he kept shooting. After several consecutive rolls, Lin Rui successfully jumped into a room by the corridor before his sprinting inertia disappeared. At the same time, he secretly rolled a grenade towards the bowling ball.

The Crazy Horse on one side was helping Lin Rui to suppress the shooting. When he finished shooting the whole box of bullets, the hand that rolled over finally broke out. A fiery flame mixed with a dull roar suddenly rose from the ground. Amid the splattering debris, several Deyang mercenaries all let out hysterical screams.

In the midst of this chaos, Lin Rui quickly replaced a magazine. Raising the submachine gun in his hand again, he shot at the mercenaries of the Deyang Company with a repressive strafing, until he forcibly cut a passage for himself.

Years of rigorous training, escaping from death time and time again, lonely battles time and time again, and time and again, there is no retreat, only the confrontation with the rapids... All of these make Lin Rui as calm as water. And his body is like a machine that is fully wound and runs according to a pre-set orbit, with fluent and heart-stopping movements, constantly repeating, aiming, shooting, aiming, shooting, so monotonous action.

And as long as Lin Rui pulled the trigger, the German-made mp7 submachine gun in his hand sounded, and those Deyang mercenaries who tried to fight back would definitely be shot and killed! Lin Rui hid behind the bulletproof steel plate and listened for a while with his ears turned upside down. After judging the opponent's impact point, he whispered, "The gunfire is messed up, they are retreating."

"It seems that we have blocked their attack. To be honest, I really sweated just now. I never thought that they would attack from three directions at the same time." Crazy Horse shook his head.

"Someone thought of it." Lin Rui whispered.

"Who? That old guy?" Crazy Horse frowned.

Lin Rui nodded, "Damn, this old guy is too powerful, not only us, including all the actions of White Gloves and Black Pearl, did not jump out of his pre-estimation. As soon as they attacked, he judged their attack. The route is almost as if I saw it with my own eyes.”

"What now?" Snake Eyes whispered.

"Go back, although he has now moved to a safer area, there are also those black guards guarding him. But we still have to help him guard the periphery." Lin Rui whispered.

"Boss, why don't we just get rid of this old guy? Isn't our mission to destroy this underground arms fair?" Snake Eyes frowned.

"Because of this, we can't kill Aladdin. Because only he himself can destroy the underground arms kingdom he built by himself. If we simply kill Aladdin, then the system he built will remain after his death. Continue to maintain it. That is to say, no matter whether he lives or dies, this underground arms expo will continue to operate." Lin Rui whispered.

"Because everything is on track, and it's running according to certain rules. It's like a form of foundation. Although the founder has been dead for many years, the foundation will continue to operate according to the inherent rules. "Snake Eye frowned.

"That's what it means. In other words, he has to live, and we can only let him destroy this underground arms fair." Lin Rui whispered.

"This guy is really a genius, I even start to admire him a little bit." Crazy Horse shook his head.

"Not only you, but even the Grand Duke of the Secret Society is a little bit afraid of this old and severely disabled person." Lin Rui whispered Otherwise, he would not have claimed to cooperate with us. I feel that this time, with his help, it will be easier to complete the task. "

"Do you believe him?" Crazy Horse frowned.

"I don't believe it at all, but I believe more that he will not be willing to fall into the hands of White Glove White or Black Pearl Betty. Because he is very arrogant, even if he fails, he will follow his own designed routine. White Gloves and Black Pearls Pearls are not in the scope of his consideration." Lin Rui whispered.

The gunfire disappeared, and the music performance in the large exhibition hall downstairs was still roaring. Black Pearl led the people out of the third floor, her face was covered in blood, and she appeared to return to the second floor angrily. "You really got it right, these **** bastards, they control most of the third floor, and our people can't attack."

"I said it long ago." White Glove shook his head and said, "We don't need to do this, we just need to besiege them. They lack food and drink. It won't be long before they can't support it and surrender to us on their own initiative."

"It's impossible, there is a separate kitchen on the third floor, and enough reserves, he has a personal chef and even a nutritionist. And we can't cut off the water source, because the fresh water storage facility is in the upper part. Cutting off the water supply on the third floor means that we This will also cut off the water." The female receptionist shook her head, "We can't limit him through these."

"Then what should we do? Let him stay like this?" Black Pearl said angrily.

"Let's do it for now, but I guess it won't be long before he will take the initiative to negotiate terms with us. He is so determined now that he cannot try to gain more initiative in the negotiation. After all, as a prisoner, he is not qualified to negotiate." White Glove thought for a while and said, "The ship is under our control, and his orders cannot be delivered. He has no chance of winning. In the end, there is only one way to negotiate with us." ()

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