Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1752: place of despair

"I understand. August 1? Chinese? Internet??㈧?㈧㈧??㈠?" Jiangan was silent for a while, then whispered, "I will notify the headquarters at the same time. Let's see if Silver Wolf can help us negotiate."

"It's not a good idea, but at least it's worth trying. Do your best, but without his support of over a thousand people, even if we take Redstone, we won't be able to hold it. Rebels around Redstone They will all be surrounded, and the rebel headquarters will immediately return to help when they detect it. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to escape by then." Lin Rui whispered.

"Understood." Kishi replied in a low voice.

After a burst of grenade attacks, it could be seen that the firepower of the rebels suddenly weakened. Ah Hu stood up and shouted loudly: "Go forward! Charge!" Several mercenaries and government troops immediately rushed towards the steep **** in front of the fort. In fact, rather than "rushing", it is more appropriate to say clumsy movement. In fact, it's impossible to run that fast when you're soaked through your clothes, covered in mud from head to toe, and carrying a heavy automatic rifle and bullets.

Lin Rui also rushed up. He found that he was facing a very low parapet, and those sandbags provided a good footing. These obstacles are often insurmountable. Everything in the fortress was bombed in a mess, beams and pillars were crooked, and debris was everywhere. Their grenades blew up all the shacks and air defenses inside the fort.

But there is not a single big living person to be seen here. Lin Rui shouted in a deep voice, "I think they must be hiding somewhere underground. Search carefully, brothers, we have already rushed into the headquarters in Redstone Town."

Immediately afterwards, in the darkness, a vague figure jumped out from the top of the bombed-out shed and fled to the left. Several mercenaries hurriedly chased after them, holding guns and shooting into the darkness with bullets. The gunshots rang out, and while walking around the shack, Lin Rui saw several dead people on the ground, all of them rebel officers.

A mercenary was sitting in the pile of corpses and panting, and it could be seen that he shot and killed all of them. Seeing Lin Rui approaching, he raised the gun subconsciously, put it down after seeing the person clearly. "They wanted to surrender, but I killed them all." The mercenary smiled with difficulty and said tremblingly, "This is for the fourth, Li Qing and Chen Lei, do you remember them?"

Lin Rui took a deep breath and said, "Of course I remember, I remember you too. You were in the sixth team during the training camp. Stand up and keep walking, the battle is not over yet." He patted the mercenary, he didn't want to. From any moral height, accuse this mercenary of killing innocents indiscriminately. Everyone has a time when they get out of control, because everyone has a time to die, and this time has become extremely uncertain here, and the good people will go crazy.

When Lin Rui returned to the fort, it was full of people's noise, and the sound of shooting and explosions decreased. The rebels were still firing hard at them from three directions, but from a distance. After that, Lin Rui and others temporarily repelled their counterattack.

Lin Rui leaned on the sandbag in the bunker and whispered, "We can only control this place for half an hour, not longer." He didn't know why he chose half an hour. Maybe it's just a wish, maybe they can't even last fifteen minutes.

Looking over the parapet in his right hand, he could see the red light of countless guns flickering in the darkness. But they should be far away, about two or three hundred mi. The job they have to do now is to search the position and seize everything worth seizing. Resupply with rebel ammo. Ah Hu excitedly stumbled out from the collapsed ceiling, holding a rope in his hand, with an ammunition box tied to the other end of the rope.

"Boss! It's ammo! There's a lot of ammo here!"

"We don't need 7.62mm ammo," a mercenary said. "We need ak47 rifles to use these."

This is an unequivocal fact. Most of their weapons are m4a1 in 5.56mm caliber which cannot be used.

"Then throw away your broken guns, pick up the rebel guns, and stop worrying about the lack of Picatinny rails. Your life is almost gone, and you are so poor." Ah Hu scolded, "I am If Mom gives you a girl, can you still think it's ugly?"

The mercenaries began to search the entire position. There were a few dead people lying near Lin Rui, but Lin Rui didn't have time to stop and observe them carefully. The thing he was looking for was a machine gun. The fort contains a large number of ammo boxes and spare parts boxes, all of which are still in place, and there are some disassembled machine gun parts in the weapon box.

Lin Rui ordered a few mercenaries to see if they could find some parts to repair the damaged machine guns. If you want to hold for a longer time, it is impossible to not have enough firepower.

The mercenaries looked around, but found nothing of any value. There were grenades scattered by the rebels everywhere, lots of extra clothes, cardboard boxes, food cans, small personal items and the like littered all over the place.

Just then, someone shouted, "The rebels are fighting back, they're besieging us." Soon, the din of the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides became deafening. But the rebels were clearly unable to counterattack smoothly, because it meant crossing the no-man's-land between the two fronts and attacking their own fortress parapet.

And Lin Rui has been guarding here with more than 100 people. If these rebels were a little sensible about all this, they would only counterattack them from the but they didn't, and their commanders didn't care about it, they just drove the soldiers away in a messy swarm. superior.

Lin Rui walked quickly to the other side of the station trench. The position looked roughly like a horseshoe, and the trenches were mostly built in the middle, so they had a protective parapet to their left. It was from that direction that the loud shooting sound came from, but the attack from there would not have much effect. The real danger is directly ahead, where there are no defenses at all.

A string of bullets just flew above Lin Rui's head. Judging by the direction, the bullets must have come from another rebel position relatively far from the line. It was very obvious that another raiding force brought by Peng Lefeng had not been able to capture that position. The noise of the firefight this time was deafening. This roar, which is completely similar to a drum of war, is produced by a large number of automatic rifles.

Lin Rui was used to hearing this kind of sound, and he could even tell the approximate number of people on the other side by the sound of gunfire. Now, the battle line has extended to the north side of the town, which is a good thing for them. One of the mercenary's arm was bandaged and hung helplessly at the side of his body, leaning against the parapet, shooting at the flash with one hand. "Boss, they rushed up."

Lin Rui nodded and followed him to shoot there. He wanted to use his actions to tell these brothers that he would accompany them to the end, even if they were in a Jedi.

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