Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1754: hell town

The Anmore rebels brought in another machine gun. August 1? Chinese??? (1) Lin Rui could see the firecracker-like flames it spewed out two hundred meters away. The bullet flew over his head with a shrill, unrelenting whistle. In the muddy trench, four or five government troops brought in enough sandbags to build a low, makeshift bunker.

But it's useless at all, any machine gun can penetrate this **** temporary protection, except to block the less powerful stray bullets. So Lin Rui stopped them, "Stop, these things are useless, what about your commander, Major Hroga? Did anyone see him?"

"There is no commander, the major has been killed, and now the lieutenant is in command of us." The black soldiers of the government army looked at him with some fear.

"Okay, no more." Lin Rui frowned, "Let your lieutenant come over. I have a new order for him!"

"Yes sir, I'll go right now." The black soldier stooped and ran over.

Several people on Lin Rui's side also used their cover to lie down and shoot. Lin Rui crouched behind them. A mortar shell whirled past, landed somewhere in no man's land, and exploded. Lin Rui whispered, "Damn, this is another threat, but it still takes some time for the other party to determine our location. And on this kind of muddy ground, ten mortar shots are not accurate."

"I'm afraid of hitting right." Ah Hu said with a smile. His face was covered in mud, almost like those black people, and his teeth were terribly white when he smiled. Lin Rui shook his head, "Tiger, this time, we may have to die here."

"What's the difference, anyway, it's not today or tomorrow, no one can be so lucky forever." Ah Hu muttered while firing.

Noise, darkness, approaching flashes, and squads of mercenaries and government troops are fighting back at the flashes. Lin Rui felt that he was really so calm and even had time to think about something. He had wondered if he was afraid, but later decided he wasn't. Before attacking the rebel fort, he faced much less danger than now, but he was very nervous and scared.

I don't know why, maybe there is a kind of free and easy to break the pot, maybe it is because the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "The rebels are shrinking their siege."

There was no doubt about it, too, as the muzzle flashes in the darkness drew nearer. Lin Rui thought he saw a flash of light that was less than twenty meters away from us. They were apparently attacking along that trench. Less than 20 meters is the distance from which they can drop bombs calmly, and Lin Rui's mercenaries gather together, and as long as there is a properly placed grenade, they will be blown to pieces.

Peng Lefeng's face was slightly injured, and blood flowed from the wound, but he still stood up and threw a grenade. Lin Rui and the others quickly lowered their bodies and waited for the explosion. The fuse hissed as the grenade flew through the air. He managed to drop the grenade right at the rebels who were firing. There was the roar of an explosion at first, followed by shrill screams and moans.

In any case, his grenade did blow up several enemies. At the same time, under the reflection of the muzzle flash in the distance, Lin Rui saw a figure not far from the gunlight.

He immediately raised the ak47 and fired, and another scream came. But Lin Rui thought that he might not have hit it, and this might still be the effect of the grenade. Peng Lefeng threw a few more grenades. The re-flash of the automatic rifle they saw was farther away, maybe a hundred meters or more. It appears that they have pushed the enemy back, at least temporarily.

The mercenaries began to curse the government troops and questioned why the rear did not reinforce the town of Red Rock. As long as they support a few machine guns or send three or four hundred soldiers over, they can withstand a large-scale counterattack and hold on to this place. At this time, a black lieutenant, the deputy commander of the government army, jumped into the front bunker and came to accept the order.

"You came to the lieutenant, just in time! I want you to gather your people quickly, and prepare everyone to retreat immediately!" Lin Rui said solemnly, "There are more and more rebels, and we take advantage of them before they trap us to death. , break out and rush out."

"What?" the lieutenant said in surprise. "What about Redstone Town?"

"Whatever they do. Your **** general has decided to surrender, and you now have two choices. Either surrender and be slaughtered like dogs by the rebels, or follow us, and with luck, you may save your life. !" Lin Rui whispered.

"Is this an order?" the lieutenant asked in surprise.

"This is not an order. Our contract is invalid. I no longer have command over you, so you have the right to decide your own destiny." Lin Rui shrugged. "I suggest that you still take your people with us. Because given the current situation, surrender is undoubtedly a death sentence.

You know, those rebels don't know what a prisoner is, let alone the Geneva Conventions. You surrender with your front feet, and your hind feet will be dragged there, facing the wall. And then... you get the idea. "

"Yes, I understand." The black lieutenant nodded and whispered, "I am willing to go with you, as long as I have a chance to live. Do whatever."

"Smart, go and gather your team." Lin Rui patted him and said, "Don't be too frustrated Lieutenant, today may be your lucky day."

Lin Rui and others have been under the firepower of the rebels, and it seems that they are attacking in all directions. Lin Rui didn't doubt that some of the firepower came from their own side, because everyone in the entire battle was and in the muddy rainy night, the formation was completely messed up.

No matter where they moved, another stream of bullets would fire. In the darkness these soldiers were like a flock of sheep being driven from here to there. Their weapons and ammunition have long been exhausted, and almost everyone is using the ak47 rifles picked up by the rebels. Although they also seized a lot of ammunition, this did not make them feel at ease. The enemy army seemed to be increasing.

But Jiang An came up with his last 200 reserves, and this fresh force just suppressed the rebels' charge. "God, you look so miserable." Kishi caught up from behind.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Rui was slightly startled. He knew that Jiangan had already sent the reserve team. This is understandable, because his intervention at this time is at the right time. He didn't come, and Lin Rui also informed him to come. Only in this way, they have put all the capital on the table. Whether it can really break through depends only on luck.

"What, where are the others?" Jiangan whispered.

"Four more teams are coming. A lieutenant of the government army is also commanding his people to arrive. We have to use this opportunity to see how to break through." Lin Rui couldn't help frowning as he looked at the intense firepower around him.

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