Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 209: checking point


At this time, Lin Rui came over and whispered a few words in Zhao Jianfei's ear.

Zhao Jianfei nodded to Leon and said, "Your hometown is Atos in the north. You have four wives and six children, two of which are still in the UK. No matter what you do, you'd better take this into consideration."

Leon's face changed, and he took a deep breath and said, "Who are you all?"

"You don't care about this, you just need to understand that we are not just these few people. We are fully capable of doing something that you will regret painfully." Zhao Jianfei dropped the gun in his hand and said calmly, "You can now announce, Take full control of the situation here, we are your captives."

Leon nodded, walked to the window and said loudly, "I am General Leon, and I have completely controlled these people. Come up and take them down."

The Andyra soldiers below looked at Loren when they heard the words. "Well done, General." Loren nodded and waved his hand. "Go over a few people and **** these militants to prison. I will interrogate them myself tomorrow afternoon."

A group of Andyra soldiers like wolves rushed upstairs, handcuffed all the members of the UFO team, and escorted them out with guns. Ivan was pushed ahead, and he said in a low voice, "Boss, we took the risk a little too much. What if this Leon goes back on his words?"

Zhao Jianfei, with his hands handcuffed, followed behind him and whispered, "We have no choice in the current situation. Don't forget what the first rule of being a mercenary is. The task is given priority, and in this case, if you want to complete the task , we just have to gamble. No matter what, they won't shoot us right away. Don't be a hero, save your life, and have a chance to come back."

Lin Rui and others were escorted to the truck downstairs. Qin Fen walked slowly because of his injury, which immediately caused a series of punches and kicks from Andyra soldiers. Lin Rui stopped in front of him and suffered several heavy blows, and his face and forehead were bruised to varying degrees.

Andyra is really poor enough to not even have a decent prison car. Lin Rui and others were forcibly driven into a military truck, and a pair of heavily armed Andira soldiers took care of them. And as soon as they got into the car, they were handcuffed with thick shackles, and one end of the shackles was welded to the car. Being locked in this way, even if you want to escape, you can't escape.

"Qin Fen, are you okay?" Lin Rui whispered.

Qin Fen's face turned pale, he nodded and said, "It's not a big problem. It's just that the wound hurts away, and the whole arm can't use any force. With a little force, it feels like a burning pain in the shoulder. Underneath, these guys punch like a bitch."

"These bastards." Lin Rui cursed in a low voice.

"Be patient, all accounts are recorded, we can ask Loren to get it back." Yelena whispered.

The old military truck, driving on the potholed road, bumped like a drunkard. The car was to **** them to the nearest prison. Surrounded by soldiers armed to the teeth, Lin Rui's hands were handcuffed, and his feet were chained to the car by iron shackles. The same was true for everyone else.

However, with Lin Rui's handcuffed behind him, he gently took out a slender piece of iron wire from the waistband. This was the lockpicking tool he had hidden in advance, and he closed his eyes and pretended to be drowsy, while his hands were behind him slowly picking the handcuffs. It's not that hard to pry open these old-fashioned handcuffs.

Although Leon swore that he would come to save them. But Lin Rui never believed in this person, and he would never put his fate in the hands of others. Even if Leon didn't come to save them, he had to find a way to save himself.

Lin Rui's indifferent expression deceived many people, but he did not deceive Zhao Jianfei. He coughed a few times on purpose, moved his body, tried his best to attract the attention of the soldiers around him, and bought Lin Rui some time.

Sure enough, the Andyra soldiers in the car were attracted by Zhao Jianfei's behavior, yelled at him, and smashed him twice with the **** of his gun. Zhao Jianfei scolded loudly and pretended to be dissatisfied. At this moment, Lin Rui's handcuffs made a very slight noise, and he successfully loosened the handcuffs.

But he couldn't move the shackles on his feet, because to open the shackles, Lin Rui had to bend forward, and it had to be done in front of these Andyra soldiers, unlike the handcuffs that could be pried open behind him.

Although he had pried off the handcuffs, he cautiously put his hands behind his back, as if he was still handcuffed. Just when people were not paying attention, he gave Zhao Jianfei a wink. He signaled that he had loosened the handcuffs, and continued to half-squint and pretend to be dozing off.

The vehicle was still bumping forward on the road, and suddenly went up and down a slope, causing the entire truck to shake due to inertia. Lin Rui shoved the lock-picking wire in his hand into Ivan's hand while his body was tilted to one side.

Ivan took it calmly. He is a real veteran of the battlefield, and his nerves have long been tempered by the fire of war. It's hard to see any expression on his face under any circumstances. Soon Ivan also untied the handcuffs behind him, and then repeated the trick and gave the lockpicking tool to the others.

Because they were in a truck, in order to prevent them from jumping out of the car midway, these Andira soldiers forced them to the innermost part of the carriage and squeezed together, while the soldiers were guarding with guns near the rear of the car. It was originally to prevent them from escaping, but it left them a chance to contact each other.

The iron wire was passed from person to person, and soon they all untied the handcuffs, but they pretended to be handcuffed on the surface. Several people waited calmly, as long as Zhao Jianfei spoke, they were ready to start at any time. However, Zhao Jianfei still did not speak, waiting calmly.

There was a sudden commotion in the front, and the soldiers guarding them suddenly became nervous. Lin Rui opened his eyes slowly at this time.

"There are roadblocks set up at the checkpoint in front of them. It seems to be Andira's military police unit. They are negotiating." Yelena listened for a while and said in a low voice, "The people at the checkpoint asked them to get out of the car and check, it is said that it was General Leon's. Order."

"Sure enough, Leon has already taken action." Zhao Jianfei smiled coldly.

The soldiers escorting the prisoners couldn't beat the military police who stopped by the road, because these military police claimed that after the assassination of Lord Loren, martial law had been implemented in the whole city, and this area was completely under military control. Anyone and vehicles passing through must be inspected. However, Zhao Jianfei and others were simply arrested temporarily, and there were no prison documents. A more thorough inspection is required. Battlefield Contract Worker


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