Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 24: 1 dark chess

After the explosives were placed, Lin Rui habitually turned on the wireless communication and reported the situation to the command center, "Codename Jinglei, action identification code 452284406. The fifth team has completed the infiltration, and the sniper point on the right has been cleared. The second goal has been achieved. "

In the command center, Zhao Jianfei and Michelle looked at each other and smiled, and both breathed a sigh of relief. The achievement of the second goal mentioned by Lin Rui means that the explosives of the other party's communication base station have been placed. The next goal should be to clean up the front gate guards step by step. So Zhao Jianfei replied immediately, "After receiving the information, we will clear the fortress guards at a fixed point according to the original plan, and ensure that the frontal road is smooth, and that's done."

"Received, it's over." Lin Rui replied in a low voice, turned around and made a move forward gesture to Qin Fen and Chen Nanqing, and all three continued to touch.

In fact, in the command center, all the actions of Lin Rui and others are displayed on the LCD screen, because their tactical helmets are equipped with small cameras, and this battlefield recorder will transmit their actions back to the command center in time. So they cleaned up the sniper tower and placed C4 explosives, both Zhao Jianfei and Michelle could see clearly.

"From the current point of view, their actions are relatively smooth." Zhao Jianfei nodded.

Michelle shook her head and said, "Yes, they are lucky. But they are still far from being able to deal with Gross."

"Mr. Mi, what do you mean..." Zhao Jianfei frowned, "Will they have problems in the next link?"

"Yes. It's not about talent, it's about experience. Students such as Lin Rui already have good abilities, but experience is still their Achilles heel. This lack of battlefield experience can't be solved by training, it can only be solved by blood and blood. The life-and-death test of fire is slowly accumulating. So the warriors who have seen blood and those who have not seen blood are completely different." Michelle sighed. "The defense of the front of the fortress is Gross's top priority. Even such a surprise attack may not guarantee success. So I still have to help him."

"Help them?" Zhao Jianfei's expression changed, "No, you... want to do it yourself?"

"Of course not, I have completely quit. My current role is a decision maker, not an implementer." Michelle said lightly, "I shouldn't have done this, but given the current situation, if I don't do a little Small adjustments, I am afraid they will have a lot of casualties. I will not come forward myself, but I will let one person assist them."

"Who? Do you still have a hand?" Zhao Jianfei said with a frown.

"Of course. Always keep a back-up plan. That's my motto." Michelle said lightly, "The secret chess I laid before should also be activated."

"Who is the dark chess you're talking about? Could it be that you placed our people beside Gross?" Zhao Jianfei asked with a stern look in his heart.

Michelle nodded, turned on the tactical computer beside him, and called up a file. He said slowly, "This is my secret game. This person is called Jiangan, a very special person. I always thought it would be a pity to throw him into the combat unit, because he is too smart. So over the years, he Follow me all the time. A very useful talent."

"Just this guy with glasses? He's only twenty-four years old, how powerful can he be. How can he compare to us?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

Michelle shook his head and said, "He is different from you or even Tang Kun, and there is no comparison between you. Because you are completely different types of people. Jiangan's role lies in his mind, and I can say that he is The best staff and staff, a real think tank, such a person is very useful to me. In fact, I can get on the board of the company and hold the real power. This young man has made a great contribution." Michelle's eyes showed a kind of Praise and regret.

"How did you put him next to Gross?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"I used some small tricks to make him an assessor of Morningstar, Jiang. I intervened in this operation as an observer." Michelle smiled slightly, "Now he may be by Gross's side."

"Military observer?" Zhao Jianfei was stunned for a moment, then nodded as if he had understood something, and said, "This arrangement is simply too high. As an observer of Morningstar, it is only natural to check and evaluate defense on behalf of the employer. This means that , he will have access to all of Gross' tactical defense deployment, and Gross himself." Zhao Jianfei's expression moved.

"Don't be too happy, Gross is not a fuel-efficient lamp, even if Morningstar is the employer this time, even the military observers of Morningstar can't be trusted. Jiangan has not contacted me yet, he must still be He's in control." Michelle sighed.

"That said, you don't seem to be very worried." Zhao Jianfei looked at Michelle and said.

"I'm not worried because I believe that Jiangan's ability is enough to deal with it." Michelle said lightly.

In the military fortress in the North Caucasus Mountains, the observer who claimed to be surnamed Jiang seemed to be unable to bear it. He said loudly, "Gross, you can't do this to me! You've been tying me here for almost a long time, I My hands and feet are numb. I am an intellectual, an accountant in the office, not the same as you mercenary combatants. I demand that I be treated accordingly, at least you want me to go to the toilet, right?"

Gross glanced at him and said coldly, "Save your energy, Mr. Jiang. I didn't hang you up, I just tied you to a chair, and I already gave you a high standard of treatment."

The weak-looking Mr. Jiang sighed and said, "Okay, Gross, I admit that I was a little offended before, and I will apologize formally to you now, but this is really my duty. Why don't you let me go now, I It will help your actions."

"Help us? It's just you, and your famous brand pistol at the competition level?" Gross frowned.

Mr. Jiang said with a serious face, "I know you don't care about my work very much. But I hope you can understand that our statistical evaluation is meaningful, and for this job, we have been deliberately trained to see through. All flawed eyes. If you let me go, I can give you corresponding advice, which will be of great benefit to both of you."

Gross sneered, "According to you, we can't deal with a group of newbies? Do we have to rely on the help of a nerd like you to win?"

Mr. Jiang sighed and said, "Of course I know that you are very powerful, and I also know that the newcomers are also unknown. But it is precisely because you are famous in the international mercenary world, and the origins of these people are unknown. Therefore, in terms of information comparison, Some of your information is almost transparent, but these newcomers are not known at all. Your way of thinking, tactical ideas, and combat capabilities have been studied by many people. And these newcomers, you have almost nothing to them Know."

Gross' expression changed slightly and he sneered, "But, so what?"

Mr. Jiang said with a wry smile, "My value is that after the battle starts, I can quickly and accurately interpret all the opponent's actions, sort out the opponent's basic situation in a short time, and infer their next plan based on this information. But If you bind me like this, I can't do anything, and the tasks that the company has given me cannot be completed."

"Hmph, you finally admitted it." Gross face changed, and he shouted sharply, "The reason why Morningstar Corporation let you in here is by no means as simple as doing a battlefield assessment! Say, what purpose do you have?"

Mr. Jiang was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Gross, you must know what the purpose of this employment is."

"Isn't it guarding this fortress for seventy-two hours to get rid of any intruding rookie mercenaries?" Gross frowned.

"That's right, but the Morningstar Company paid you to fight against the new recruits trained by the Morningstar Company. Don't you think this is a bit weird?" Mr. Jiang said with twinkling eyes.

"Indeed, but there are rules, and I never ask about the employer. I'm just responsible for getting the money to work." Gross sneered.

Mr. Jiang saw the doubt in Gross' eyes, and immediately added This is actually a gamble, and the bet is against the high-level forces of Morningstar. One of them is Michelle the Silver Wolf, the trainer of those new mercenaries, and the other is a member of the board of directors of Morningstar Corporation. They are playing games with each other in such a way as to compete for the control of the top management of Morningstar. "

Gross frowned, "How did you know that?"

"I am a staff member of Morningstar, and of course I know more than you. In fact, I was assigned here to help you when necessary." Mr. Jiang sighed, "You know the board of directors of Morningstar. , there are many people who don't want to see a powerful character like Yinlang in power. That's why they hired you, because Yinlang is not a generalist. To fight against his subordinates, you must find a bunch of ruthless characters. And I came here, just To make sure you beat them."

Gross was silent, just looking at Mr. Jiang, as if trying to find something suspicious in his expression. But he was a little disappointed. This Mr. Jiang seemed to have no other expressions except some nervousness and disappointment.

It seems that this Mr. Jiang is really a civilian, and when this Mr. Jiang came, he had no weapons except a pistol and a tactical computer. Gross was fascinated by his pistol, a highly accurate match gun rarely used by ordinary combatants. Because the capacity is small, the power is small. Gross also mocked him for this.

Gross pondered, "How can you really help me?"

"Of course, my nickname is actuary, tactical intelligence analysis expert." Mr. Jiang raised his hand lightly and said, "But if you handcuff me like this, I can't help you."

Gross hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Go alone, let him go."

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