Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 26: metal rain

This building is an ordinary three-story building. Like all military buildings in the former Soviet Union, the structure is solid and the style is blunt. Glancing up, Lin Rui whispered to the team member Ah Hu who was watching on the outside through the radio, "Hu, help me to see the situation on the three-story building opposite the main entrance of the fortress."

"Three people, all with weapons. There is also an anti-aircraft gun, which is too far away to see the model." Ah Hu reported in a low voice, "Their locations are in the southeast corner, directly south and west. It's just this building. In terms of height, except for the sniper tower in the west, the roof can be clearly seen."

"Received." Lin Rui nodded, cut off the communication, turned to Chen Nanqing and said, "It's similar to what I thought. Because of the orientation of the house, their main defensive area is the side facing the gate. That is to say, they The back is empty."

Chen Nanqing smiled and said, "Then, we will teach them to pay attention to their backs."

Lin Rui nodded to Chen Nanqing, put the weapon behind his back, took a few steps to run, jumped up, and climbed up with his bare hands, using the stacks and pipes of the house respectively.

Lin Rui silently climbed to the roof, showing half of his head and quickly looked at the situation on the roof. There are three mercenaries upstairs, and they are guarded on three sides. The key point is to monitor the position of the gate and both sides of the fortress.

Lin Rui turned over and squatted on one side carefully, followed by Chen Nanqing. Both held their breath very carefully, not making a sound. The attention of the three mercenaries was all in front of them, and they did not notice that two people had climbed up behind them. Looking at the three mercenaries, Lin Rui couldn't help frowning. If the positions of the three mercenaries were brought closer, he and Chen Nanqing would be sure to deal with them without making any noise.

However, now that it is like this, even if Lin Rui and Chen Nanqing take action separately and subdue a mercenary, then the remaining one will definitely notice. However, because of the distance, they were beyond the reach of this remaining mercenary. It's too hard to kill three people silently, and they have to do it. The first rule of thumb for sneaking into action is to do everything possible without revealing yourself.

Lin Rui turned his head and glanced at Chen Nanqing, pointed to his eyes, and made another direction gesture. The meaning is to let him be responsible for solving the mercenary in the southeast corner. Chen Nanqing nodded silently and slowly touched that side. And Lin Rui also pulled out the military dagger with his backhand and walked to the other side.

The sun at noon is a little warm, especially in this spring season, it basks on people's bodies, making people lazily unable to lift themselves up. So are the few mercenaries. Compared to other posts, they are considered leisurely here. Sitting upstairs basking in the sun, blowing the wind, smoking a few cigarettes leisurely. But it's the sun that makes me sleepy.

One of the mercenaries stretched lazily and was about to get up and take two steps to move around. A hand had already reached out from behind him, covering his mouth, and almost at the same time, the icy blade had slit his throat. A strong hand, a fast, accurate and ruthless knife.

A large amount of blood spread along, completely blocking his trachea. He couldn't make a sound, and he didn't even feel much pain. He just felt a little stuffy. This suffocation made him kick his legs and beat his feet weakly. This movement still alarmed another mercenary, who had turned his head alertly.

Lin Rui felt helpless for a while, and pushed away the mercenary whose throat was still struggling. A fish leaped to the side, and almost at the same time, the alarmed mercenary raised his gun and opened fire. The dust and sparks the bullets hit on the concrete made Lin Rui feel a little disappointed. Despite being careful, it was exposed.

He turned over and rolled into the dead corner of the mercenary's shooting. He was about to raise his gun to fight back. Suddenly, a dull gunshot was heard in the distance. The mercenary was hit by the huge impact of the bullet, and a cloud of blood burst out from his chest. It turned like a top before falling down. His body showed horrific wounds, and one arm had been completely torn.

Lin Rui knew that this was caused by the anti-equipment sniper rifle. He sighed and gave a thumbs up to the sniper tower in the distance. On the sniper tower, Peng Lefeng was still holding that heavy and cold long-range weapon.

Chen Nanqing has also dealt with another mercenary. But it's too late, they're completely exposed. The shrill siren of the military fortress resounded through the sky. The entire fortress has completely entered a state of combat, and all personnel have entered combat positions. There were footsteps everywhere, and Gross's men were emerging from various positions in the fortress.

Chen Nanqing said helplessly, "What should I do now?"

"Alright. The goal of sneaking in is to strike, and it will be exposed sooner or later." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "It's just a little earlier, but we have to step up. Help me guard the entrance of the corridor, and give me at least five minutes to stick to it. ."

Chen Nanqing nodded, pushed down the goggles on his helmet, and raised his gun to guard the corridor.

Lin Rui walked over to the ZPU23 anti-aircraft gun, looked at the ammunition, and sat down.

After all, the Gross local mercenary team is well-trained. After the alarm sounded, after a short period of panic adjustment, it immediately entered the state. The guards at the main entrance of the fortress have entered the fighting position, but what makes them a little puzzled is that the gunshots just now seem to be coming from behind. Soon their doubts were answered, and the anti-aircraft gun on the roof behind them began to fire flatly.

The 23mm caliber ammunition, like a metal torrential rain, poured down from the opposite upstairs. The ZPU23 double-barreled anti-aircraft gun is equipped with a flame suppression device, but even the flames ejected in this way are one meter long. Under the development of modern aircraft technology, this ZPU23 anti-aircraft gun for low-altitude defense has long lost its advantage in the air, and is more used in combat against the enemy.

In the Libyan civil war in 2011, many of these anti-aircraft guns were installed on Nissan, Toyota, ZTE, and Great Wall pickups to rampage. During the war, the Libyan opposition also "invented" a unique "tactic"-two pickup trucks were equipped with ZPU-23 anti-aircraft guns or anti-aircraft machine guns. Step on the accelerator and you're good to go.

The rumble of the ZPU-23 anti-aircraft guns officially pushed a stealth operation to the height of a frontal firefight. The defense of the main entrance of the fortress was riddled with holes by this double-mounted anti-aircraft gun. Under the intensive blow of artillery fire, the thick concrete building was covered with dust, and large swathes of concrete fell off, exposing the internal steel skeleton, not to mention the flesh and blood. Under the attack of this 23mm caliber high-explosive ammunition, the human body is as weak as soft tofu.

Many of the mercenaries guarding the main gate didn't even have time to raise their heads, and were shot into flesh by the rain of metal bullets. Lin Rui's feet "ping ping pong pong" spilled a pile of bullet casings, and the defense of the main entrance was also completely destroyed by the heavy firepower.

"Da da da..." Chen Nanqing was guarding the entrance of the corridor, and he had already exchanged fire with the mercenaries. "Xiao Lin, are you done?" He turned around and shouted.

"It's almost over." Lin Rui jumped from the operating position of the anti-aircraft gun, walked quickly to the door, and connected the wireless communication in an orderly manner, "The action code is Jinglei, the identification code is 452284406. I am the fifth team Lin Rui, the main entrance defense. Destroyed. I repeat, the main gate defenses have been destroyed, the second objective achieved. Request instructions on the next course of action."

"I got it, we are already organizing an assault. Lin Rui did a good job, but be careful and try to survive before we arrive." Tang Kun replied in a voice.

"Received, it's over." Lin Rui said, without stopping, a long shot knocked down a mercenary who was trying to rush up.

Chen Nanqing said nervously, "Okay, we should almost withdraw. It's not the way to stand up like this." He threw a grenade at the mercenary downstairs, and the grenade rolled down the stairs of the corridor, and the grenade rolled down the stairs. A cloud of blood exploded from the heap.

Lin Rui nodded and said, "It's time to go, but there is one more thing to do. We have to have a beginning and an end." He took out the remaining C4 bomb and placed it at the door leading to the roof, and quickly set it up Delay fuze. Then they winked at Chen Nanqing, the two quickly walked to the edge of the building, hung the rope locks around their waists on the guardrail of the building, and began to land from the top of the building.

Just as soon as they stepped on the ground, there was a shocking explosion from the roof behind them. The impact of the explosion made the two of them almost lose their balance and fell to the ground. Chen Nanqing raised his head and smiled bitterly, "This is really exciting."

"If you don't run quickly, it will be even more exciting." Lin Rui pulled him up from the ground and ran desperately. The sound of gunfire was intense behind him, and the remaining mercenaries caught up again. Lin Rui connected to the communication channels of Qin Fen and Peng Lefeng while running, "How is it? Are you still alive?"

"Alive, and alive and well." Qin Fen replied.

"I'm still alive now. After saying this, I don't know. I'm going to evacuate the sniper tower. My position was exposed just now." Peng Lefeng said in a low voice.

Lin Rui nodded and said, "Okay, try to evacuate if possible. If you can't evacuate, you will do everything possible to survive. Our mission here is complete. It's up to others."

In the command room of the fortress, Gross was furious, "What the **** is going on? How many people are there, and where are the reports from each location?"

"The exact number is not yet clear, but it doesn't look like a lot, it's probably just one squad, maybe two squads. They controlled an anti-aircraft gun behind the main gate, and they have completely destroyed our frontal gun through this anti-aircraft gun just now. Most of the defense. On the west side, we were also sniped by unidentified personnel, the number of which is still unknown. It is initially judged that these people should be just an infiltration team.” The mercenary on the radio responded.

"Damn it! How did they get in here?!" Gross said angrily, "Find me these mice! Quickly, organize another manpower and arrange defense."

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