Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5248: cultural city

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But after figuring out the general situation of this training base, Lin Rui and others hesitated again.

"The situation at the entire base seems to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside. When we passed by there, we were only prohibited from entering, and we were not questioned more.

But I noticed that there are multiple cameras monitoring the surrounding locations. Once inside the wire fence, it is very likely that they will be monitored anytime, anywhere.

Their security forces are prepared for any possible contingencies. The level of security is quite high, and if someone tries to break in, they will be attacked by a well-equipped elite force in a short period of time after being discovered. "The actuary said in a low voice.

"I found some information. The person in charge of the training base was Kalosowski. He served in the special forces for many years when he was young, and his military quality was excellent. Later, he was transferred to the intelligence department and was one of the experts of the Polish Intelligence Service. And NATO's The relationship is very close.

The Polish agents who could enter that training camp for training were all ruthless characters. One good thing, though, is that they train in much the same way as Americans. Therefore, their actions have certain rules to follow.

In addition, I tried to find the blueprints that were responsible for the renovation of the building, and found that there were no archives at all, maybe it was destroyed later. ' Cobain replied.

"Looks like we don't know anything about what's going on inside. There's not much chance of winning in such a situation.

We're afraid we'll have to resort to other means of reconnaissance. "The actuary said in a low voice.

"How about the drone?" Lin Rui asked.

"Yes, we have two high-endurance drones, and they are small in size and noise. It should be difficult to detect if they move at night." Sausage nodded.

"Then try again at night." Lin Rui nodded.

That night they lurked again to the periphery of the base to conduct reconnaissance through drones.

This time it was relatively smooth, the drone was not detected. And I circled around the base a lot of circles, and photographed the whole picture of the base. Lots of local details.

Taking advantage of the night, Lin Rui and others recovered the drone and watched the transmitted video repeatedly.

The base was much bigger than they thought, looking more like a farm from the outside, surrounded by wire fences and security guards.

There are many warning points inside, but the degree of warning is not very high, just medium intensity.

The only trouble is the camera surveillance, the video captured by the drone can be clearly displayed, and the surveillance camera equipment with infrared function.

And the black spot prison they want to sneak into is in the depths of this training base, and the security is even tighter.

"That means we have to go through most of the base to get to the target we're infiltrating." Sausage looked at the video and shook his head. "There are guards along the way, all kinds of camera surveillance. What's worse, at this location of the base is Kennel.

There's likely to be military dogs in there, and that's a big problem. These guys' noses work better than monitors. You can smell it from a few hundred meters away.

If a dozen dogs bark like crazy while you sneak in. It's hard not to fail in such a sneak action. "

"Is an olfactory disruptor specially designed for dogs useful?" Lin Rui nodded and asked.

"Of course it works, but the place is very open and windy. Unlike in a relatively confined space, the dog's sense of smell will not be disturbed for long." Sergey nodded.

"If it were you, what would you do? What infiltration method would you use?" Lin Rui looked at Sergey and asked.

"There are too many surveillance cameras in this area. If you sneak in directly, the risk of exposure is very great. Unless you find a more suitable entry point.

If it were me, it would be nothing more than two ways, one in the air and one in the ground.

In short, avoid walking too much on the ground to prevent camera surveillance from capturing me.

To me, the most appropriate way is to drop by air. Land directly on the roof of the target building. ' Sergey whispered.

"If it's impossible, don't say it. We can't get a helicopter. Besides, the movement of the helicopter is bigger than several tractors combined." Lin Rui shook his head.

"How about the underground?" Sausage asked Sergey, turning his head.

"The meaning of underground is also simple, just look for the underground structure drawings of this base. Especially the pipeline part.

With such a large base, it is impossible to have no drainage pipes. Infiltrating through these pipes makes it possible to avoid numerous cameras and armed guards. Appears directly near the target villa. "

"But it's a pity that we don't have the blueprint there. Keben searched for a long time and couldn't find it. He thinks the original blueprint has been destroyed." Lin Rui frowned.

"Not exactly. I did find the blueprint for that base. What I didn't find was the internal structure drawing of the villa.

In addition to the situation inside the villa, the base and the surrounding situation, I still found it. ' Cobain replied.

"In other words, you have the blueprint for that base." Lin Rui asked.

"Well, it's actually only a small part. The base has been around for a long time, and in the late 1990s, it underwent a major renovation.

Just this pipeline diagram is going to be preserved. You can find their sewer system through this drawing.

Maybe we can also take a look at their drawings, what is the sewers around here? Where is the nearest sewer shaft? ' Cobain replied, manipulating the computer.

"Then check it now." Lin Rui nodded.

"There is a This is the drawing of the drainage system of their base. It seems that there is good news and bad news." Keben replied looking at the blueprint on the computer.

"What did you find?" Lin Rui leaned up and looked.

"The good news is that their drainage system is very old, which also means that the drainage pipes are large, over a meter two in diameter. Enough for a person to climb in.

But the bad news is that because this drainage system is old enough, various modifications have been carried out on this drainage system in the later period, so the complexity of the underground pipeline... Forget it, you should see for yourself. ' Cobain shook his head.

"Damn it, all these densely packed underground pipes? It's like a spider web." Lin Rui looked at the drawing with some helplessness.

"Warsaw is an old city with quite a history. Like many ancient cities in Europe, their sewers have been modified many times since they were built.

So now it's very complicated, and the underground pipelines are as dense as a cobweb. Even with a map, you may not be able to find the correct route. Not to mention crawling in the sewer. "Sergey spread his hands. "Welcome to the historical and cultural city. "

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