Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5320: confidential meeting

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The next day, the Moroccan side arrived on time. Their itinerary is extremely confidential. Before arriving, even Lin Rui and others did not know who came.

It was not until they met in the conference room that Lin Rui realized that all the big men came. There are not many people, but they are all high-level military personnel.

Among them are Mr. Elliott, the new minister of Morocco, and some that Lin Rui has dealt with before, such as General Evans and others.

But one of them, Lin Rui had never seen. This man was special because he was wearing a military uniform.

But this uniform is obviously not from the Moroccan military. So he looks a little different from this group of generals and the minister.

Lin Rui felt that this person was familiar, but he couldn't remember it at all.

So he frowned slightly and asked, "This gentleman is..."

Minister Elliott nodded, "The two have not met before, so let me introduce them. This is General Cloverkill, a major general of the British Army."

"British?" Lin Rui frowned slightly.

"This General Cloverfkill was originally the head of the British Forces in Kenya. He was recently transferred to the Joint Counter Terrorism Unit." Minister Elliott replied, "This one is..."

"No need to introduce, I've heard of Mr. Rick." General Cloverkill extended his hand to Lin Rui with a smile. "Boss of Trident Military Resources."

Lin Rui shook hands with him. After everyone sat down, Minister Elliott said with a smile, "Mr. Rick may think it's strange, it seems a bit unusual for us to meet like this.

But next, I would like to say that our meeting this time is under extreme secrecy. There will be no written record of anything we mention at the meeting. Any agreement that we have reached or anything discussed at the meeting is completely closed to the public.

Is there a problem with Mr. Rick? "

"Of course not." Lin Rui nodded. "But I want to know why? We're so secretive, what are we talking about?"

"Mr. Rick, when we first hired you. We hoped that you could relieve the pressure of counter-terrorism in Western Sahara for us in the way of the Western Sahara militia.

You did a very good job of this. You not only assisted General Quin, but also launched a series of anti-terrorist operations in Western Sahara.

And also assisting us, earning the trust of General Hassan. The local armed organizations in Western Sahara currently led by General Quin and General Hassan have achieved a series of major achievements in anti-terrorist operations.

We're pretty sure of that, you've done a really good job. "Minister Elliott nodded.

Lin Rui nodded, "Mr. Minister, we have signed a contract. You are our customer, and customer satisfaction is our aim."

"But." Minister Elliott whispered, "What I want to say is, however, that some things have developed beyond our expectations."

"Like what? Terrorist activities are getting more and more rampant?" Lin Rui asked.

"This is just one of them, and we believe it's just a superficial phenomenon. There may be a bigger conspiracy involved," Minister Elliott nodded.

"A conspiracy about what?" Lin Rui frowned.

"We believe that there is nothing wrong with General Hassan. However, we suspect that someone else is colluding with the terrorists. The repeated betrayal of our classified information has led to a series of failures in our operations.

The most suspicious of them is General Quinn. ' explained Minister Elliott.

"Quinn?" Lin Rui said stunned, "Are you telling me that Quinn might collude with terrorists?"

"I'm afraid this has been confirmed." Minister Elliott sighed, "We believe that Quinn colluded with terrorists and betrayed our intelligence many times."

"Wait, wait." Lin Rui waved his hand, "Let's make it clear first. General Quin is someone sent by your Moroccan military.

As far as I know, he is someone your military trusts very much. You sent him to appear in the name of the local armed forces in Western Sahara to lead the militia against the terrorists. Let me do my best to cooperate with him.

Now you tell me that he could be a terrorist? "

"Unfortunately, Mr. Rick. We have the evidence. Quinn was indeed sent by us, and he has been doing great.

But now we have multiple pieces of evidence pointing to the possibility that he has been bought by terrorists. It may even be a high-level terrorist himself. ' Minister Elliott sighed.

"Nonsense. General Quin is indeed a bit old-fashioned, but I think his loyalty to Morocco is unquestionable." Lin Rui shook his head. "We've worked together many times, and it's enough to prove that there's nothing wrong with General Quinn.

I don't know where you got the information, but I don't think such information is necessarily accurate. "

"Mr. Rick, listen to me first. I had the same reaction as you before, and I don't believe that General Quinn would be a spy.

But the fact is, we have a lot of and a lot of evidence has confirmed each other. Minister Elliott explained, "General Cloverkill's intelligence corroborates with ours.

In the end, it was concluded that General Quin was the man of the terrorists. And it is very likely that he himself is a high-level jihadist alliance. "

General Cloverkill nodded, "Two months ago, we raided the home of a group of jihadist terrorists and obtained some very valuable information.

These data show that there is a top jihadist alliance code-named Tiger Shark who has been providing military information to the jihadist alliance.

Much of this information is very sensitive, including counterterrorism intelligence in the Western Sahara region. After our research, these intelligences cannot be grasped by outsiders.

A lot of information only General Quin knew. Because the information was reported directly to General Quin from the Moroccan command headquarters.

There are no extra links in between. It is also impossible for anyone else to divulge this information.

Including the one a few months ago when Moroccan counter-terrorism forces suffered heavy losses. Someone secretly leaked information to terrorists. "

Lin Rui shook his head, "I know Quinn. He is a traditional soldier. He obeys the rules, and he obeys the rules too much. So sometimes it's a bit old-fashioned.

But you have to say that he colluded with terrorists and betrayed Moroccan intelligence. I would never believe it.

In addition, I also think that it is very unreasonable for you to question Quinn as a traitor based on some brief information obtained from terrorists. "

General Cloverkill shook his head, "Mr. Rick, I understand your mood. But in fact we have more than this information.

I have another piece of information here, which points out that General Quin is likely to be at the top of the jihadist alliance. "

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