Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5329: dangerous troops

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General Quin's departure went well, but in the days after he left, rumors spread.

Harold came to find Lin Rui in person, "Mr. Rick, General Quinn, told me when he left that you can be trusted. So I just wanted to ask you this time, what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Lin Rui looked at him and asked.

Harold said sharply, "There is news from Morocco that General Quin did not go to recuperate. Instead, he was directly arrested.

Because someone reported that he had ties to terrorists. And it is said that you already knew about it. I wonder what the **** is going on here. "

"Where did you hear these things?" Lin Rui frowned.

"The news has spread all over the place now. And Morocco has sent people over to take over our troops. I will ask you now, did you already know about this?

Was General Quin forced to return home? "Harold frowned.

"Yes, we and General Quinn both know about this. Someone reported that General Quinn was collaborating with the enemy, so he has to go back to Morocco for review." Lin Rui nodded.

"How is this possible?! Someone must be trying to frame the general." Harold roared.

"We all know it's impossible. But the decision made by Morocco won't change. General Quin knows this, and he's deliberately not telling you, just because he doesn't want chaos in your force.

It's best not to discuss this anymore. All you have to do now is stop the rumors and prevent the situation from escalating further. " Lin Rui replied.

"Why not discuss it? I think it should be discussed. We have absolutely nothing to do with the Moroccan side.

We are a local armed force and there is absolutely no need to obey any Moroccan order. What right do they have to arrest Quinn?

What's more, they sent someone to take over our unit. What the **** were they thinking? "Harold sneered. "Do we have to endure such an insult to us?" "

"No one needs to endure, and Quinn doesn't need it, but Quinn endured it. Because he has to ensure the safety of your troops." Lin Rui looked at him.

"Keep our troops safe? What do you mean?" Harold frowned.

"If Quinn told you he was taken back for investigation. All the officers, including you, couldn't bear it.

Your unit will completely fall out with the Moroccans, and together with the officers sent by the Moroccans, you plan to take over this unit.

There's bound to be a big mess by then. "Lin Rui whispered.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. No one in this unit can replace General Quinn. And no one can really replace General Quinn in leading this unit.

Including the unknown Moroccan officer. I will not hand over the command of this unit.

Not only will we not hand it over, we will also take that Moroccan officer as a hostage and exchange him for General Quin.

We don't care what the Moroccan army is. exclaimed Harold.

"This is the problem. General Quin doesn't want you to do this. That's why he took the initiative to go back." Lin Rui shook his head, "And if you do this, you are helping those who plan to harm him.

Because the idea of ​​​​this group of people is to cause even greater riots through the matter of General Quin. And this completely shakes the foundation of the local armed alliance in Western Sahara.

What General Quin was most afraid of was the fact that things had developed to this point. That's why he insisted on going to Morocco to be investigated and ordered you to take over the troops.

All he wants is for you to take control of the situation. "

Harold whispered, "But if the Moroccans are going to take over our army. The situation is completely out of our hands."

Lin Rui nodded, "That's right. So you can't hand over the command of the troops. As long as the troops are in your hands this time, the Moroccans will have nothing to do with you.

But you also can't fall out with the Moroccans, you still have to give them face under the surface. But it's just for face, you have to make them understand that it's impossible for you to hand over command.

The tougher your attitude, the more they can't do anything about you. But you have to master the degree of it.

You want the Moroccans to think that you are still in control, but not that they have the final say.

As long as you do these two things, your troops will be safe, and so will General Quin. "

Harold frowned, "Then what to do?"

"Follow my arrangements. I will try to cooperate with you. The officer sent by Morocco to replace General Quin will be here this afternoon.

Then we have to welcome these people. "Lin Rui leaned to his side and whispered, "We will arrange it like this..."

In the afternoon, the Moroccan officers finally arrived. They came with three or four people, two of whom were colonels of the Royal Army.

After they took out the order of the Moroccan command.

Lin Rui did not explicitly reject them either. I took them to find Harold.

Harold's soldiers were already waiting in line.

"Colonel Harold, I heard that you are a capable general of General Quin. It looks really good today, and your detachment is training quite well." One of the colonels looked at the soldiers lining up for the review.

Harold ignored them, but saluted the troops!

The soldiers of the army also all salute him.

The Moroccan officers also saluted at the same time, when their salute was over. Those soldiers still raised their hands one by one, and they all faced one direction at the same time.

"This is..." A Moroccan officer looked at Harold hesitantly.

"The soldiers are saluting their officers. Isn't General Quinn going to Morocco? They are saluting in the direction of Morocco," Harold replied.

This made several Moroccan officers quite embarrassed.

"Colonel We were ordered to take over this unit this time. Look..." one of the colonels whispered.

"It's best not to say things like this, it will be troublesome for the soldiers to hear about it. When General Quin was leaving, he told me to be optimistic about the troops.

So I've been holding on to them all the time now, barely able to get the situation under control. If several officers, show their intentions to them.

I guess they won't welcome you, maybe even more aggressive. ' Harold replied.

"More aggressive action? Colonel Harold, what do you mean? You mean they will disobey orders?" one of the Moroccan officers frowned.

"It's more serious than that. In fact, this unit is only under the orders of General Quin. They will not obey anyone but General Quin.

Not to mention that General Quin is now being investigated by Morocco. The idea of ​​you wanting to control this force is very dangerous in itself.

Not only did they disobey orders, they could mutiny at any time. "Harold was expressionless.

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