Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5357: crisis time

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The news of Braque's battle kept coming. According to these sources, the troop input of the jihadist alliance is still further increasing.

The outer defense of Brack has basically been destroyed, and the two sides launched a tug-of-war around the outer positions of Brack.

Several surrounding towns were successively occupied by the Jihad Alliance, and other troops of the Popular Front of Western Sahara were also reinforcing Braque.

The two sides also fought fierce battles around the surrounding towns on the outskirts of Brac.

This makes the scale of Braque's battle gradually expand.

"From the current point of view, the fighting has a tendency to expand. But it is actually quite unfavorable for the Western Sahara People's Front." The actuary looked at the intelligence report.

"Tell me what you think." Lin Rui nodded.

"The current fighting has expanded from Braque to several towns around Braque. This means that the forces of the Popular Front for Western Sahara will be further dispersed.

They still had a considerable number of troops around, and these troops could have provided effective support to Brack.

But judging from the current situation, the jihadist alliance attacked the towns where these troops are located at the same time, which forced them to be unable to spare their hands to support Brack.

This also shows that they have a considerable advantage in Braque. "The actuary will analyze it.

"How long can the Western Sahara People's Front be in Braque?" Lin Rui asked.

"I'm afraid the situation is not optimistic. The best case is that they can hold out for three or four days. The worst case may not be more than two days.

At present, the Popular Front for Western Sahara has begun to ask for help, and the Moroccans will simply ignore them.

Their only hope is the Six Nations Anti-Terrorism Alliance.

And we just got word that the six-nation anti-terrorist coalition has ordered to support them at all costs. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.

"Six Nations Anti-Terrorism Alliance? But at present, their troops in Western Sahara are only the Orumi Federal Army, and the Orumi Federal Army is basically controlled by the secret society.

They are the mastermind behind all this, how could they possibly support the Popular Front for Western Sahara? "Lin Rui shook his head.

"But from the information we got, the fact is just the opposite. The Olumi Federal Army has already started operations, and the advance is very fast, and it is heading towards Braque." The actuary replied.

"Bang." Lin Rui slammed his fist on the table, "This is a trick, a trick at all. If they don't participate, the Western Sahara People's Front will last at least two days.

But if they were involved, the Popular Front for Western Sahara would not hold out for two days. The Orumi Federal Army was not there to support them at all. They were simply supporting them under the pretext of being involved in the attack on Burak.

This is simply bringing wolves into the house. Damn, no one could have imagined that the troops of the Six Nations Anti-Terrorism Alliance were attacking Black with the terrorists. "

Kuaima said in surprise, "No way? They have to cover up anyway. It's impossible to directly participate in the attack on Blake, right?"

"How do you know it won't? There is a melee on the outskirts of Braque, and the Oromi Federation Army can participate in this melee on the pretext of supporting the Western Sahara People's Front and eliminating terrorists.

And in such a melee, who knows which side he is really attacking? "Lin Rui shook his head helplessly and said, "The participation of the Olumi Federal Army in the war means that the overall situation has been settled. We now have to plan for Braque to fall into the hands of the Society. "

"Do they really dare to blatantly attack Blake with terrorists?" Yelena said in surprise.

"That's just one possibility, the bigger possibility is that they used the banner of support to make way for Braque's Popular Front for Western Saharan forces.

What would you do if you were the commander of the Popular Front for the Popular Front of Western Sahara in Braque, and when the army was under siege, reinforcements came over and opened an escape route for you? "Lin Rui asked back.

"This..." Yelena frowned slightly.

"In order to preserve its strength, the Western Sahara People's Front will definitely choose to withdraw. The Orumi Federal Army not only successfully led them away, avoiding further fighting and easily occupying Braque. At the same time, it also sold the Western Sahara People's Front a big favor.

The abacus was so good. The Grand Duke of the Secret Society really made a good move. Lin Rui closed his eyes in deep thought.

The actuary Kishi also nodded and stopped talking, which was regarded as acquiescing to Lin Rui's opinion.

"Then Braque really fell?" Sergey hesitated.

"Even if we haven't fallen yet, we won't be able to last for long. In the end, Braque will fall. We have to plan for the worst." Lin Rui stood up and walked to the map.

"Once they capture Braque, their next move must be Metmalfagh, north of Imirikli.

Meitmalfaq is located in the northern part of the Alidale Salt Flats.

This is a very important town, leading north to Laayoune and south to Imricli. To the west, Lemside, the west coast of the African continent, Cape Bojador, Cabo Bojador and Orpheus.

The goal that the secret society wants to achieve is just one step away. "The actuary spread out Kishi's map.

"So Met Malfaq must not be lost." Lin Rui took a deep breath and said, "Once we lose it, we will lose all our advantages. Once they control the west coast of Western Sahara. We used to be in central Western Sahara before. All the advantages that have been established will not be worth mentioning.”

"Mitmalfaq, which was previously under Morocco control. But the fighting between Morocco and the Popular Front for Western Sahara made it a ceasefire zone.

Morocco was also forced to withdraw from Met Marfaq and instead heavily guard Laayoune.

The current Met Malfaq is controlled by local armed forces. They were originally a group of pro-Moroccan local militias.

However, after the Moroccans withdrew from Metmalfaq, they had a lot of resentment against the Moroccans. It is believed that the Moroccans abandoned Met Malfaq.

So they also joined the local army alliance. Currently they belong to the Fourth Corps of the Local Army Alliance. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.

"How many militiamen are there in these places?" Lin Rui asked.

"There are only about 1,000 people. The leader is a Berber man named Basalom. Currently following General Hassan." The actuary general replied.

"Immediately notify General Hassan that I want him to organize a meeting of the officers above the company. All local armed officers who were originally from Metmalfagh requested to participate." Lin Rui said immediately.

"A meeting at this time? Boss, are you planning to..." Sergey asked.

"Yes, a meeting must be held immediately to discuss the defense of Mike Malfagor. Braque may be captured at any time. The meeting must be held immediately and arranged immediately." Lin Rui said solemnly.

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