Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5377: artillery fire

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The battle just stopped, Lin Rui gestured to the actuary Jiangan with the communicator in his hand, "Follow me to the frontline observation post."

The actuary nodded, and the two of them arrived at the observation post on the field immediately. This is a very good place to observe, and you can still see the smoke from the anti-tank trenches from a distance.

"Looking at the battle, isn't it small?" Lin Rui said in a low voice, holding the binoculars, "This time it's just a tentative attack. The real pressure is behind."

"Yeah, I don't know if those guys on the field can hold it." The actuary Kishi whispered.

Lin Rui held up the telescope to observe the changes on the position. A large number of jihadist alliance soldiers have begun to retreat, and occasionally a few soldiers can be seen running around in panic.

Lin Rui put down the binoculars, and said to the actuary, "Tell the troops to prepare to defend against enemy artillery fire and enter the anti-artillery bunker.

This round of attacks was thwarted. If the enemy makes a little rectification, they will definitely launch artillery bombardment, and take shelling as the guide to launch an impact on our army's positions. "

"Understood." The actuary nodded Kishi.

"The defensive position where the second battalion is located is the only way for the enemy to advance towards us. The second battalion's position is higher, and it is close to the road. Without control of the highland road, it is impossible to pass.

Therefore, their pressure should be the greatest. Anti-tank trenches can only play a role temporarily, and it is impossible to keep the enemy out forever. They must be strengthened and supplemented. "Lin Rui held up the telescope. While observing, he whispered.

"The second battalion, together with the fourth battalion, set up two joint lines of defense, commanding a commanding height. The enemy was completely under our fire.

But due to our current shortage of equipment and ammunition, we have not deployed the traditional defensive ring fortifications. It is a ladder defense, combining light and heavy.

We have placed machine guns and infantry support weapons on the front line to exploit the limited power of heavy firearms.

But on the front line, we only deployed a small part of our troops, and the rest of the troops were hidden in the second line when it was crucial to recharge and attack the enemy.

In addition, we are still asking the soldiers to dig fortifications. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.

"You are more experienced than me in this regard, and you are always more thoughtful than I thought." Lin Rui nodded, "Added that I asked each fighter to dig at least two bunkers.

We must fully consider the situation that the bunker is damaged after the enemy's artillery bombardment and cannot be repaired in time. "

"I have taken this into consideration." The actuary Kishi nodded. "In addition, I have strengthened a reserve team there, which can be taken up at any time in a crisis. The reserve team has only one task, and that is to assist the second and fourth battalions."

Lin Rui finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "With you here, I think I should take up arms and fight, and leave everything here to you. Otherwise, I feel that I am a bit redundant here."

The actuary Kishi shook his head, "You can't say that. You are the operational commander, and I'm just a staff officer at best. I'm afraid this battle will be hard, and we can't afford to lose our commander.

So until the last minute, you have to stay in command.

When it really comes to the last minute, I'll take the gun with you. "

Lin Rui nodded, "Thank you."

"Everyone is a brother of life and death. Say thank you and go out." Actuary Jiang Kishi smiled.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, in the position that had been silent for a while, I thought of the violent artillery fire again.

This time, under the cover of artillery fire, the terrorists of the jihadist coalition launched an attack on the outer positions.

The first attack was a position in charge of the Eighth Company of the Second Battalion. The soldiers of the local alliance were hiding in individual bunkers against shelling, and everyone was disgraced.

To be honest, when I asked them to dig these bunkers. Soldiers from many local alliances are simply unwilling to do it. They don't understand why they are fighting, and they have to dig holes with shovels.

What's more, it is both sandy and salt marsh soil, and the defensive offensive is not so easy to dig. It was completely under the strict order of Lin Rui and others, and it was a last resort.

But after the shelling ended, they discovered that it was these bunkers that saved their lives in the end.

The terrorists of the jihadist alliance bypassed the direction of the anti-tank trench and launched an attack on the position of the second battalion.

Due to the shortage of equipment and ammunition, and the limited training of the armed forces in these places, Lin Rui requested that the opponent be placed at a distance of 30 meters before firing violently.

The heavy firepower deployed in advance formed a crossfire network. Inflict serious damage to the opponent and force him to retreat.

Lin Rui went back and forth between the observation post and the headquarters. When he was in the observation post, he found that the enemy's key attack positions were all at the position of the Eighth Company.

After careful observation, he found that the position of that position was at the junction with the four battalion positions.

The enemy chooses this position as a breakthrough, not only easy to approach the position, but also can use the dunes on both sides to form a shooting dead angle for the local coalition forces.

The dunes on one side are natural shelters for the retreating camp of the attacking assembly.

Lin Rui immediately called the sausage and handed him the telescope in his hand.

"What's wrong, boss?" Sausage was a little dazed.

"Have you seen that location? The dunes over If the battle persists until tonight, the outer positions of the second camp have not been taken down.

I want you to take advantage of the darkness and lead people to plant a lot of explosives and mines over there. "Lin Rui whispered.

"You mean, when they attack again, we'll give them a surprise attack?" Sausage understood.

"Smart. You gave me the right spot, don't make a mistake when you act at night." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder.

After the enemy withdrew, more artillery fire was concentrated to attack the position here. But still not very effective.

Those anti-artillery bunkers in the trenches played a big role. But even so, there were still many local alliance soldiers who had their eardrums bruised.

An old soldier patted the recruit on the head angrily, "When the shelling is done, open your mouth, you know? If you don't want to be injured, you have to do this. No matter how much sand and soil there is, after the bombing, just spit it out."

The recruit was ignorant and nodded shyly.

In fact, what this veteran said is very reasonable. He has worked in artillery before.

During shelling, artillerymen usually open their mouths to equalize the air pressure in and out of the mouth. Because when the gun is fired, a lot of gunpowder gas will be ejected from the muzzle. It will have a big impact on the people next to the artillery, just like the shock wave of the explosion.

If you do not open your mouth, it will cause an imbalance in the pressure between the inside and outside of the eardrum. In severe cases, the tympanic membrane may be perforated.

In fact, the explosion of the incoming shell is also a principle. In addition to the shrapnel killing, the other killing of the shell is the explosion shock wave.

If it really hits the front, it's useless. Even if there is not a single wound on his body, he will be shocked to death.

However, if the distance is far away and it is in the bunker, the impact of the impact will of course be much smaller, and opening the mouth can also prevent the eardrum from being damaged.

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