Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5501: difficult decision

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Hammer was a little angry, and his face became more and more gloomy. "Rick, you did help us. But it doesn't mean that you can command us. It doesn't mean that you can insult us wanton."

"I'm not insulting others, and I'm not insulting you." Lin Rui turned to look at the others in the conference room, "Everyone should know the current situation better than me.

The current situation has reached the most critical time. My take is that the command team moved to a safer place with me.

The remaining large-scale troops are all broken into pieces, continuing your previous model, scattered and lurking, and waiting for an opportunity. to avoid larger losses. "

Most of the people in the conference room were silent, and many people were looking at the hammer.

After being silent for a while, Iron Hammer finally looked at Lin Rui, "Which way are we going?"

Lin Rui said decisively, "East, go to the border. That's the area where the Orumi Federal Army is the most vulnerable.

I have already contacted, as long as you withdraw from this area, someone will be in charge of receiving you.

Go to the border, that's the only safe place there. And, if the situation gets worse, you can get out of the border and go to a neighboring country.

If the situation improves, you can dive back into the Oromi Federation. This is the only safe way to go.

The three autonomous provinces cannot be preserved. But if the territory is lost, it can still be recaptured. As long as your overall strength is not further weakened, there is still a chance.

On the other hand, if you stay here and fight to the death, not only will the territory still not be preserved, but your strength will be greatly weakened.

Even if you want to start all over again, you can't do it without three or five years of strength accumulation. "

Hammer was silent for a while, and said, "But if we withdraw like this now, it will be a major blow to all those who support us.

We had nothing before, but we have support and sympathy for our Oromi Commonwealth people. As long as we have the support of the people, we will not lose.

But what if we let them down? Will people still support us? While they were hopeful that we could deliver them, we let them down.

Is there anything that hurts them more than that? We say we represent the people of Oromi, but the truth is that we let them down time and time again.

Do you think we can still gain their trust in the future? "

Hammer's words actually represent the opinions of most resistance leaders.

Militarily, they really should have been evacuated. But in another sense, they feel they have nowhere to go.

There was an awkward silence in the entire conference room.

In the end, someone stood up and said, "I agree to evacuate."

"I also agree to evacuate..."

"I think we have to stay. The three autonomous provinces are what we paid for. We can't let the blood of our compatriots go to waste."

"I agree to withdraw. Under the current situation, withdrawing to preserve strength is the best way."

In the conference room, the opinions of everyone still could not be unified.

Lin Rui turned to the hammer, "Your attitude is the key now. If you agree to evacuate, you can avoid a lot of meaningless sacrifices.

If you are stubborn and think these sacrifices are necessary. I am afraid that the Hammer Resistance Organization will never stay.

I still hope that you will allow me to take away those who agree to evacuate. Last hope for the resistance. "

Hammer hesitated again and again, looked at the comrades in the conference room who were fighting side by side with him, gritted his teeth and said, "If you are willing to evacuate, follow me and Rick."

Hammer finally compromised, and his attitude affected the rest of the resistance.

In the end, only a few expressed a willingness to stay. And these people who stayed, almost all had the determination to die.

Lin Rui did not force them any further. He just nodded to the hammer, "Then disband the troops, you all come with me. After letting the people who stay cut you off, I'll give you an hour to say goodbye to them."

Lin Rui turned around and walked out of the conference room. The hammer's attitude loosened at the critical moment, which was equivalent to saving most of the people.

But I'm afraid those who stay will never see each other again... Just give them some time to make a retreat and say goodbye to each other.

Lin Rui walked out of the conference room, and his mercenaries surrounded him.

"How is the boss?" Sergey asked.

"The Hammer agrees. But there are still a few people who insist on staying. That's fine. They leave as a whole, and there must be someone who stays behind." Lin Rui sighed.

"How are the preparations for the evacuation passage?"

Sausage replied: "We will keep in touch all the time. Mr. Aladdin's staff will ensure that the evacuation channel is unobstructed. The front line to the east is still safe.

If we're fast enough, there won't be any threats for at least two days. "

"That's it. When their meeting is over, the evacuation tasks should all be arranged.

We took these leaders of the resistance army and evacuated according to the original plan. It didn't take two days at all, and within one day we were able to withdraw smoothly. "

Yelena frowned, "But you still have to be careful about the situation along the way, if the Oromi Federation Army keeps up with it in time, we may face pressure from the north.

There are a lot of people gathered in the Orumi Federal Army, and their vanguard may be able to intercept us. "

"This is only theoretically possible." Lin Rui replied, "In fact, our evacuation scale is too small to attract the attention of the Orumi Federal Army.

There is little chance of being intercepted. But you have to pay attention to this situation.

So we have to have an early warning along the way, and let Aladdin's people help us keep an eye on the spot. As soon as a situation arises along the way, we must avoid the danger zone.

Because our number is too, we must avoid all possible situations of firefighting with the Orumi Federal Army. "

Yelena nodded, "I will inform them."

"There is another situation, Boss." Sausage came over, "We just got the news that the Orumi Federal Army has increased its troops in the northwestern region.

The Red Baron's troops joined the Wehrmacht in the northwestern part of the Oromi Federation.

They will most likely launch a powerful offensive in the northwest. "

"This is most likely the key offensive they launched." Lin Rui nodded. "Kasan's Anmore coalition, have you been notified?"

"They have been informed, and they said they would try their best to cooperate with our evacuation and try to hold back this enemy force. But I'm afraid it won't be too long.

Kassan thought they could hold off for a day at most, and then they would retreat to the Anmore area. ' replied the sausage.

"We're running out of time. Whether we can evacuate successfully, we have to grab time with the other party." Lin Rui nodded.

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