Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5647: life and death

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The shells of the Gustav recoilless guns accurately hit the armored vehicles that were chasing after them.

The huge explosion blew the entire armored vehicle to the ground, blowing thick smoke.

Beard succeeded in one shot, pushed away the Gustav recoilless gun in his hand, turned around and shouted, "Take advantage of the opportunity to withdraw!"

The combat capability and level of the Crimson Tide troops are completely incomparable to those of the Orumi Federation Army.

After the armored vehicle was destroyed, they did not have any panic and hesitation at all, but resolutely implemented the established strategy.

Several off-road vehicles quickly surrounded them. Start from the two wings and attack the middle. Although Bearded and others have been non-stop, shooting at the enemies who are outflanking them.

However, the vehicles of the Crimson Tide troops were still getting closer. At this distance, they can almost see each other's faces clearly.

Occasionally, bullets penetrated the vehicle, hitting the occupants of the vehicle.

Beard had no time to adjust the recoilless gun, so he could only set up a machine gun to shoot at full force, hoping to use the firepower to suppress the opponent's pursuit speed.

"Da da da..." The gunshots rang out, and the metal bullet casings kept falling into the car. The enemy's bullets are also constantly whistling.

The fragile body iron of the armed pickup cannot stop the penetration of bullets at all.

Several members of the Hammer Resistance Group in the car tried to lower their bodies as much as possible. But under the ruthless cleaning of the bullet rain, two people were still shot.

But these members of the Hammer Resistance Organization are indeed worthy of being brave.

Even if he was wounded, he continued to fight.

A member of the resistance group, pressing the wound with one hand and pulling the trigger with the other, opened fire at the vehicle behind.

The blood from the wound continued to seep out, and the blood that came out was viscous, even a little sticky. This is a harbinger of organ bleeding.

"Puff puff." The bullet hit the seat of the vehicle, and the sound was dull.

There was an obvious pause in the bearded movement, and at this moment he knew that he had been shot.

Several bullets also penetrated his body after penetrating the vehicle seat.

"You were shot!" The driver turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

The bearded man touched the blood on his waist with his hand, shook his head, and continued to fight with a gun.

"They've got their eyes on me. I'll lower the speed to attract their attention more. The other vehicles will continue to move forward as planned."

"Remember, we have to drag them to the end. To be able to successfully drag them is our victory." Beard put down the communicator.

His hands were covered in blood, but he still wiped his body nonchalantly. Raising the gun while firing, one asked the driver to slow down.

The driver knows, in a chase like this. Slowing down, or even stopping, means nothing.

But he also carried out the bearded order without hesitation.

The vehicle is decelerating. Slowly slid forward for dozens of meters, and then stopped.

Taking advantage of this process, Beard added another shell to the recoilless gun.

But it wasn't until this time that he discovered that the sight of the recoilless gun had been destroyed by the stray bullet.

He could only pat the driver and lowered his voice, "Slow down and stop the car."

The driver had already picked up an assault rifle, slammed down, and slammed on the brakes.

In such a vehicle pursuit process, once the vehicle stops, it means that it becomes a living target for the opponent.

Not only the driver, but the other members of the Hammer Resistance Group in the car also understood what the beard wanted to do.

No one objected. Instead, they all silently replaced a new magazine.

The vehicle stopped.

In fact, the car won't be able to drive for long. One rear wheel has been completely blown out.

The team members got off the car one after another, relying on the vehicle to launch a violent counterattack on the members of the red tide troops who were chasing.

The bullets of the Red Tide troops penetrated the vehicles and hit them. Blood stained on the yellow sand, shocking.

There were teammates falling down all the time, but the bearded man didn't even look at it. Just mechanically raise the gun and shoot until a bullet hits him.

The bearded man, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, finally couldn't support his heavy body and fell to the ground.

Bearded in a coma, he felt someone approaching. He stretched out his hand, instinctively wanting to grab the weapon beside him.

But the assault rifle was kicked away by a foot wearing military boots.

Albert's car couldn't stop either, and he got out of it.

Albert looked at the bearded man who was trying to resist dying and asked loudly, "Where is Felix?!"

Bearded looked up at him without saying a word.

"Your mission is well done. You have done your best, and now you can tell me where Felix is." Albert shouted.

"You haven't won yet." The bearded man raised his head with difficulty and spat out blood and sand in his mouth. "You will never win."

People from the Orumi Federal Army ran over to report, "A total of six people, including the driver, have been killed. No target was found."

The bearded man smiled and said, "As I said, you will never win."

"Unfortunately I have already won. And I will always win to the end." Albert held out his hand.

The soldier of the Orumi Federation Army handed him the weapon in his hand.

Albert took the assault rifle. With the muzzle of a gun on the bearded head. "I ask again, where is the man?"

"You—never—will win!" the Beard yelled with all his might. He was bleeding from many wounds on his body, and he lost a lot of blood, leaving his face bloodless.

"There are still a few cars in front... These people are desperately protecting the cars in front of them and breaking I'm afraid Felix is ​​still in the convoy in front." The officer of the Red Tide Force whispered.

"Go after them and kill them. Felix must die. These resistance members must die too!" Albert pulled the trigger.

The impact kinetic energy of the bullet made the bearded instinctively lean back. He lay in this desert and used his life to complete his commitment to this mission.

Albert dropped the weapon in his hand, and his expression became quite ugly, "Continue to pursue, none of these people can be let go."

"My people have already caught up. They have been staring at the cars in front of them. If Felix is ​​in the convoy in front, then he has no chance of escaping." The officer of the Red Tide Force sneered.

"Let's chase!" Albert said with a gloomy face.

Obviously, the tough attitude of these hammer resistance organizations made him feel very uncomfortable. He even began to wonder if Felix was in the team ahead?

But at this point, it was obviously impossible to give up the pursuit.

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